Hello, humans!
We all love Tailwind, but there's one thing that I'm sure is not to everyone's liking:
Classes get large fast! It's messy and hard to find what is going on there...
I mean:
"text-lg font-medium text-black hover:underline hover:decoration-black sm:text-base sm:text-blue-500 sm:hover:decoration-cyan-500 lg:text-2xl lg:text-green-500 lg:hover:decoration-amber-500"
No more! Enter EasyTailwind:
This is a little utility to be used with Tailwind and gives you superpowers!
What if instead of writing that large class you could write:
'text-lg font-medium text-black',
hover: 'underline decoration-black',
sm: [
'text-base text-blue-500',
hover: 'decoration-cyan-500',
lg: [
'text-2xl text-green-500',
hover: 'decoration-amber-500',
Not only it's faster to write and read, but it's also easier to understand exactly what it's doing, don't you think?
Start playing around with it here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/easy-tailwind?file=src/App.jsx
And again the package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/easy-tailwind