Introducing Strateg: The Yield Infrastructure Layer

Mode - Jul 19 - - Dev Community

The DeFi Ecosystem has seen significant growth over the past few years, with a staggering increase in TVL by 75.1% this year, this only shows the importance of decentralized finance protocols in driving innovation in the finance industry.

The interesting thing about this growth is that it cuts across every Defi sub-sector and is not limited to big players in the industry. The five sectors showing significant growth include Yield protocols, stablecoins, money markets, prediction markets, and derivatives.

This growth has also brought about more protocols with increasing complexities for a basic user. These protocols try to solve DeFi problems while paying less attention to user experience and accessibility. While we can try to educate people on using our complex tooling and infrastructure, we should make it more accessible. People don’t care about the underlying technology behind your protocol, they only care that it works and is readily accessible.

Strateg is solving this problem of accessibility by revolutionizing the way yield is generated in the Defi Ecosystem. In this article, we will cover all about it and more.

What is Strateg?

Strateg is an ominichain social yield infrastructure that provides users with the ability to CREATE and Implement complex yield strategies across multiple chains while also providing a profitable way to SHARE these strategies with your audience, communities, users, and clients. Through a solid data set, user-friendly tooling, and secure smart contract infrastructure, Strateg enables the global adoption of complex DeFi strategies by millions of businesses and users.

Strateg provides a suite of tools and infrastructure that lets you harness the opportunities in DeFi by providing a way for users to EARN profits through any protocol on any chain. Whether you’re looking to maximize your yields thereby increasing your risk by investing in multiple protocols or you want to minimize your risks and invest in a few, Strateg has got you covered, Just bring in your assets and you will be provided with a strategy that fits your needs.

What can I do with Strateg?

As I mentioned earlier, you can create complex yield strategies, share these strategies with your audience, and also earn profits from your yields. Let’s explore how it all works in this section.

1. Creating Complex Yield Strategies
Defi has given us the ability to put our assets in multiple protocols at once and expect profit from each one of them. This can be in the form of Restaking or borrowing against a deposit in a liquidity pool and investing in another protocol. All these complex steps require research, a well-versed knowledge of the protocol, and knowing where to find the best yields.

Complex strategies are put together by Defi experts who know where to find the best yields, understand risk management, and have done well-rounded research on protocols to invest in.

2. Leveraging Complex Strategies
For an Inexperienced Defi user or someone who wants to make a quick investment, going through the process of research, understanding risk management, and knowing which protocols are safe and profitable to invest in can be overwhelming. This alone can prevent a user from investing at all and this is the problem of accessibility I spoke about earlier.

With Strateg, users can leverage the strategies provided by experts thereby delegating the heavy lifting while they simply invest in a non-custodial manner while considering their risk appetite.

3. Earn from sharing Strategies
Up until now, Defi experts, Researchers, and crypto degens have always provided their audience with their knowledge for free on social media platforms (Like YouTube and Twitter). But, what if there is a way to monetize every strategy you provide?

Strateg provides a way to earn, depending on the performance of the strategy. The strategy creator receives a performance fee called the “creator fee”. This goes a long way in encouraging the creator to create more reliable strategies, making it a win-win situation for the creator and the user.

4. Integrations and partnerships:
Strateg white-label integrations facilitated by the use of tools such as widgets, SDK, and API enable a fluid and unique experience with leading blockchains and protocols.
Pilot programs will generate valuable customer testimonials and demonstrate real successes, fostering trust and adoption.
Making yield generation accessible to everyone, without the technical hassle is the key. Then forge strategic alliances with key industry players to accelerate growth and adoption.


From a basic user perspective, you can now choose strategies based on the reputation and the track record of the creator. The creator on the other hand puts in sufficient effort to come up with reliable strategies because they earn from the strategies.

Strateg is still in private beta and undergoing security audits, but you can connect with the team and community for announcements and updates with the links provided below

If you’re a Defi protocol interested in what strateg is building and want to be part of it you can check out this form.

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