What is the difference between Element and Component in React?

Mike Varenek - Apr 7 - - Dev Community

In React, elements and components are the building blocks for your user interface, but they serve different purposes:


A plain object describing what you want to see on the screen.
Think of it as a blueprint for a UI element.
Contains properties like:

  • type: The type of element, like an HTML tag (div, p, etc.) or a custom component.
  • props: Additional attributes to customize the element (e.g., text content, styling).
  • Immutable: Once created, an element's properties cannot be changed.
  • Simple and lightweight.


A reusable piece of code that defines how a part of your UI looks and behaves.
Can be a function or a class.

  • Takes input through props (similar to element props) and optionally manages its own internal state.
  • Returns a React element describing the UI it represents. This element is then used by React to update the DOM.
  • Can have lifecycle methods that respond to events like creation, updates, or destruction.
  • More complex and powerful than elements.


  • Think of elements as Lego bricks. They are the individual pieces that come in various shapes and colors.
  • Components are like Lego instructions. They tell you how to assemble the bricks to create a specific structure (a car, a house, etc.).

Here are code examples illustrating elements and components in ReactJS:


// Element representing a heading:
const myHeading = <h1>Welcome to my React app!</h1>;

// Rendering the element to the DOM:
ReactDOM.render(myHeading, document.getElementById('root'));
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// Functional component:
function WelcomeMessage(props) {
  return <h2>Hello, {props.name}!</h2>;

// Class component:
class Greeting extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h3>Greetings, {this.props.user}!</h3>;

// Using the components:
    <WelcomeMessage name="Bob" />
    <Greeting user="Alice" />
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Key points:

  • Elements are simple objects, often created using JSX, describing UI parts.
  • Components are reusable code blocks that can return elements, manage state, and handle events.
  • Functional components: Just a JavaScript function returning elements.
  • Class components: Extend React.Component with lifecycle methods for deeper control.
  • Props: Pass data to components for customization.

In summary:

Elements are the what (the UI structure).
Components are the how (how to render the UI and manage its behavior).

More info:
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Passing data in React

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