A wonderful world of backend

Patrice Kalwira - Jun 29 - - Dev Community

Hello everyone, I am a web developer and I particularly enjoy backend development. In this article, I will share my experience with a website I am currently designing.

I will soon begin my internship at HNG, and as part of the application process, we are required to write articles about our experiences as developers. This is the reason for this article.

The problem I have noticed is that many people today have difficulty finding a house to buy or rent in my country, the Democratic Republic of Congo. As a developer, I reflected on this issue and am proposing something that will benefit everyone.

My solution is to create a website where homeowners can post their houses and where tenants and buyers can find the homes they need. On the backend side, I use Node.js and its framework Express. For the ORM, I work with Prisma and for database management, I use PostgreSQL. With this project, I aim to use my knowledge to benefit society by solving a problem that affects most people.

I am very enthusiastic about starting my internship at HNG and look forward to gaining new knowledge that will help me grow professionally and hopefully secure an international contract.

For more information, visit :
HNG Internship or HNG Hire

Thanks, see you soon.

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