When you think about Web3.0 what first comes into your mind?
Bitcoin, metaverse, nft, insane amount of money and Elon Musk. These are the things a regular person can think of, but what about tech geeks and programmers. The obvious thing that come into their mind is the battle between thousands of lines of code, handling blockchain node, interacting with its data which is humongous and trying to connect user's wallet to his website.
Solving few problems at a time, web3-react-wallet is doing its best to let us win this weird battle by providing a single source of truth (SSOT) where all the frontend web3 problems went down to this blackhole and we get a purified library that provides multiple wallet support
, switching user's wallet chain
, typescript
and more.
I know you already start installing the package from npm but don't forget to visit the source code on GitHub to learn more: