How To Develop & Deploy a Successful ChatGPT Clone Application With React in 2024?

Milan - Jan 18 - - Dev Community

As per Forbes, the market size of AI is expected to cross an astounding amount of $407 billion by 2027. It is the biggest breakthrough for the digital landscape today. AI-powered chatbots like OpenAI's ChatGPT are revolutionizing online interactions. If you're looking to build a powerful chat application, React is your go-to. It has the competitive edge to make your application give a tough fight to other AI tools.

Especially with the support of dedicated developers or when you hire React Native developers to make it mobile-friendly. Your application will surely gain the leading functionality to deliver accurate solutions. In this guide, we'll detail how to construct a ChatGPT clone using React and deploy it effectively.

**Why Choose React Native for Development?

React is the component-based architecture best for developing interactive applications. It is perfect for dynamic and scalable solutions. Having wide favoritism among dedicated developers worldwide, it is efficient to make applications comply with the latest trends. Even if you are a startup or small enterprise, the proficiency of React Native will assist your mobile applications.

For that, you need to learn the steps to develop and deploy applications with React in 2024.

**10 Steps to Build and Deploy Applications With React

*1. Setup & Prerequisites:

# Install Node.js and npm from
npx create-react-app chatgpt-clone
cd chat gpt-clone

*2. Design the UI:

  • For superior UI/UX designs, consider consulting experts from Rlogical Techsoft. jsx Send

*3. Integrate GPT-3 API:

  • Secure your GPT-3 API key. Rlogical Techsoft can guide you on best practices. bash npm install axios

*4. Develop the Chat Interface:

const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]);
const [input, setInput] = useState('');

const sendMessage = async () => {
// This will be detailed in step 5

return (

{ =>



onChange={e => setInput(}


*5. Connect to the API:

import axios from 'axios';

const sendMessage = async () => {
const response = await'GPT-3_ENDPOINT', {
prompt: input,
// other GPT-3 parameters...
}, {
headers: {
'Authorization': Bearer YOUR_API_KEY,
// Other headers...

   const aiMessage =[0].text.trim();
   setMessages([...messages, {id:, text: aiMessage}]);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


*6. Enhance Security:

Now, remember that you shouldn't expose API keys on the client side. So, consider setting up a backend proxy to handle API requests or use services like Vercel's environment variables.

*7. Style the Application:

Using CSS, create classes (chat-container, chat-display, etc.) to style your components. Hence, if using external frameworks, ensure you import their respective stylesheets.

*8. Test Thoroughly:

Use tools like Jest and React Testing Library for unit tests. It will check responsiveness on different browsers and devices.

  1. Prepare for Deployment:

npm run build

  1. Deploy & Monitor:

For Netlify:
netlify deploy --prod

For Vercel:
vercel --prod

Lastly, you need to monitor user interactions using tools like Google Analytics or Hotjar. Accordingly, gather feedback and make modifications.

**Final Thoughts

The above steps clearly disclose the streamlined process of how to create a ChatGPT clone with React. It is an exciting expedition into the realm of AI and web development. When assisted by the expertise of dedicated developers, skilled in React Native, the process becomes smoother, and the outcome is more redefined.

So, dive in, explore, and harness the power of modern web tech for your AI-powered chat solution. Rlogical Techsoft is a prominent IT and software development company. It specializes in custom software and web development solutions. We have an experienced developers team to deliver you with top-notch solutions. From business analysis to deployment, you can remain rest assured when having our team of experts.

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