The Future is Remote: The Pros, Cons, and Solutions to Working from Home

Pablo Eliseo - Oct 16 '23 - - Dev Community


Hi, I am Pablo, a software engineer at One Beyond. Even before I joined this company I worked remotely from several locations, including Maastricht, Berlin and Valladolid, my hometown.

I enjoyed everything in the first months. The obvious advantages of working from home energized me, but over time, it grew a little more challenging for me. I made the decision to do my own research about remote work at that time because, despite being my first time, a lot of individuals effectively run their businesses in this way.

A sizeable part of IT company personnel has been working remotely for a while now, so I wanted to ask these colleagues if this is their dream situation. In my opinion, the quality of life can increase tremendously after you know what to expect and how to deal with the drawbacks related to remote working.

Person working remotely. Image available at

Additionally, I would like to note that the entire post is based on my experience with remote work. Therefore, it is obvious that it is biased by my personal viewpoint and that it varies from person to person. Some advantages and disadvantages may be more objective than others, though. I do not want to claim to be an authority; I just want to share my opinion about this topic with you.

Pros of Working Remotely:

  • Flexibility: One of the most prized benefits. Work hours should be scheduled around your most productive times or around your personal commitments. I, for example, like to go to the gym first thing in the morning. Then I start working a bit later, but I'm fully awake and productive.

  • Cost Savings: Working from home cuts down the daily commute, leading to marked savings on fuel, public transport, and vehicle upkeep. Additionally, preparing meals at home curbs expenses on often-overpriced office dining options.

  • Work-Life Balance: The flexibility afforded by remote working in the UK makes it considerably easier to juggle work responsibilities with personal obligations, be it spending quality time with family, pursuing hobbies, or attending to household chores without feeling overwhelmed.

Stones balanced. Image available at

  • Access to a Global Talent Pool: In the UK's evolving business landscape, remote work breaks down geographic barriers, allowing companies to tap into a vast global talent pool, ensuring they're not confined to hiring just within their immediate vicinity or region.

  • Reduced Overhead for Companies: Embracing remote work in the UK context allows businesses to significantly cut costs, as the need for extensive office space, associated utilities, and various on-site resources diminishes, leading to more streamlined operations and increased profitability.

  • Environmentally Friendly: Within the drive towards sustainability, remote working offers tangible benefits; fewer individuals commuting daily leads to reduced carbon emissions and less traffic congestion, contributing to a greener, cleaner environment and supporting the country's eco-conscious goals.

  • Customized Work Environment: In the modern work landscape, remote employees have the liberty to tailor their workspace to their preferences, fostering a comfortable environment that not only boosts morale but also enhances productivity by catering to individual needs and tastes.

Cons of Working Remotely:

  • Isolation: For employees, the shift to remote work can heighten feelings of loneliness due to diminished face-to-face interactions, potentially impacting well-being and cohesion across various teams and time zones.

Man standing in front of a window. Image available at

  • Distractions: The home environment introduces unique challenges, where anything from playful dogs to pending domestic chores can divert attention, potentially impeding productivity and focus during working hours.

  • Overworking: A notable concern arises for many individuals who struggle to "switch off" and delineate professional responsibilities from personal time, lacking the traditional boundaries set by a physical office environment.

  • Communication Barriers: Navigating the world of global remote employment presents challenges, notably the potential hurdles in ensuring clear and effective communication or collaboration, given the absence of face-to-face interactions and the nuances lost in virtual exchanges.

  • Security Issues: There is an amplified concern surrounding the potential vulnerabilities in safeguarding confidential data, with the absence of controlled office infrastructures potentially compromising information security protocols.

  • Lack of Team Cohesion: The absence of regular face-to-face interactions poses challenges in fostering genuine team chemistry, potentially making it harder to cultivate a sense of unity and shared purpose among diverse team members.

How to successfully work from home:

Combat Isolation:

  • Virtual Social Events: Plan online game evenings, coffee breaks, or team-building activities. In our team, we have a weekly meeting to talk about non-work-related stuff or play a simple online game.

  • Co-working Spaces: People who miss working in an office setting might spend some time in shared communal workspaces.

Minimize Distractions:

  • Dedicated Workspace: Create a separate environment for work to help you psychologically distinguish between work and home modes. I usually work from a spare room I set up as my working office.

  • Time management strategies: These strategies, such as the Pomodoro technique, a time management method where work is broken into intervals, typically 25 minutes long, separated by short breaks, can help you stay focused.

Prevent Overworking:

  • Set Up Clearly Delineated Boundaries: Choose your work's start and end times. It can be helpful to have another activity booked after your finishing time, such as language classes or practicing a sport.

  • Regular Breaks: Be careful and remember to take brief rest periods, most of the time 5 minutes is enough.

Enhance Communication:

  • Tools & Software: For seamless communication, use collaborative applications like Slack, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams.

  • To make sure everyone is on the same page, schedule daily or weekly team meetings.

Address Security Concerns:

  • Use encryption and a virtual private network (VPN) to secure data transfer when needed, protecting it from unauthorized interception and ensuring privacy.

  • Regular Training: Inform staff members of the best ways to keep data integrity.

Build Team Cohesion:

  • On-site Retreats: Plan quarterly or annual retreats to foster interpersonal relationships. I cannot wait for Christmas dinner!

  • Tools for Team Collaboration: Sites like Jira or Asana can keep everyone in the loop. A properly organized Jira board can give you all the insight you need to know about what your colleagues are doing.


Despite working remotely having its share of difficulties, there are many advantages. The proper tactics, resources, and attitude can help you get through such obstacles.

As remote work becomes more prevalent, adapting and adjusting to this paradigm is not only necessary but also a chance for growth, balance, and profitability.

Remote work has offered me the luxury of balancing work and life from the comfort of my home, ending long commutes and rigid office hours. But I understand that it could be difficult for some people. Is this virtual work environment something you would thrive in, or would you miss the buzz and camaraderie of a traditional office? Can you stay disciplined and productive without the physical boundaries of a workplace?

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