Implementing Access Requests and Approvals in your App

Filip Grebowski - Aug 23 - - Dev Community

Hey there, fellow dev! I'm Filip, your go-to guy for all things developer advocacy at You might also recognize me as developerfilip on YouTube, where I geek out over web development—especially when it comes to crafting slick, responsive frontends. I live and breathe building apps, and if there's one thing I know for sure, it's that nailing down user logins and permissions is an absolute must.

So, let’s get real for a second. In today’s crazy digital landscape, keeping user access locked down is more crucial than ever. Whether you’re hacking away on a side project or running a massive platform, you need a solid system to manage who gets in and what they can do. That’s where access requests and approvals step into the spotlight.

Picture this: Your users can shoot over requests to access specific parts of your app, and your admins? They get the power to review, approve, or shut down those requests with just a few clicks. It’s like giving your app a superpower that ensures only the right people have the right permissions—without creating a bottleneck that drives everyone nuts.

That’s why - in this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to seamlessly integrate an access request and approval system using

Trust me, it’s going to make your app not just functional, but downright unstoppable. ;)

Step 1: A demo of Permit Elements

Alright, now let's get into the nitty-gritty! In this first part of the tutorial, we're going to explore something super cool — Permit Elements. These are secure, embeddable UI components that make it a breeze to delegate access management directly to your users. Imagine giving your users the power to handle access requests and approvals right within your app, all without breaking a sweat or compromising on security.

With Permit Elements, you can easily integrate these permission-related features into your app, streamlining the whole process and keeping everything locked down tight. I’ll walk you through a quick demo so you can see these bad boys in action and understand just how much they can simplify managing user permissions.

Part 2: Configuring your JWKS

Alright, let's geek out a bit! In this section, we're diving into the world of JWKS, or JSON Web Key Sets. Think of JWKS as a collection of keys that your app uses to make sure those JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) it’s handling are legit. Whenever your app receives a JWT, it needs to double-check that the token is valid and actually comes from a source you trust.

By setting up JWKS in your app, you’re enabling it to automatically fetch the public keys needed to verify tokens securely. This is like adding an extra layer of armour to your authentication process, ensuring that only the right users, who are properly authenticated, can get their hands on your resources.

Part 3: Setting up Permit and Elements

Now that we’ve nailed down the basics, it’s time to get Permit up and running in your app. In this section, I’ll guide you through installing the necessary dependencies, setting up the Policy Decision Point (PDP), and making sure everything is configured just right so Permit integrates smoothly with your setup. I’ll walk you through each step to ensure you're all set to start embedding Permit Elements and managing access requests like a pro.

Part 4: Building the Authorization Policy

This is where the real magic happens—defining what your users can actually do within your app. I’ll walk you through creating resources, setting up roles, and specifying the actions users can take on those resources. Once we’ve got that all squared away, you’ll assign these rules to your users, making sure each person has just the right level of access.

By the end of this section, you’ll have a rock-solid authorization policy that keeps your app secure and your users properly managed.

Part 5: Configuring Elements

Permit Elements aren’t just about functionality—they’re designed to fit seamlessly into your app’s design. You’ve got the power to tweak not only how each element behaves but also how it looks, ensuring it blends perfectly with your app’s style.

Whether you want to adjust workflows or fine-tune the appearance, there’s plenty of flexibility to make these elements truly yours. I’ll walk you through the customization options so you can create a user experience that’s both secure and visually cohesive.

Let’s make your app look as polished as it performs!

Part 6: Embedding the Elements in our App

In this part, we’re rolling up our sleeves and diving into the technical side of things by embedding the Permit Elements directly into your app. First up, we’ll grab the generated iframe snippet and drop it right into your app’s codebase.

Then, we’ll walk through how to log users into the element, making sure everything plays nicely together. This section is all about the nitty-gritty details of implementation, so get ready to dig into the code and bring all the pieces we’ve set up to life in your app.

Let’s make it happen!

And that’s a wrap! You’ve now taken your app to the next level with secure access requests, approvals, and customizable elements, all powered by Permit.

If you’re ready to explore more, dive deeper, or just have some questions, join our vibrant Slack community where developers like you are sharing tips and getting support. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more tutorials, updates, and all things Permit. Thanks for following along—let’s keep building amazing things together!

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