What is Common Gateway Interface(CGI)

Nitin Dahiya - Aug 10 - - Dev Community

What is CGI?

CGI stands for Common Gateway Interface. It is a standard protocol used to enable web servers to execute external programs, usually scripts, to generate web content dynamically. These external programs can be written in various programming languages like Python, Perl, C, or shell scripts.

History of CGI

  • Introduced in the Early 1990s: CGI was one of the first technologies used to create dynamic content on the web.
  • Standardized by the NCSA: The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) played a key role in standardizing CGI, making it widely adopted.

How CGI Works

1) Client Request:

  • When a user clicks on a link or submits a form on a website, the browser sends an HTTP request to the web server.

2) Server Processing:

  • If the request is for a static file (like an HTML page), the server simply sends that file back to the browser.
  • If the request is for a dynamic resource (e.g., a form submission), the server uses CGI to process it.

3) Invoking the CGI Script:

  • The web server runs a CGI script (an external program) based on the request.
  • This script can be written in any language that the server supports, like Perl, Python, or even C.

4) Data Passing:

  • GET Method: The data from the client is passed to the CGI script via environment variables (like QUERY_STRING).
  • POST Method: Data is passed through the standard input (stdin) to the CGI script.

5) Script Execution:

  • The CGI script processes the data, interacts with databases if needed, and generates the output (usually in the form of HTML).

6) Response Back to Client:

  • The output from the CGI script is sent back to the web server, which then sends it to the user’s web browser as a response.

Example of a CGI Script

Here’s a basic example of a CGI script written in Python:

print("Content-Type: text/html\n")
print("<h1>Hello, World!</h1>")

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • First Line (#!/usr/bin/python3): This tells the server to execute the script with Python.
  • Content-Type Header (Content-Type: text/html\n): Specifies that the output is HTML.
  • HTML Output: The script generates a simple HTML page with "Hello, World!" displayed.

Key Features of CGI

1. Language Independence:

  • CGI scripts can be written in any programming language that the server can execute, making it highly flexible.

2. Simple and Straightforward:

  • CGI is easy to understand and implement, especially for simple tasks.

3. Stateless Operation:

Each time a CGI script is executed, it starts fresh without retaining any previous data (stateless). This makes it simple but can be inefficient for complex applications.

Advantages of CGI

1. Wide Compatibility:

  • Since CGI is language-independent, it works with a wide range of programming languages and server configurations.

2. Ease of Use:

  • CGI is simple to set up for small-scale applications, especially for those who are just starting with server-side programming.

3. Dynamic Content Generation:

CGI scripts can generate dynamic web pages based on user input, database queries, or other factors.

Disadvantages of CGI

1. Performance Issues:

  • Every time a CGI script is called, a new process is created on the server, which can be slow and resource-intensive, especially under high traffic.

2. Scalability:

  • CGI's process-per-request model makes it less suitable for large-scale, high-traffic websites. It can lead to high CPU and memory usage.

3. Security Concerns:

If not carefully written, CGI scripts can be vulnerable to security threats like buffer overflows or code injection attacks.

4. Outdated:

CGI is an older technology and has largely been replaced by more modern alternatives like FastCGI, servlets, or application frameworks.

Alternatives to CGI


  • An improved version of CGI that keeps the script running in memory to handle multiple requests, reducing the overhead of process creation.

Servlets (Java):

  • Java servlets are server-side programs that run in a web server and handle requests more efficiently than CGI.


  • These are other server-side technologies that offer better performance and more features compared to CGI.

Web Frameworks:

  • Modern web frameworks like Django (Python), Ruby on Rails, and Node.js provide comprehensive solutions for building dynamic web applications.

Use Cases for CGI

Legacy Systems:

  • Some older websites and applications still use CGI, especially if they were built in the 1990s or early 2000s.

Simple Web Applications:

  • For very basic applications or internal tools, CGI might still be used due to its simplicity.

Educational Purposes:

  • CGI is sometimes used in educational settings to teach basic concepts of server-side programming and web development.


CGI was a groundbreaking technology in the early days of the web, allowing servers to generate dynamic content and interact with users in real-time. However, its limitations in performance and scalability have led to the development of more advanced server-side technologies. While CGI is not commonly used in modern web development, understanding it gives valuable insight into the evolution of the web and the basics of server-side scripting.

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