Building Your First Dockerfile: A Step-by-Step Guide

shah-angita - Apr 29 '24 - - Dev Community

Docker is a popular containerization platform that allows developers to package their applications and dependencies into a single, portable unit. Dockerfiles are the configuration files used to build Docker images. In this blog post, we will walk through the process of creating your first Dockerfile.

Step 1: Choose a Base Image

The first step in creating a Dockerfile is to choose a base image. A base image is an existing Docker image that contains the operating system and any dependencies required by your application. You can choose a base image from the Docker Hub registry or create your own.

For this example, we will use the official Python 3.9 image as our base image. To specify the base image, add the following line to your Dockerfile:

FROM python:3.9
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Step 2: Set the Working Directory

The next step is to set the working directory for your application. The working directory is the directory in which your application's code and dependencies will be installed.

To set the working directory, add the following line to your Dockerfile:

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Step 3: Copy Dependencies

The next step is to copy any dependencies required by your application into the container. This can be done using the COPY command.

For this example, we will assume that our application has a requirements.txt file containing a list of Python dependencies. To copy the requirements.txt file into the container, add the following line to your Dockerfile:

COPY requirements.txt .
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Step 4: Install Dependencies

The next step is to install the dependencies required by your application. This can be done using the RUN command.

For this example, we will install the Python dependencies using pip. To install the dependencies, add the following line to your Dockerfile:

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
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Step 5: Copy Application Code

The next step is to copy your application's code into the container. This can be done using the COPY command.

For this example, we will assume that our application's code is located in a directory named myapp. To copy the code into the container, add the following line to your Dockerfile:

COPY myapp .
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Step 6: Expose Ports

The next step is to expose any ports required by your application. This can be done using the EXPOSE command.

For this example, we will assume that our application listens on port 5000. To expose port 5000, add the following line to your Dockerfile:

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Step 7: Set the Entrypoint

The final step is to set the entrypoint for your application. The entrypoint is the command that will be executed when the container is started.

For this example, we will assume that our application is a Python script named To set the entrypoint, add the following line to your Dockerfile:

ENTRYPOINT ["python", ""]
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Putting It All Together

Here is the complete Dockerfile for our example application:

FROM python:3.9


COPY requirements.txt .

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

COPY myapp .


ENTRYPOINT ["python", ""]
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Building the Docker Image

To build the Docker image, run the following command from the directory containing your Dockerfile:

$ docker build -t myapp .
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This will build a Docker image named myapp using the Dockerfile in the current directory.

Running the Docker Container

To run the Docker container, run the following command:

$ docker run -p 5000:5000 myapp
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This will start a new Docker container using the myapp image and map port 5000 on the host to port 5000 in the container.


In this blog post, we walked through the process of creating a Dockerfile for a simple Python application. By following these steps, you can create your own Dockerfiles for more complex applications. Dockerfiles provide a powerful and flexible way to package and deploy applications, making it easier to manage dependencies and ensure consistency across environments.

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