I am a minimalist

owly - Nov 27 '24 - - Dev Community

book cover

I am a minimalist

it may be that me being a minimalist is the result of the hardship of working as a storager.

greedy and incompetent retail managers ratio store: storage in a 3:1 ratio at best
but many times its much worst and more like 1:8.

to make matters worst they make orders to storage, thinking they will profit by
low pricing their small competitors, thus suffocating them proportionate to inflation.

but what they actually get is low speed in shelf stocking,
because the more a storage is saturated :

the harder it is to find merchandice.

the slower it is to stockpile new merch and leftover merch
that doesnt fit in to the shelves that day.

the less accurate your orders are.

the more expired goods.

the longer it takes to storage goods, because you are
using stock algorithms instead of dictionary for access due to
the lack of room.

another major problem with storaging in retail is the amount of paper work
and beuracracy needed to get rid of unneeded or expired items.

for example there was a box of dusty cheap brazilian slippers, reportedly
past down from storage manager to storage manager over 15 years!

whenever I had to store things in a certain place, I had to reallocate that
damn box, and had to contact the head management and request for months to
get clearance to throw it away.

as a result I am a minimalist.


  • opt for small furniture.
  • have no repeating items.
  • have a bidet.
  • have a hand blender instead of regular one because less parts to clean.
  • use sold off my Jaguar.
  • use a pencil case instead of stationary organizer
  • digitized my reading materials.
  • digitized my mail.
  • have small appliances that use little power, like a mini fridge.

even when it comes to travel, I only take a backpack, and my medical supplies
are in a bugout bag.

minimalism has many advantages:

easier to find things.
easier to relocate if needed.
easier to clean.
easier to kill bugs.

but I am also a digital minimalist.

I often think what can I delete,
what can I bundle together?

games that I finish, I delete unless its a racing game.

my codes are also minimalis:
I like to use ternary operators, guards, default parameters and switch cases.

but mostly I apply minimalizm to my main functions.
I like to keep them as minimal as possible, I like to think how
can I reduce the amount of code lines from it?

which is where the LivinGrimoire software design pattern saves the day.

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