What is Object-Oriented Programming?
Before we proceed any further, it is highly necessary for programmers and developers to understand what object-oriented programming is and how it works. Object-oriented programming, also commonly referred to as OOP, is one of the most common and popular forms of programming today.
OOP was a drastic shift in programming, as this approach relies on objects and classes for the language to work. Both these constructs can be confusing for developers to work on together, which is why there is some confusion and difficulties. A class is basically defined as a software blueprint through which objects are created and then identified. Hence, we can summarize that a class is a template that assists in the creation of a blueprint.
We can simplify this further by taking an easy example. You can begin by thinking of an object as something tangible that you can touch. Think of a record, a phone or a cup – anything that matches the requirement of being touched.
Classes are then created to put objects into different categories. For instance, you can group phones, tablets and laptops in a different class called mobility, while you can group records, cassettes and CDs into a different class called music. These classes form the basis of OOP and help organizations take them forward.
OOP is based on four simple principles, including:
Encapsulation: Using this principle, an object can keep its current status private and hidden, even when it is present within a class.
Abstraction: As per the principle of abstraction, objects hide all interactions other than those considered relevant and necessary to disclose to other objects surrounding them.
Inheritance: This allows the software to create a child class based on the same fields and methods as the parent class. This cyclical development is natural, without errors or flaws.
Polymorphism: Finally, the concept of polymorphism is common in OOP and allows objects to take multiple forms as per the context they are being used in.
OOP makes it easier for organizations to collaborate through the development process and categorize things rightly.