Study Notes 1.2.5: Running PostgreSQL and pgAdmin with Docker-Compose

Pizofreude - Feb 4 - - Dev Community

1. Introduction

  • This video continues the Data Engineering Zoomcamp series, focusing on Docker and SQL.
  • Previous lessons covered packaging an ingestion script into a Docker container.
  • This lesson builds on that by running PostgreSQL and pgAdmin using Docker Compose instead of separate Docker commands.

2. Challenges with Running PostgreSQL and pgAdmin Separately

  • Previously, PostgreSQL and pgAdmin were run in one network using two Docker commands.
  • Manually configuring each container is cumbersome and requires multiple command-line arguments.
  • A more convenient approach is to define configurations in a single YAML file using Docker Compose.

3. What is Docker Compose?

  • Docker Compose is a utility that allows defining multi-container configurations in a YAML file.
  • It simplifies the process by allowing multiple services to be launched with a single command.
  • Containers in the docker-compose.yaml file automatically belong to the same network.

4. Installing Docker Compose

  • Mac/Windows: Comes pre-installed with Docker Desktop.
  • Linux: Needs to be downloaded separately and placed in the system path.

5. Creating the docker-compose.yaml File

  • Defines two services: PostgreSQL (pg_database) and pgAdmin (pg_admin).
  • Optional version specification; if omitted, the oldest version is used by default.
  • Services include environment variables, volume mapping, and port configurations.

5.1 PostgreSQL Service (pg_database)

  • Specifies the PostgreSQL image (postgres:13).
  • Defines necessary environment variables:

      POSTGRES_USER: root
      POSTGRES_DB: ny_taxi
  • Volume mapping is used to persist data:
    In docker-compose we don’t need to specify the full path

      - ./ny_taxi:/var/lib/postgresql/data
  • Port mapping:

      - "5432:5432"

5.2 pgAdmin Service (pg_admin)

  • Uses the pgAdmin image.
  • Defines environment variables:

  • Maps port 8080 on the host to port 80 inside the container:

      - "8080:80"
  • Volume mapping is not configured initially.

Since we defined both services pgdatabase and pgadmin in Docker-compose, we don’t have to create docker network manually since it will be auto-completed.

6. Running Services with Docker Compose

6.1 Starting Services

  • First, stop any running PostgreSQL and pgAdmin containers:

    docker stop <container_id>
  • Check for running containers:

    docker ps
  • Start services with Docker Compose:

    docker-compose up
  • This creates and runs PostgreSQL and pgAdmin, making them accessible.

6.2 Accessing Services

  • Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:8080 to access pgAdmin.
  • Use the defined credentials (, root) to log in.
  • Add a new connection:
    • Hostname: pg_database
    • Username: root
    • Password: root
  • Verify that the database is accessible and contains the ny_taxi dataset.

6.3 Stopping Services

  • Use Ctrl + C to stop services.
  • Alternatively, shut down services properly using:

    docker-compose down

6.4 Running in Detached Mode

  • Run in detached mode (d) to keep services running in the background:

    docker-compose up -d
  • This allows using the terminal without keeping it occupied.

  • Shut down services when needed using:

    docker-compose down

7. Benefits of Using Docker Compose

  • Eliminates long and complex docker run commands.
  • Ensures services are automatically networked.
  • Simplifies local development and integration testing.
  • Makes managing multi-container applications easier.

8. Next Steps

  • Now that PostgreSQL is set up with data ingestion, the next step is to write SQL queries.
  • Future lessons will cover SQL queries and data manipulation within PostgreSQL.


  • Docker Compose simplifies running multiple containers with a single YAML configuration file.
  • PostgreSQL and pgAdmin can be easily set up and managed using docker-compose.yaml.
  • Using detached mode (d) allows keeping services running in the background.
  • This setup is useful for local development and testing before deploying services in production.
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