Twilio + webSockets - can't send parameters to webSocket

petru tirla - May 31 - - Dev Community

Hello, guys!

I did put a question on Stack Overflow, and i don't know if it's best to only add the link to it here or to add the whole description.

I will put for the moment the link, and some of the description. If anyone has a solution, I would be forever grateful!

I am having problems with Twilio, while trying to send parameters to a webSocket that is being called from a webhook. I am using: node.js, express, ws (JS websocket library).

The webhook is not the actual problem, since it only calls an endpoint from my end.

But in that endpoint, I am creating a VoiceResponse instance of Twilio, and using it to connect to a webSocket. In the process, I am trying to send it some parameters, because I want to access the user data (or whatever data) in the webSocket. Only that, this is not happening :))
