Nasha Mukti Kendra in Ludhiana

Nasha mukti Kendra in Ludhiana - Aug 17 - - Dev Community

The main purpose of Nasha Mukti Kendra is to provide a system of rehabilitation where a person can leave the addictions behind, get the needed therapy and recreate a new life. The treatment usually starts with detoxification which is considered an initial and very important stage when people are assisted to withdraw themselves and have their systems cleared of the substances they were dependent on. COFF/Detrimental Withdrawal- This phase may be the most ominous and, for this reason, it requires professional medical supervision for the patients.

After detoxification, the goal becomes that of rehabilitation where the clients participate in a range of therapies that are aimed at correcting the mental, emotional as well as social aspects of substance dependence. Services offered by the Nasha Mukti Kendras in Ludhiana include; one on one counseling, group session, and family sessions. These are designed to involve clients in the identification of the trigger to substance dependence, establishment of healthy ways of dealing with stress and management of relationship ruptures due to substance use.

Nasha Mukti Kendras are unique in that they provide for comprehensive care. In addition to the traditional medical and psychological services, such centers usually use additional forms of therapy like yoga, meditation, or a nutritionist’s consultation. These practices are integrated because addiction is the illness of the total person – physical, emotional, and sociospiritual. They work to present clients with a more holistic form of treatment since they focus on all the facets in a person.

For this reason, therapeutic services are comprehensively provided, and the Nasha Mukti Kendras also concentrate on the community and social rehabilitation. These centers acknowledge the fact that drug dependency usually results in expulsion from the society, or in this case, families and friends, meaning that the centers are aimed to provide a connection between the patients and the society at large. These comprise personal and social development programmes, education and training, and help with gaining or rebuilding social roles and relationships. This is essential in order to avoid recidivists who, after having gone through the programs, re-enter the world of drugs, but not of work or personal development.

Like in many other rehabs, family participation is also considered an essential feature of the recovery journey in Nasha Mukti Kendras. It affected the families as well, as they have to deal with the pains and mental torture that addiction brings to a family. In this regard, many centers provide family therapy and training to make families be in a position to comprehend the illness and be in a position to assist their beloved ones in their recovery process. Thus, this kind of teamwork contributes toward development of harmonious atmosphere that is beneficial for the treatment and formation of strong family units.

Nasha Mukti Kendras are also very particular about their follow-up care for patients so that such facilities are very beneficial for patients. Addition is a serious illness whose rehabilitation remains a lifelong process after the period of formal treatment protocols. To supplement this, these centers may offer aftercare services which include prevention of relapse programs and facilitates, counseling and support groups among others. These services are meant to enable a person to stay sober, cope with stress and deal with the difficulties of rebuilding a daily routine.

At present, Ludhiana has many Nasha Mukti Kendras that have implemented effective treatment to the problem of addiction as backed by governmental as well as non-governmental organizations. These centers are manned by staff with adequate training in handling such patients and might include physicians, psychiatrists, social workers and counselors among others who are more concerned with the welfare of the patients. Thus, community awareness programmes and other outreach activities serve as an imperative part of the process of informing the population about the risks of substance use and available assistance.

But as much as this has been achieved, obstacles are still evident. The shame and disgrace associated with multigeneal addiction and mental diseases does not allow many people to turn to … There is a need to increase public awareness of this problem. Also, the problem of providing effective treatment and comprehensive support to all patients, including those of low-income populations, is now also relevant.

Thus, Nasha Mukti Kendras in Ludhiana are very important for the city to be free from addiction. These centers are a great way to ensure that those with substance abuse issues get the help that they require in terms of complete treatment, care and support systems.
