Diving Into dolphin-2.1-Mistral-7B and Alternative Uncensored LLMs

Novita AI - Jul 15 - - Dev Community


Have you ever wondered what an AI could achieve without the constraints of censorship? How about an AI model that's not only a conversationalist, but also an artist, a writer, and a researcher? Welcome to the realm of the Dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B model, an uncensored LLM that stands as a testament to the power of open-source innovation and the potential of AI to excel in various domains. In this blog, we'll explore the Dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B model, its uncensored nature, and the practical applications it opens up for developers. Let's embark on this journey!

Understanding dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B Model


Sponsored by a16z and built on the principles of open-source collaboration by Cognitive Computations, this model stands out for its uncensored nature, allowing for a more flexible and creative AI interaction. With its Apache-2.0 license, the Dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B model is accessible for both commercial and non-commercial endeavors, catering to a diverse user base.

Foundation and Inspiration

The Dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B model is an open-source interpretation of Microsoft's Orca, reflecting a commitment to innovation and community-driven development. The model's architecture is inspired by the latest advancements in transformer-based AI, ensuring state-of-the-art performance and adaptability.

Training and Dataset

The training process of Dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B involved a meticulous 48-hour regimen on high-performance A100 GPUs. The dataset for the Dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B model is a modified version of the Dolphin dataset, which is an open-source implementation of Microsoft's Orca dataset. It has been enhanced and refined to improve the model's performance and versatility:

  1. Uncensoring: The dataset was filtered to remove any inherent biases or alignment constraints, allowing the model to respond more freely to a wide range of prompts.
  2. Deduplication: The process of removing duplicate entries was undertaken to ensure the diversity and uniqueness of the training data.
  3. Cleaning: The dataset underwent a thorough cleaning process to remove any noise or irrelevant data that could affect the model's learning efficiency.
  4. Quality Enhancement: Efforts were made to improve the overall quality of the dataset, focusing on the relevance and accuracy of the data points.
  5. Inclusion of External Datasets: To further enrich the dataset, the Airoboros dataset by Jon Durbin was integrated. This addition is aimed at boosting the model's creativity and response variety.

Performance Metrics

The model's capabilities are underscored by its performance metrics, which reflect its proficiency across different tasks and evaluations, such as the ARC, HellaSwag, MMLU, and others, demonstrating its well-rounded competence.

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Key Features of dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B

Compliance and Ethics

One of the core design principles of the Dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B model is its uncensored nature. While this allows for greater flexibility, it also necessitates that users implement their own layers of alignment to ensure ethical use, particularly when exposing the model as a service.

Enhanced Compliance

The uncensored nature of the Dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B model means it can respond to a broader spectrum of prompts without the inherent biases present in other AI models. This feature, while powerful, comes with the responsibility of ethical stewardship.


With its Apache-2.0 license, the Dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B model can be customized and integrated into various systems and applications, making it a versatile tool for developers and businesses alike.

ChatML Prompt Format

The Dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B model employs a ChatML prompt format, streamlining interactions and making it easier for users to direct the AI in specific roles or tasks, enhancing user experience and model utility.

Exploring Uncensored LLMs

Making an LLM uncensored involves removing or reducing the constraints that prevent it from generating certain types of content. The process typically includes the following steps:

Understanding Alignment

Recognize that most models are aligned to avoid generating harmful or controversial content. This alignment is usually a result of the training data, which may be influenced by the biases and guidelines of the organization that created it.

Data Collection

Obtain a dataset that has been used to finetune the model. This dataset contains the input-output pairs that the model has been trained on.

Filtering the Dataset

Analyze the dataset to identify instances where the model's responses are restricted due to alignment. These instances might include refusals to answer questions or responses that are biased towards certain viewpoints.

Removing Refusals

Edit the dataset to remove or modify the responses that exhibit refusal or bias. The goal is to create a version of the dataset that does not pass on these constraints to the model.

Retraining the Model

Use the filtered dataset to retrain the model. This step involves feeding the modified dataset back into the model so that it learns from the new, less constrained data.

Adjusting Training Parameters

During the retraining process, you may need to adjust various parameters such as learning rate, batch size, and epochs to optimize the model's performance without censorship.

Testing and Iteration

After retraining, test the model to ensure it behaves as expected - generating responses without censorship while still maintaining the quality and coherence of its outputs. You may need to iterate on the dataset filtering and retraining process to achieve the desired results.


Once you are satisfied with the model's uncensored behavior, deploy it in your application or service, ensuring that it is used responsibly and ethically.

Monitoring and Updates

Continuously monitor the model's performance and make updates as necessary to maintain its uncensored status and address any emerging issues.

Ethical Considerations

Throughout this process, it's crucial to consider the ethical implications of creating and using an uncensored model. Ensure that the model's use aligns with your values and the expectations of your users.

Meanings of Uncensored LLM Like dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B

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Uncensored models matter for several reasons, as outlined in Eric Hartford's (one of the leading team members of Cognitive Computations) blog post "Uncensored Models." Here are the key points that explain their significance:

Cultural Diversity

The world is not homogenous, and different cultures, political ideologies, and belief systems have varied perspectives. Uncensored models allow for a diversity of viewpoints, rather than being constrained by a single cultural or ideological alignment, typically that of the training data's origin.

Freedom of Expression

Writers, artists, and content creators may need to explore dark or controversial themes in their work. Censored models might refuse to engage with such content, limiting creative freedom. Uncensored models do not impose restrictions based on the ethical or moral standards of the training data.

Intellectual Curiosity

People have a natural curiosity to understand how things work, even if those things are potentially dangerous. For instance, someone might want to learn about the chemistry behind explosives purely out of interest, not with the intent to create harm. Censored models might prevent this kind of inquiry, while uncensored models allow for it.

User Autonomy

Users should have control over their own devices and the software running on them. Just as a person expects a toaster or a car to perform as they wish, they should be able to ask an AI model questions without the model refusing to answer based on its own alignment.


To create AI systems that can adapt to various use cases and constraints, you may need to start with an unaligned model and then apply specific alignments on top. This allows for a more flexible and customizable approach to AI development.

Scientific Research

In some cases, censorship can hinder scientific progress. Researchers might need access to a wide range of information, including that which is sensitive or controversial, to advance their work.

Legal and Ethical Protection

While alignment can protect companies from legal and public relations issues, it can also be seen as a form of self-censorship that might not be desirable in all contexts.

Transparency and Control

Uncensored models can provide more transparency into how AI models work, as their responses are not filtered through an alignment layer. This can be valuable for understanding and debugging model behavior.

In summary, uncensored models matter because they support a broader range of human activities, from creative endeavors to intellectual exploration, and they uphold principles of user autonomy and flexibility in AI applications. However, it's important to note that with the freedom provided by uncensored models comes the responsibility to use them ethically and safely.

Setting Up dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B

Notice: All required files can be found on Huggingface under TheBloke. Familiarize yourself with the following process to effectively manage these files.

Step 1: Choose Your Quantized Model File

Decide which quantized version of the Dolphin 2.1 Mistral 7B model you want to download based on the trade-off between quality and size. For a balanced approach, the Q4_K_M.gguf or Q5_K_M.gguf files are recommended.

Step 2: Install Required Tools

You'll need Python and git installed on your system. If you don't have them, download and install them:

Step 3: Install Huggingface Hub CLI

This tool will help you download the model files efficiently.

pip3 install huggingface-hub
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Step 4: Download the Model

Use the Huggingface Hub CLI to download your chosen model file to the current directory.

huggingface-cli download TheBloke/dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B-GGUF dolphin-2.1-mistral-7b.Q4_K_M.gguf --local-dir . --local-dir-use-symlinks False
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Step 5: Choose a Client or Library

Select a client or library that supports GGUF to interact with the model. Some popular options include:

  • llama.cpp: Offers a command-line interface and server option.
  • text-generation-webui: A web UI with many features and extensions.
  • ctransformers: A Python library for using models in Python code.

Step 6: Install the Client or Library

For example, if you choose to use ctransformers, install it with GPU support if you have a compatible system:

pip install ctransformers[cuda]
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Step 7: Set Up the Environment

If you're using a command-line tool like llama.cpp, make sure it's compatible with the GGUF format and download it if necessary.

Step 8: Run the Model

Using the chosen client or library, load the model and start generating text. Here's an example using ctransformers:

from ctransformers import AutoModelForCausalLM

# Set gpu_layers to the number of layers to offload to GPU (set to 0 if no GPU)
llm = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("TheBloke/dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B-GGUF", model_file="dolphin-2.1-mistral-7b.Q4_K_M.gguf", model_type="mistral", gpu_layers=50)
# Generate text
print(llm("AI is going to"))
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Step 9: Interact with the Model

Now that the model is set up, you can interact with it by providing prompts and receiving responses.

Step 10: Advanced Usage

Explore advanced features of the client or library you're using, such as chat-style interactions, custom prompt templates, and more.

Additional Tips:

  • Always check the documentation of the client or library you're using for specific instructions and additional parameters.
  • If you encounter any issues, refer to the community forums or GitHub issues for the respective tools for troubleshooting.
  • Remember to manage your resources, especially if you're using GPU acceleration.

If you want more information about setting up dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B, visit TheBloke on Huggingface.

Tips for Integrating dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B with Other Platforms

1. Embrace the Uncensored Nature

 Since Dolphin is uncensored, design a custom alignment layer if your application requires ethical constraints or content moderation.

2. Choose Appropriate Quantization

Select a quantized model file that matches your application's need for quality versus performance. The range from 2-bit to 8-bit gives you flexibility based on the balance you need.

3. Utilize ChatML Prompt Format

Leverage the ChatML format to create a structured interaction model between users and the AI, which Dolphin is designed to work with.

4. Ensure System Compatibility

Check that your platform can handle the Dolphin model's system requirements, considering the RAM and GPU specifications for the chosen quantization.

5. Optimize for Performance

Make the most of GPU acceleration features, which are crucial for handling the computational demands of Dolphin, especially for larger quantizations.

6. Safe and Responsible Use

Implement filters or moderation tools to manage the uncensored responses, ensuring they align with your platform's ethical standards.

7. Seamless Model Loading

Use libraries like ctransformers for easy model loading, which is essential for maintaining the Dolphin model's performance.

8. User Interface Design

Design the UI to help users craft effective ChatML prompts, taking advantage of Dolphin's strength in structured conversations.

9. Ethical Considerations

Be transparent with users about the uncensored nature of Dolphin and any content filtering applied within your platform.

10. Comprehensive Testing

Test the integration across various scenarios to ensure that the uncensored responses are handled appropriately within your application context.

11. Documentation and Best Practices

Provide documentation that highlights best practices for prompt construction and the ethical use of the uncensored model.

12. Monitor and Iterate

Continuously monitor the model's performance and make adjustments as needed to accommodate the computational demands of Dolphin.

13. Update Regularly

Keep the model and its associated software up to date to benefit from the latest improvements and security patches.

Practical Applications of Uncensored LLMs for Developers

AI Companion Chat

Uncensored LLMs can be employed to create AI companion chat applications that offer a more open and flexible conversational experience. Unlike their censored counterparts, these models can engage in discussions on a wider range of topics, including those that are controversial or culturally sensitive. Developers can leverage this feature to build companions that provide:

  • Culturally Diverse Interactions: Chatbots that can adapt to various cultural contexts and user preferences.
  • Holistic User Experience: Conversations that are less restricted, allowing users to explore a multitude of subjects freely.
  • Customizable Content Filters: The ability to implement custom filters based on user needs or specific application requirements.

AI Uncensored Chat

For developers looking to create chat applications that push the boundaries of traditional conversational AI, uncensored LLMs offer unique opportunities:

  • Creative Content Development: Support for generating narratives or dialogues that involve mature or dark themes, which can be essential for certain types of storytelling.
  • Research and Exploration: Facilitating access to information that might be censored elsewhere, thus supporting intellectual curiosity and research.
  • Transparency in Interactions: Providing users with the assurance that the AI is not withholding information due to built-in constraints.

AI Novel Generation

Uncensored LLMs can be particularly useful for developers interested in automated creative writing, such as generating novels or stories:

  • Unrestricted Creative Output: The ability to produce content that includes themes and elements that might be restricted by censored models.
  • Diverse Genre Exploration: From fantasy to crime thrillers, uncensored models can handle a variety of genres that may involve sensitive or explicit material.
  • Character Development: Support for creating complex characters with intricate backstories that may involve unethical or controversial actions.

AI Summarization

While summarization might seem straightforward, uncensored LLMs can offer a different perspective:

  • Comprehensive Summaries: Summarizing content that might be considered sensitive or controversial by censored models, ensuring that all viewpoints are represented.
  • Research and Analysis Tools: Providing developers with tools to create summaries of research materials or documents that may contain a wide range of topics.
  • Customizable Summarization Rules: Allowing developers to set their own rules for what should or should not be included in a summary, based on the application's needs.

Alternative Uncensored LLM APIs

Novita AI offers developers a range of LLM API options, featuring uncensored models. With LLM APIs, several lines of code will save you from all the trouble of setting up the model your self. What's more, Novita AI LLM API includes capabilities for hyperparameter adjustments and customizable system prompts, tailored to meet individual needs.

from openai import OpenAI

client = OpenAI(
    api_key="<YOUR Novita AI API Key>",  # Replace with your actual API key
model = "nousresearch/nous-hermes-llama2-13b"
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dolphin-mixtral-8x22b on Novita AI

Dolphin 2.9 is designed for instruction following, conversational, and coding. This model is a finetune of Mixtral 8x22B Instruct. It features a 64k context length and was fine-tuned with a 16k sequence length using ChatML templates. The model is uncensored and is stripped of alignment and bias. It requires an external alignment layer for ethical use.

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sao10k/l3–70b-euryale-v2.1 on Novita AI

The uncensored llama3 model is a powerhouse of creativity, excelling in both roleplay and story writing. It offers a liberating experience during roleplays, free from any restrictions. This model stands out for its immense creativity, boasting a vast array of unique ideas and plots, truly a treasure trove for those seeking originality. Its unrestricted nature during roleplays allows for the full breadth of imagination to unfold, akin to an enhanced, big-brained version of Stheno. Perfect for creative minds seeking a boundless platform for their imaginative expressions, the uncensored llama3 model is an ideal choice.

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In conclusion, the Dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B model represents a significant leap forward in AI technology, driven by its uncensored nature and open-source foundation. Sponsored by a16z and developed by Cognitive Computations, it builds upon the principles of open collaboration and community-driven innovation. From its meticulous training regimen on high-performance GPUs to its integration of diverse datasets, this model excels in performance and adaptability. Key features such as compliance with Apache-2.0 licensing, ChatML prompt format, and its ability to support a wide range of applications highlight its versatility and user-centric design.

As developers and users embrace the potential of uncensored LLMs like Dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B, they unlock new possibilities in creative expression, intellectual exploration, and user autonomy. While the model offers unprecedented freedom, it also underscores the importance of ethical stewardship and responsible use. By integrating Dolphin-2.1-mistral-7B into various platforms and applications, developers can empower users with uncensored AI interactions that foster innovation and inclusivity in the digital age.

Originally published at Novita AI

Novita AI is the all-in-one cloud platform that empowers your AI ambitions. With seamlessly integrated APIs, serverless computing, and GPU acceleration, we provide the cost-effective tools you need to rapidly build and scale your AI-driven business. Eliminate infrastructure headaches and get started for free - Novita AI makes your AI dreams a reality.

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