Free Rotating Proxies From ProxyShare [No Clickbait] - May 29 - - Dev Community

At, we believe in giving back to the community and we understand the importance of having reliable and efficient proxies for various online activities, from web scraping to secure browsing. That's why we're excited to offer free rotating proxies to our users.

Our goal is to provide a high-quality service that meets the needs of developers, data enthusiasts, and anyone in need of a trustworthy proxy solution. In this blog post, we'll cover why you should use rotating proxies, how to get free rotating proxies from, and how to use them with a practical Python example.

Why Use a Rotating Proxy

Rotating proxies are essential for maintaining anonymity and avoiding IP bans while performing tasks like web scraping, data mining, and automated browsing. By regularly changing the IP address used for these tasks, rotating proxies help to:

  • Enhance Anonymity: Keep your online activities private by continuously changing your IP address.
  • Avoid IP Bans: Prevent websites from blocking your IP address due to excessive requests.
  • Improve Efficiency: Ensure smooth and uninterrupted scraping sessions by distributing requests across multiple IPs.

How to Get Free Rotating Proxies from

Getting started with our free rotating proxies is straightforward. Follow these steps to access our free plan:

  1. Visit Our Website: Go to
  2. Join Our Discord: Join our Discord server using this link and stay updated.
  3. Access Free Proxies: Navigate to the free proxies channel and follow the instructions to start using our rotating proxies.

Is There Any Limit to the Free Plan?

Yes, our free plan allows for up to 20,000 requests per day per user. This generous limit ensures you have ample capacity for your web scraping and browsing needs without worrying about hitting a ceiling.

How to Use ProxyShare's Free Proxies

Using our free rotating proxies is simple. Below is a Python example to help you get started:

import requests

# Replace with your ProxyShare credentials
username = 'free'
password = '<PASSWORD>'
proxy = ''

# Setting up the proxy
proxies = {
    'http': f'http://{username}:{password}@{proxy}',
    'https': f'https://{username}:{password}@{proxy}'

# Example request using the proxy
url = ''
response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies)

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This script demonstrates how to set up and use our rotating proxies with Python's requests library. Replace the placeholder values with your actual ProxyShare credentials and proxy details to start making requests through our proxy service.

At, we're committed to providing accessible and high-quality proxy services to the community. Whether you're a developer, data analyst, or privacy-conscious user, our free rotating proxies offer a reliable solution to your needs. Sign up today and experience the benefits of's free proxies for yourself!

Feel free to reach out to our support team via Discord if you have any questions or need assistance. Happy browsing and scraping!

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