Seeking Career Advice: Balancing Backend Web Development and Data Analytics as a Recent Software Engineering Graduat

Aleksandar - Jun 27 - - Dev Community

Hello everyone. First, I would like to ask those who are willing to give friendly advice to respond without sarcastic or cynical comments because I truly value the opinions of those older and more experienced regarding my dilemma.

In a few months, I will be graduating with a degree in Software Engineering from a private university. To keep it short, programming was not my primary goal when enrolling, but I have always been diligent and hardworking and completed my degree (even though it's from a private university) with the highest grades.

Now, onto the main question. At university, we mostly worked on web applications, which honestly didn't interest me much until recently, but since 80% of the courses were web-related, I learned a lot about it. In one of the last courses, I had a subject related to Data Analytics, which I really enjoyed and worked on with enthusiasm. I haven't had serious exposure to IT since high school.

The problem is, I wanted to dedicate this summer and the next 3-4 months to some form of specialization and then start looking for a job.

I'm wondering if it is possible to learn backend web development (C#, .NET) and start with Data Analytics at the same time, or is that a waste of time and should I focus on just one of these two areas? Additionally, I would like to know if it is possible to work in a Data Analyst role with just basic knowledge of mathematics.
