Best sites to practice your programming logic 💻

Miguel - May 26 - - Dev Community

Hello everyone! Here are some of the best options (in my opinion) to practice and improve your programming logic:

  • Codewars: Tackle programming challenges known as "katas" that range from beginner to advanced levels, in various languages.

  • Adventjs: Participate in daily challenges during the holiday season. It's a great way to stay motivated and improve your skills with JavaScript.

  • Hackerrank: A wide variety of programming problems and technical interview challenges in multiple languages. Perfect for preparing for job interviews.

  • Exercism: Offers practical exercises in over 50 programming languages, with the option to receive personalized mentorship.

  • Edabit: Practice with short and quick challenges, suitable for both beginners and more experienced programmers.

  • Project euler: Mathematical and programming challenges that will help you improve your logical and algorithmic skills.

I hope you find these platforms useful and enjoy enhancing your programming skills. Happy coding!

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