DSA: Essential Queue Interview Questions and Challenges.
1. Queue Basics
- Implement a Queue Using Arrays
- Implement a Queue Using Linked Lists
- Implement a Circular Queue
- Implement a Double-Ended Queue (Deque)
- Implement a Queue Using Two Stacks
- Implement a Stack Using Two Queues
- Implementing a Queue Using Recursion
- Circular Tour Problem (Petrol Pump Problem)
- Generate Binary Numbers from 1 to N Using a Queue
- Reverse the First K Elements of a Queue
2. Advanced Queue Implementations
- Implement a Priority Queue
- Implement a Min Priority Queue
- Implement a Max Priority Queue
- Implement a Queue with Dynamic Resizing
- Design a Queue with Increment Operation
- Implement a Queue Using a Doubly Linked List
- Implement a Monotonic Queue
- LRU Cache Implementation Using Queue
- Implement a Queue to Support Middle Element Access
- Implement Queue Sorting Using Recursion
3. Queue Problem Solving
- First Non-Repeating Character in a Stream
- Sliding Window Maximum
- Sliding Window Minimum
- Rotten Oranges (Time to Rot All Oranges)
- Interleave the First Half of the Queue with the Second Half
- Implement a Circular Buffer
- Implement a Custom Queue with Customized Push/Pop Rules
- Check if a Given Sequence of Operations is Valid for a Queue
- Finding the Maximum in Every Window of Size K
- Design a Queue That Supports GetMin and GetMax in O(1) Time
5. Queue and Recursion
- Reverse a Queue Using Recursion
- Sort a Queue Using Recursion
- Interleave Two Queues Recursively
- Merge Two Sorted Queues Using Recursion
- Recursively Insert an Element at the Rear of a Queue
- Implement a Recursive BFS for Tree Traversal
- Recursively Reverse First K Elements in a Queue
- Flattening a Queue of Queues
- Recursive Sliding Window Maximum Using Queue
- Implement Recursive Depth Calculation Using Queue
6. Queue Variants and Real-World Applications
- Implement a Circular Queue Using Array and Linked List
- Simulate a Printer Queue
- Design a Queue for Task Scheduling (like CPU task scheduling)
- Queue Implementation for Real-Time Messaging Systems
- Implement a Ticketing System Using a Queue
- Simulate a Banking Queue System
- Design an Order Processing System Using Queues
7. Queue-Based Algorithms
- Snake and Ladder Problem Using BFS
- Shortest Path in a Binary Maze Using BFS
- Design an Algorithm for Job Scheduling Using a Priority Queue
- Zombie Matrix Problem Using BFS
- Implement Level Order Traversal of a Binary Tree Using a Queue
- Calculate the Time Needed to Process All Tasks Given Their Processing Time and a Queue
8. Queue Operations and Optimizations
- Implement a Fixed-Size Queue Using Two Pointers
- Queue with Reordering Based on Certain Conditions
- Find the Median in a Stream Using Two Queues
- Optimize Queue Operations for Specific Constraints
- Implement Multi-Level Priority Queues
9. Queue Interview Challenges
- Implement a Producer-Consumer Problem Using Queues
- Check If a Queue Can Be Sorted into Another Queue Using a Stack
- Design a Queue to Handle Time-Based Events (e.g., Expiring Items in a Cache)
- Implement Multi-Threaded Queue Processing
- Design a Queue with Real-Time Statistics Reporting
10. Queue Challenges in Competitive Programming
- Sliding Window Median
- Find the Minimum Time Required to Complete All Tasks Given a Queue and Cool Down Time
- Print All Nodes at Distance K from a Given Node in a Binary Tree Using BFS
- Merge K Sorted Queues Using a Min-Heap
- Implement a Queue to Handle Multiple Data Types
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