In TenoxUI, the easiest way to define the class names is by defining a shorthand for CSS properties or variables you want. For example :
import { TenoxUI } from '@tenoxui/static'
const ui = new TenoxUI({
property: {
bg: 'background',
p: 'padding',
size: ['width', 'height']
"my-color": "--my-color-var"
d: "display",
jc: "justifyContent",
js: "justifySelf",
ji: "justifyItems",
ai: "alignItems",
// ...
And then use the class names like this :
<div class="bg-red p-1rem d-flex jc-center ai-center">
<div class="box-300px my-color-[rgb(255,0,0)] bg-$my-color-var"></div>
But now, you can use only one type
with different properties with different keys
. What is key
in TenoxUI? key
is just a unique identifier for the value
, can be defined as ({key}:value)
or [{key}:value]
. Example :
const ui = new TenoxUI({
property: {
// regular shorthand
d: 'display',
// shorthand for multiple properties
tui: ({ key }) => key, // as long as the key is matched, use the key as property
// condition shorthand with multiple properties
justify: {
property: ({ key }) => {
const keys = {
content: 'justifyContent',
items: 'justifyItems',
self: 'justifySelf'
return keys[key] || 'justifyBetween' // default: justify-between
value: ({ value }) =>
['between', 'evenly', 'around'].includes(value) ? `space-${value}` : value
// custom key from tui- shorthand
And this is the final output :
.d-flex {
display: flex;
.justify-center {
justify-between: center;
.justify-between {
justify-between: space-between;
.justify-flex-start {
justify-between: flex-start;
.justify-\(items\:center\) {
justify-items: center;
.justify-\(items\:end\) {
justify-items: end;
.justify-\(self\:center\) {
justify-self: center;
.tui-\(justify-content\:center\) {
justify-content: center;
.tui-\(color\:red\) {
color: red;
.tui-\(text-align\:left\) {
text-align: left;
.tui-\(--red-500\:rgb\(255_0_0\)\) {
--red-500: rgb(255 0 0);
The tui-*
will matching the included key
and treat it as CSS property or variable.