Mohammad Alothman’s Guide to Understanding the Nine Types of AI and Their Real-World Uses

Mohammed Alothman - Dec 31 '24 - - Dev Community

I, Mohammad Alothman, am going to take you through an interesting journey of different types of artificial intelligence and the impact they place in our lives. For example, I, as CEO of AI Tech Solutions, have lived and breathed the use of AI in industry, in everyday life, and in ways that challenge the limits of what technology can be used for.

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To get along in the modern world, one should familiarize themselves with various types of AI and its practical use to be abreast of how this technology is changing many fields.

Let us here break down the nine primary kinds of AI types as developed over time and explain, or better yet, discuss a few practical applications in which today's society is becoming a part of.

However, the nature of evolution over the years is changing applications, and it is prudent to know what these kinds of areas are, given that understanding this spectrum gives room to the development of a far-fetched understanding of the abilities of AI.

The Nine Types of AI

Artificial intelligence can be categorized in several ways. However, other classifications are based on the degree of autonomy and/or cognitive function of the AI and/or on the practical purpose of the AI system. Below, we’ll break down the nine major types of AI, which are based on their capabilities and the complexity of tasks they can handle.

1. Reactive Machines

Reactive machines are at the lowest level of AI that can do only simple work and does not store or learn. Such machines have some sense of the medium of something, react to stimuli in an environment, yet any kind of historical information related to the patterns of those interactions and their effects is not retained.

Reactive machines especially can perform tasks that require immediate and accurate response like board games or restricted environments.

Application Example: One such example of a reactive machine is IBM's Deep Blue, which won the world chess championship in 1997. The strength of Deep Blue was that it could process statistical models of a million possible chess moves, iterating to provide the best response and none of the prior moves or experience was remembered.

We usually integrate reactive AI systems into applications requiring fast responses, such as customer service chatbots, handling common inquiries without the need to understand deep context.

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2. Limited Memory AI

Ambient intelligent systems are further advanced than the reactive systems, because they can learn and remember what happened in the past, but the capacity is limited to specific functions or interactions. Such systems learn from the data they gather and apply them in their subsequent decisions but do not archive huge amounts of data with time.

Application Example: Autonomous vehicles are a fabulous example of sparse memory AI. They rely on past experience, including traffic flow, surface and driving style, which guides them during the actual journey. However, this kind of information is used only for a few moments; hence, it does not cause long-term memory.

At AI Tech Solutions, we are working on developing the limited memory AI application development for industries such as automobiles, where short-term learning from the real-time data will help in drastically improving the decision-making and safety.

3. Theory of Mind AI

Theory of mind AI is considered the next level of AI that understands emotions, beliefs, and intentions, much in the same way as human beings. It is a promising research area but only in an advanced state of theory.

AI systems would be able to communicate much more naturally and intuitively with humans, not only in the interpretation of what the person says but also with the emotions and intentions that person may have.

Application Example: While theory of mind AI is still under development currently, perhaps the best way that AI technology might be effectively applied in healthcare might involve its use with AI-enabled robots or assistants, which would be able to offer even more empathetic and contextual care to patients.

At AI Tech Solutions, we are always in pursuit of ascertaining how emotional intelligence can be further used for good by AI systems for applications, such as healthcare, where emotion plays a crucial role not only in providing care to patients but also in their emotional well-being.

4. Self-Aware AI

Self-aware IA is the topmost level of AI, where the set of IA has its consciousness, and it knows about its existence. Self-conscious AI can possibly know itself and know its thoughts and emotions as well as its self-preservation. That's a great idea, but we are far away from such maturity.

Application Example: Advanced AI, such as perhaps a self-aware one, may play a role in future in sophisticated decisions and will serve in decision-making processes that go beyond mere analysis and prediction.

This alters the landscape of any game within such fields as law, medicine, and war rooms since the ethical choice on which to make the correct choice is crucial along with a complete grasp of the context.

At AI Tech Solutions, we are researching under-developed applications for early-stage applications of self-aware AI, although much of that research is speculative at the moment.

5. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

The most frequently encountered kind of AI today is Artificial Narrow Intelligence, or weak AI. ANI systems are designed to do one thing and do it very well but do not generalize their expertise beyond a particular job or have common sense or general intelligence, nor are they capable of achieving things outside their programming.

They are highly specialized and do their narrow domain incredibly effectively.

Application Example: ANI is inbuilt in most of our daily use. From voice assistants Siri and Alexa to movie recommendations in Netflix and Amazon, ANI does particular and very precise work.

AI Tech Solutions offers specialized services to create targeted ANI systems towards particular business needs, such as predictive analytics, process automation, and customer engagement tools.

6. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Artificial General Intelligence refers to a machine that understands, learns, and applies intelligence in a wide range of tasks just like a human. The AGI systems would be able to reason, solve problems, make judgments, and adapt to new situations without needing specific programming for each task.

Application Example: AGI systems could change the face of so many different industries. For instance, in medicine, AGI could process patient data, diagnose patients, propose therapies, even conduct clinical trials, all learning from new medical innovations without further programming.

At AI Tech Solutions, we’re keeping a close eye on developments in AGI and how they could be applied to industries like healthcare and education. Nonetheless AGI is in its infancy and practical use is far out.

7. Artificial Superintelligence (ASI)

This system of artificial intelligence is named Artificial Superintelligence or ASI for short. ASI refers to the system that is smarter than a human for almost every task including creativity, decision-making, and problem-solving.

However, so far, it remains just a theoretical concept; yet, its potential is tremendous, from improved problem-solving to more advanced social innovations.

Application Example: Perhaps one day, ASI may be used in scientific research, where it will hasten discoveries in physics, biology, and engineering, making it possible to process huge data and generate insights that far surpass human capabilities.

At AI Tech Solutions, we do think about the possibility of ASI with deep thought given to the immense ethical implications of such a general-purpose AI. Though ASI is purely theoretical, it is important for the evolution of AI.

8. Artificial Emotional Intelligence (AEI)

Artificial Emotional Intelligence, also known as AEI, consists of AI systems that are capable of emotion detection, interpretation, and even replication in humans. In this context, the emphasis lies upon the development of systems interacting in an emotionally intelligent manner that understand what is going beyond words and actions.

Application Example: AEI is already in use in areas such as customer service, where AI systems can detect frustration or satisfaction in a customer's tone of voice and change their response appropriately.

At AI Tech Solutions, we believe that AEI has a very strong role in the future of our AI systems, especially in customer service, healthcare, and education where the ability to understand feelings is crucial.

9. Autonomous AI

The other one is autonomous AI with a class of AI agents who can learn and work on their own without any sort of human control. These kinds of systems can operate from the data that they receive in their surroundings and make decisions accordingly, which can also be in real time.

Application Example: Autonomous AI is, for example, already seen in autonomous vehicles where the AI systems take decisions on driving for navigation, speed, and safety without human interaction. This class of AI is also used in logistics and manufacturing for, e.g., robots doing repetitive tasks autonomously.

At AI Tech Solutions, we are developing autonomous AI applications in several areas, including automotive and logistics, that require a timely decision to act.

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Conclusion: The World of Evolving AI

So far, from what has been mentioned, AI refers to the general and multi-disciplinary concept that manifests itself differently and has lots of varieties with varied application and scope. From simple reactive machines to the very real potentiality of self-intelligent AI, the road ahead with artificial intelligence holds the key to delivering revolution effects toward each sector.

At AI Tech Solutions, we have always strived to invent innovations in AI that go above the edge while ensuring such technologies are deployed ethically and responsibly.

About Mohammad Alothman

Mohammad Alothman is an established AI researcher and founder of AI Tech Solutions. Mohammad Alothman has years of experience in both AI research and development and is enthusiastic about the future of artificial intelligence, working to develop technologies for society's benefit.

Mohammad Alothman’s commitment to innovation makes AI Tech Solutions take all the necessary steps to become a leader in AI solutions but always surprises its users by placing ethical considerations front-and-center of its efforts.

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