The Phishing Revolution: AI-Powered Deception Makes Us All Vulnerable

Durodola Oluwakayode - Jun 20 - - Dev Community

Think you can spot a phishing email a mile away? Think again. Artificial intelligence is making these attacks more sophisticated and undetectable than ever before.
AI is being used to personalise phishing emails, crafting messages that appear to come from trusted sources and mimicking writing styles with uncanny accuracy. These emails can bypass traditional spam filters and exploit human emotions, tricking even the most vigilant users.
Recently, I conducted a training simulation where employees were presented with AI-generated phishing emails. The results were concerning – even tech-savvy individuals fell victim.
Here's the new reality: we can't solely rely on the ability to spot a suspicious email. Organisations need to go beyond traditional phishing awareness training. Consider implementing security awareness programs that leverage AI to simulate real-world attack scenarios. This will help employees develop a stronger sense of cyber resilience and be better prepared to identify and avoid these cunning attempts.
Is your organisation prepared for the next generation of phishing attacks? Let's discuss how AI-powered security awareness training can keep your employees safe.
Written by: Durodola Kayode, IT Security Expert
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