Ojo oyenike - Jun 30 - - Dev Community
Introduction: The data was collected from about 2823 observations from 2003 to 2005. It depicts information on the sales made from orders from various countries. The productline ordered ranged from classic cars, motorcycles, planes, ships, trains, trucks and buses, and Vintage cars. The data also reveal the quantity ordered and price per item area.

Observation: The total quantity of classic cars ordered was 33,992 making it the highest order received. This is followed by Vintage cars with 21,069 ordered. A total of 11,663 was ordered for Motorcycles making it the third in rank in terms of quantity ordered. In like manner, planes, ships, and trains had 10,727, 8127, and 2712 respectively. The total amount ordered for the three years is 99,067, and the orders for classic cars cover over 34%. This reflected the sum of sales made by the business that made it. The focus should be on the productline where, the business has more advantages, which are cars (both classic and vintage. At the same time, more market strategies should be put up to improve sales from other productlines. About 92 per cent of the total ordered goods were shipped, which means a complete business transaction. The remaining 8 per cent were either cancelled, disputed, in progress, on hold, or resolved.
In addition, more sales were made in the 4th quarter than other the quarters. Although the data did not include the sales for 2005, 2004 had the highest sum of sales. Also, countries like the USA, Spain, France, and Australia are where the business had very high orders, the US being the highest. The business needs more strategies to increase sales from countries like Germany, Ireland, Belgium, and Austria where sales are comparatively low.
In conclusion, the business had a better sum of sales in vintage cars and classic cars. Geographical location where they had high sales in the USA and the lowest in Germany. However, further analysis should be carried out to investigate the relationship between the quantity ordered and the customers’ location. Why is the order for productlines of non-commercial vehicles higher than that of commercial vehicles, (train, Ships, and Plane)? Does the price of each product affect its sales? These will help improve market strategies for the business to increase sales.

Figure 1: Chart on the sum of sales against the productline

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Figure 2: Chart on the sum of sales against quarter and year.

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Written by Ojo Oyenike.
