How to Provide Better Task Estimations for Your Team?

Pratap Sharma - Jun 19 - - Dev Community

Providing accurate task estimations is a perennial challenge for software development teams. Inaccurate estimations can lead to missed deadlines, budget overruns, and undue stress for your team. As a lead engineer or manager, there are several strategies you can implement to help your team improve their estimations. This blog will explore these strategies in detail, drawing from real-world experiences and best practices in the industry.

Understand and Compensate for Bias

One of the first steps in improving task estimations is to help your team recognize and adjust for their own biases. Estimations can be skewed due to over-optimism or excessive pessimism. Encourage your team members to reflect on their past estimations and compare them with the actual time taken to complete tasks. This can help them identify patterns in their biases and make more informed adjustments in future estimates.

Use Broader Value Ranges

Rather than pushing for precise estimates, encourage the use of broader value ranges. For example, distinguishing between tasks that will take 3 weeks versus 4 weeks can be challenging and often unnecessary. Instead, categorizing tasks into broader timeframes such as half-days, days, weeks, and months can provide sufficient detail for planning purposes without demanding unrealistic precision.

Group Estimations and Discussions

Conducting group estimations can be highly effective. When team members provide their estimates individually and then discuss any significant discrepancies, it leads to more accurate and well-rounded estimations. Group discussions allow team members to consider different perspectives and factors they might not have initially accounted for, leading to more accurate and realistic estimates.

Agile and Continuous Delivery

Agile methodologies have transformed the approach to software delivery and task estimation. Agile promotes the idea that software is never truly "done" and prioritizes continuous delivery of valuable features. By using Fibonacci sequences (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc.) for estimations, teams can better gauge the complexity and effort required for each task. Tasks estimated at 8 or higher are typically split into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Continuous backlog grooming and prioritization ensure that the most valuable tasks are always addressed first, without the need for rigid time commitments. Implementing automated tests and quality gates for each check-in helps maintain a robust and reliable codebase, facilitating continuous delivery.

Ponderation Sheets for Legacy Projects

For teams working on legacy software, where changes can have unpredictable consequences, creating a "ponderation sheet" can be useful. This involves adjusting initial estimates based on known complexities and historical data. For example, touching a specific module might multiply the estimate by 1.5, 2, or even 3 times, or add a fixed number of days based on past experiences. While these adjustments are somewhat arbitrary, they can significantly improve estimation accuracy in complex environments.

T-Shirt Sizing for Younger Projects

In younger projects, using T-shirt sizing (small, medium, large) or points can be effective. This method translates to broader timeframes, such as whether a task will take a day, a week, or an entire sprint. Tasks that require more than a sprint should be broken down into smaller, more manageable stories that can be completed within a week.


Regular retrospectives are crucial for improving estimations over time. During retrospectives, teams can review what worked well and what didn’t in previous sprints, including the accuracy of their estimations. This reflection helps teams continuously refine their estimation processes and adapt to changing circumstances.

Consider the Working Environment

The working environment can significantly impact task estimations. For instance, bureaucratic environments may slow down progress, making tasks that would take a few days in a startup take much longer. Encourage your team to account for these environmental factors when making their estimates. This awareness comes with experience and should be continually evaluated and adjusted.


Improving task estimations is an ongoing process that requires a combination of self-awareness, collaboration, agile practices, and continuous reflection. By implementing these strategies, you can help your team provide more accurate and realistic estimations, leading to better project planning and execution. Remember, the goal is not to achieve perfect precision but to make informed, realistic estimations that guide your team effectively.

By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and learning, your team can navigate the complexities of software development with greater confidence and success.

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