Type conversions (Also known as Type Casting) in Python

pulkitgovrani - Jun 16 - - Dev Community

When we convert the value of one datatype into another datatype then it is known as type conversion. There are two types of type conversions:

  1. Implicit Type Conversion
  2. Explicit Type Conversion

Implicit Type Conversion

In this type conversion python automatically converts a value of one datatype into another datatype. It will convert datatype having lower preference to the datatype having higher preference.

Code Example:

Type Conversion


Type Conversion Output

Since float has higher preference so the output will also be in float. This is very useful because we will not loose our data.
But there are some values of one datatypes which can be converted another implicitly. That’s why we have explicit type conversions.

Converting integer to string


Converting INT TO STR



Explicit Type Conversion

In explicit type conversion, the user has to mention explicitly to which value of one datatype he/she wants to convert to another datatype. This can be done by using predefined functions like int(), str(), float().


Explicit Type Conversion


Explicit Type Conversion Output

I hope you were able to understand type conversions in python. Do comment below in case of any doubts.

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