Calling all Replit users!

MilesWK - Dec 30 '24 - - Dev Community

Hello DEV community!

Since Replit removed all the community features from there platform, I wanted to reconnect with those who I used to work with, and allow other people to connect with other users of Replit, both former and current.

Here is what you should do

  1. (GitHub users) Head over to this ReplitConnections GitHub profile and create a pull request and add your username to the list, because Replit profile pages still exist, but people can't search for them. You can also follow this profile to receive updates.
  2. Spread the word! I want this to get big. I want more people to learn about this and contribute. Maybe we could start something like "#reconnectreplit"
  3. Comment on this DEV post or on the GitHub discussion page to reconnect users around.

Thank you!

Edit quickly after I shared this
I made the post on the discussion pages, and I am already getting replies, and it is growing. Thanks ya'll

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