Learn Rust by building a real web application.

Phunsukh Wangdu - Jun 4 - - Dev Community

I heard about Rust few years back but was hesitant to learn it mainly due to its unique syntax. But i kept stumbling on it ever since either on podcasts or YouTube channels or talks on how major companies are embracing it for C++.

I finally decided, I want to learn the language. I started reading the book but in no time got lost in the new terminology or the syntax. I reset my learning and decided, i will build a real world application. This is not a simple hello world or a todo list. I am going to be building a real world application which has all the features.

I am building a blog website which will have all these features.

  1. Authentication.
  2. Email verification
  3. Oauth Sign in
  4. Image Upload to server
  5. Upload Images to S3
  6. Static files for html rendering.

Lets get to it.
