What is Virtual Desktop Online?

Peter - Aug 9 '22 - - Dev Community

Virtual Desktop Online is a technology related to deploying and managing virtual desktops using virtual machines. Virtual Desktop Online hosts desktop environments on the main server and makes them available to end users on demand.

How does Virtual Desktop Online work?
In Virtual Desktop Online, a hypervisor partitions a server into windows virtual machines that host virtual desktops that users access remotely from their devices. Users can access these virtual desktops from different devices or locations, and all processing carries place on the host server. Users correlate to desktop instances via a connection broker. A connection broker is a software-based gateway that acts as an intermediary between users and servers.
Virtual Desktop Online is either persistent or non-persistent. Each type has different advantages.

Persistent Virtual Desktop Online saves changes even after a connection reset, allowing users to connect to the same desktop every time and personalize their desktops as needed. In other words, desktops in persistent VDI environments behave like personal physical desktops.
In contrast, non-persistent VDI, where users connect to generic desktops and changes are not saved, is typically simpler and cheaper because there are no custom desktops to persist between sessions. Non-persistent VDI is commonly used in organizations that have many task workers or employees performing limited repetitive tasks and do not need customized desktops.

Hosted virtual desktops don't take up a lot of space in your office. This feature is a good option for many small businesses with compact office spaces. His hosting provider, Apps4rent, not only helps set up virtual desktops but also maximizes the availability of virtually hosted desktops.

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