Damilola - Jun 29 - - Dev Community

In the dynamic world of mobile development, selecting the right platform and software architecture pattern is essential for the success of any mobile application. Each platform and pattern has its strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different project requirements
In this article, we are exploring the key mobile development platforms and the common software architecture patterns used in the industry, highlighting their pros and cons.

Mobile Development Platforms

iOS and Android are the two dominant platforms in the mobile development world.
iOS, known for its high performance, robust security, and lucrative user base, is confined to Apple devices alone and requires proficiency in Swift and Objective-C. This restriction can be a limitation, but the rewards are significant for those who master the platform.
On the other hand, Android offers open-source flexibility and extensive device compatibility, attracting a vast user base. However, the fragmentation across different devices can pose challenges in ensuring consistent user experiences.

Cross-platform development frameworks like React Native and Flutter have gained popularity due to their ability to reuse code across iOS and Android, thus reducing development time and costs. These frameworks facilitate rapid time-to-market and broader market reach, making them attractive to many developers. Nevertheless, potential performance issues and limited access to native device features remain notable drawbacks.

Common Software Architecture Patterns

  • MVC (Model-View-Controller)
    It is a foundational pattern in mobile app architecture that initiates the separation of concerns thereby separating the application into three interconnected components making the easy to maintain and test. However, it can lead to complex codebase management as the app grows.

  • MVP (Model-View-Presenter)
    It enhances MVC by bettering the separation of UI which reduces the burden on the view, making it more manageable and testable. However, the introduction of additional layers and more boilerplate code makes it complex.

  • MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
    It facilitates unit testing and also separation of concerns which particularly enhances data binding in UI development. However, the steep learning curve, can be an overkill for simple apps.

I'm a Frontend Developer looking to strengthen my hands on mobile development. And guess what, that's where HNG comes into play.
As I embark on my journey with the HNG Internship, I am eager to deepen my practical understanding of these platforms and patterns. Working on diverse and challenging tasks will help me learn and sharpen my skills to gain hands-on experience. My involvement in this internship is a stepping stone because of it's structured learning environment and the mentorship provided making it instrumental in shaping my career as a proficient mobile developer.


The HNG Internship offers a unique platform to grow and excel in whatever you want to embark on. It leads you on a journey by providing hands-on experience, mentorship, and the chance to contribute to meaningful projects.
This internship is the perfect platform to kickstart my journey in mobile development, equipping me with the necessary skills and experience to excel in this dynamic field by collaborating with seasoned developers to learn industry best practices, enhancing my problem-solving skills and adaptability in a fast-paced environment and building a professional network and gaining insights into the mobile development industry.
This aligns perfectly with my career goals as I am excited to bring my enthusiasm and dedication to the team, also looking forward to the learning and growth this internship promises.

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