Power Platform Dataverse

Mubashar1009 - Jun 26 - - Dev Community


What is Dataverse

Dataverse is cloud base data platform for Microsoft Platform that is secure, scalable and globally available. It store data in the form of tables for apps. Tables are the building block of Dataverse.


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Tables Properties
Name: You can give any name to the table such as Person, Animal and Student etc.
Column: Column are used to store data of specific data type.
Row: A Specific record in your data.
Relationship: You can create relationship (link) between tables such as a relationship between Student and Teacher.
Key: Key is used to create relationship between tables. The Primary Key should be unique.
Forms: Forms are used to take data from the users in the Model-driven app.
View: View are used to show records to the users in the Model-driven app.
Charts: Charts are used to show visualization of the records.
Dashboard: Dashboard aggregate and display records in the different charts and filtered data.
Business Rules: Logic that is applied to column
Command: Customizable button shown in the command bar of Model-driven apps.


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Types of Tables in Dataverse

Standard Tables
These tables are pre-defined included with Dataverse. They are common across different businesses and organizations.
Custom Tables
The Tables created for specific business requirements are called Custom Table. These tables can be created from scratch or customize Standard Tables
Virtual Tables
The Table which retrieve data from external sources is called virtual Table. Virtual table is used for real-time integration from external data sources.
Restricted Tables
These Tables have restrictions on how it can be customized and used.
Activity Tables
These tables are used for tracking activities such as phone calls and appointments. These tables have additional properties such as time tracking.
Complex Tables
These tables are used for complex business logic and relationship. For example Sales Order.

Column Types

Text column provide alphanumeric string
Plain Text Text value displayed in single line text box.
Text Area Text value displayed in Multi line text box. Text Area does not provide any text formatting such as bold and italic etc.
Rich Text Text value displayed in Multi line text box. Rich text provide text formatting such as bold and italic etc.
Email Text value that is validated as an email address.
Phone Number Text value that is validated as an phone number.
Ticker Symbol A text field that displays a link to MSN Money, showing a stock quote for the specified symbol. For example, entering "MSFT" would create a link that opens the stock quote page for Microsoft on MSN Money.
URL text value validated as http and https URL.
Number data type store numeric values.
Whole Number
Whole Number data type store integer values.
None A number value presented into text box.
Timezone A number value presented as drop-down list that contain time intervals.
Duration A number value presented as drop-down list that contain time intervals.
Language A number value presented as a drop-down list that contain a list of languages.
Decimal A decimal value up to 10 decimal places, stored exactly same in the Dataverse.
Float A decimal value up to 5 decimal places.
Currency A currency data type store money value for any currency.
Currency(Base) A money value that is converted into base currency.
Exchange Rate A lookup column that is used to exchange rate to selected currency.
Date and Time
Date and Time column is used to store date and time values.
Format: 1) Date and Time: It show date and time. 2) Date only: It shows only date.
Lookup This column is used to create relationship with other tables.
Customer This Lookup column is used to specify a customer.
This column provide a set of options but can select only one option. We can create custom choice or use standard choice.
This column provide a set of options but we can select multiple options.
This column is a Boolean type. You can choose yes or no from this column.

This column is used to store files or images
This column is used to store files.
Image This column is used to store images.
This column automatically generate alphanumeric strings. We can add prefix.
Simple A column where user can enter value or select a option
Calculated A read-only column whose value is calculated from other columns

Roll Up A column that contain aggregated value from the tables rows or column in one-to-many relationship

Formula A column that used formula language to calculate the value of the value for the column.

Columns can be configured with additional settings such as auditing, security, and more.
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