Challenges in Live Call Transcription and Translation

Paul Thomas - Jun 27 - - Dev Community

Recently, I had the opportunity to work on a project called AIPhone.AI that pushed the boundaries of live call functionality – a concept that involved both transcription and translation.Developing a sophisticated iOS app that features real-time call transcription and translation involves several key technical aspects and challenges.

1. Real-Time Audio Processing

The foundation of any transcription and translation app is its ability to handle real-time audio processing. This requires the integration of low-latency audio streaming capabilities. For iOS, leveraging AVAudioEngine allows developers to capture and process audio in real-time efficiently.

2. Speech Recognition

Implementing speech recognition is another critical component. Apple's Speech framework provides a robust API for converting speech to text. Ensuring accurate transcription involves fine-tuning various parameters and handling different accents and dialects.

3. Accuracy and Speed

Live features require a delicate balance between accuracy and speed. Users expect real-time results, but maintaining transcription and translation fidelity is crucial.

4. Handling Different Languages and Accents

The beauty of such a feature lies in its ability to bridge language barriers. However, supporting diverse languages and accents presented a significant challenge.

To provide real-time translation, integrating with a reliable translation API is essential. APIs like Google Cloud Translation or Microsoft Translator offer the necessary functionality. These services can handle text translations in numerous languages and return translations quickly.

5. Network Management

Ensuring that the app handles network requests efficiently, especially during calls, is crucial. Using URLSession for network tasks and handling errors gracefully ensures a smooth user experience.

6. User Interface and Experience

The UI/UX design of a call transcription and translation app must prioritize ease of use and clarity. Displaying transcriptions in real-time, handling multiple languages, and providing clear translations are all vital for user satisfaction.

Working on this project solidified my belief in the potential of AI-powered features to revolutionize communication. While there are obstacles to overcome, the ability to break down language barriers and ensure clear understanding in real-time phone calls is a significant step forward in an increasingly interconnected world.
