I’ve been blogging for a while on platforms like this one and Medium, but I’m starting to think about maintaining my own blog as well.
Here’s my situation:
I already write on Medium, where uploading images and formatting is effortless. (Bless those auto-upload features!)
On Dev.to, I use a Chrome extension to convert my Medium post to Markdown, and it’s easy to manage from there.
But for my personal blog (currently built with Hugo), I have to manually upload images to a CDN, resize them, and pray the theme I’m using doesn’t break with updates. Honestly, it’s a lot.
I love the idea of owning my own space on the internet, but I also want something that doesn’t make me feel like I’m running a tech ops team just to post an article.
So, I’m curious: How do YOU organize your blogging workflow?
Do you stick to one platform or cross-post everywhere?
How do you handle image uploads and formatting?
If you run your own blog, what tools or pipelines make it easier to manage?