How to create and deploy a window 10 pro virtual machine in Azure

EMMANUEL - Feb 21 - - Dev Community

Virtualization: i would like to start by explaining what virtualization in cloud computing is, Virtualization is a process that allows for more efficient use of physical computer hardware and is the foundation of cloud computing.We can also say it is the stimulation of hardware and software like internet network, computers etc in virtual enviroment, with this explanation of what virtualization we can now have an understanding of what a virtual machine is.
What is virtual Machine
A virtual machine, commonly shortened to just VM, is no different than any other physical computer like a laptop, smart phone, or server. It has a CPU, memory, disks to store your files, and can connect to the internet if needed. While the parts that make up your computer (called hardware) are physical and tangible, VMs are often thought of as virtual computers or software-defined computers within physical servers, existing only as code.We have different server for creating a virtual machine, we have Azure Microsoft,Google cloud platform,Amazon web server which is called EC2.In this article I am going to write down the steps in creating a windows virtual machine in azure.
Step 1
Create an account in Azure ( ( a free trial account provides a subscription and $200 Azure credits which will be more than enough for the course ).login to your azure account.
Azure Login.
Step 2
When logged into the azure portal, go to the search field where there's 'search resources, services and doc field' and type virtual machine because that's what we are going to create in this article.N/B in azure portal whatever project you are to create, you should type it in the 'search resource , service and doc field ',after typing virtual machine, click enter on your keyboard, and click on the grayed virtual machine because that's always the best option.

Getting our article(virtual machine) in the search resources field
Step 3
In azure portal, after clicking on the virtual machine, you will see two 'Create' button on the top left side and the centre ,below the screen, click on either of them to start the process.

Create button
Step 4
Click on 'azure virtual machine', which is grayed.

Grayed Azure virtual machine
Step 5
Enter the 'project details' under the basics, choose the appropriate subscription, create a resource group by clicking the resource group button and give it a name.

Project details
Step 6
Enter the 'instance details' give a name to your virtual machine, choosing the appropriate region, operating system, image(ubuntu, windows, IIS web server) and other configuration settings.Then leave every other option as default.

Instance details

Instance details

Instance details
Step 7
For authentication, we need an administrative name and password to connect to the virtual machines, create a name and a password.

Administrator account
Step 8
Choose your 'inbound port'. N/B in Ubuntu's we choose ssh & Http 80, in windows Http 80 and RDP 3389.

Inbound port
Step 9
check /consent /hignlight on the licensing box .

Licensing check
Step 10
click on the 'monitoring' button and disable it.

Monitoring disabling

Monitoring disabling
Step 11
Click on the 'Tag' button to name it and for track purpose.

Step 12
Click on 'Review and create' and wait of the validation process to run which take couple of seconds to complete, if it passes validation, that means the deployment will run if not fix the recommended error message.

Create and validation process

Create and validation process

Step 13
Click on 'Create' button for deployment of the virtual machine and the deployment take 3-5 minutes and when the deployment is complete ,click on the 'Go to resources' button.

Create to deploy the virtual machine

Create to deploy the virtual machine

Create to deploy the virtual machine
Step 14
Click on the 'public IP address' to increase the idle time out and click on 'save' button

Idle time out settings

Idle time out settings
Step 15
Click on 'Connect' to access the virtual machine, then click on 'select' to allow your native RDP to validate and be configured

Connecting to virtual machine

Validating and configuration of the RDP

Validating and configuration
Step 16
Click on the 'Download RDP file',go to your download and run the download file, put in ,your virtual machine administrative password, wait for the prompt and click on 'continue',wait for the Remote PC to be configured and launch, start using your virtual machine.

RDP file download

Administrative password

Prompt validation

Remote Pc launch

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