Who am I?
I'm a Software Engineer specializing in building web applications. My expertise lies in the PHP, Laravel, Angular/React, and Bootstrap/TailwindCSS stack. Lately, I've been diving into Golang, Rust, AI, and IoT to expand my skill set and learn by doing.
Like many software engineers, I had always wanted to start a side hustle. A friend of mine from a close circle reached out with what he called a "billion-dollar idea." It sounded promising. We compared it against existing competitors and their revenues. The numbers were impressive, and the concept felt feasible. It was the perfect opportunity for me to take on the exciting role of a start-up founder.
In today’s world of relentless social media scrolling, businesses need to maintain an active presence on multiple platforms. But there’s a problem—managing social media is time-consuming and repetitive. To stay active, companies have to log in to every platform, paste the same content, and manually publish or schedule posts.
This is the exact problem we’re aiming to solve.
It’s a name I’m proud of—cool, meaningful, and symbolic. Like that iconic line from the movie Kadhala Kadhala: "How symbolic!"
Our target customers are social media marketing agencies that manage the online presence of various companies.
And guess what? My co-founder happens to run a marketing agency.
Research and MVP
We decided to kickstart the process by exploring the APIs of popular social media platforms. Since a few other businesses were already offering similar services, I was confident that it was technically achievable.
Here’s what we envisioned for our Minimum Viable Product (MVP):
An agency can register and log in to the portal.
Agencies can add multiple companies they manage.
They can create posts with attachments, with the option to publish immediately or schedule them for later.
With this clear MVP, we agreed to start building SEOLVE.
The Journey Begins
Every start-up begins with a simple idea and a vision. Ours is to simplify social media management for agencies and create a scalable solution. It’s an exciting journey, and I’m thrilled to share it with you.
Stay tuned for updates as we build SEOLVE from the ground up!
You can find it on Github https://github.com/praem90/seolve-app