Can a line chart be segmented?

XinYu Zhou - Jun 7 - - Dev Community


Can a line chart be segmented?


In vchart, is it possible to segment a line chart if there is a point that you do not want to display?


If a point's value is invalid, VChart will automatically hide that point. You can set the value of that point to null in the data to achieve the same effect.

For example, the point corresponding to 10:00 will not be displayed if its value is set to null.

data: {
    values: [
        time: '2:00',
        value: 8
        time: '4:00',
        value: 9
        time: '6:00',
        value: 11
        time: '8:00',
        value: 14
        time: '10:00',
        value: null
        time: '12:00',
        value: 17
        time: '14:00',
        value: 17
        time: '16:00',
        value: 16
        time: '18:00',
        value: 15
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Code Example

const spec = {
  type: 'line',
  data: {
    values: [
        time: '2:00',
        value: 8
        time: '4:00',
        value: 9
        time: '6:00',
        value: 11
        time: '8:00',
        value: 14
        time: '10:00',
        value: null
        time: '12:00',
        value: 17
        time: '14:00',
        value: 17
        time: '16:00',
        value: 16
        time: '18:00',
        value: 15
  xField: 'time',
  yField: 'value'

const vchart = new VChart(spec, { dom: CONTAINER_ID });

// Just for the convenience of console debugging, DO NOT COPY!
window['vchart'] = vchart;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


After running the code, the point corresponding to 10:00 will not be displayed, and the line chart will be segmented.

Online demo:

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