Variables and Control Flow

Can Mingir - Jul 23 '22 - - Dev Community

As defined in JavaScript, variables of var, let and const can be used, but only difference is var is stored automatically, in meanwhile, let and const are temporary to its block"/test", () => {
  var a = 1;
  return a;

app.get("/test", () => {
  return a;
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đź’ˇ Variable definitions without identifier like a = 1 are upsert operation, also automatically stored.

Control Flow => {
  var a = 1;
  var b = a + 2;
  var c = b + 3;
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Once a variable is defined like var a = 1 (this doesn't apply to let or const), the runtime does 3 major things. First, it places the var a in the graph and makes the connection between dependent variables.

Variable Graph

Second, updates state with new values in order get affect

var a 1
var b 3
var c 6

However, actual execution is different since variables are tracked in the graph.

state.a = 1;
state.b = state.a + 2;
state.c = state.b + 3;
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and finally stores statements in the runtime-managed fs

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