Doodle 0.6.3 Released

Nicholas Eddy - Dec 12 '21 - - Dev Community

Strongly Typed Sliders

ValueSlider, Slider and CircularSlider were previously tied to a Double. This meant it was not easy to force use cases where integer values would be more appropriate. This is now fixed, as these controls are now strongly typed to a numeric value instead of only supporting Double.

val slider = Slider(10 .. 20)
slider.value = 11.2 // will not compile since slider has a type of Int
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More Flexible Layouts

Layouts are generally triggered whenever their container's size changes or a child of the container has a bounds change. But there are cases when this default behavior does not work as well. A good example is a Layout that depends on a child's idealSize. Such a Layout won't be invoked when the idealSizes change, and will be out of date in some cases.

This is now fixed by giving Layouts a chance to act when min/ideal-size changes for children of a Container. There are actually 3 new APIs that provide a lot of flexibility in how Layouts behave.

public fun requiresLayout(container: PositionableContainer, old: Size, new: Size): Boolean = true
public fun requiresLayout(child: Positionable, of: PositionableContainer, old: Rectangle, new: Rectangle): Boolean = false
public fun requiresLayout(child: Positionable, of: PositionableContainer, old: SizePreferences, new: SizePreferences): Boolean = false
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Form Controls

  • New switch and switchList form controls
  • New spinner form control
  • New framed form control to wrap other controls in a configurable container
  • radioList, checkList, named and labeled form controls now allow a custom renderer and insets for their container
  • sub-forms now allow custom Insets and behavior
  • New check form control with arbitrary view as annotation

Doodle is a pure Kotlin UI framework for the Web (and Desktop), that lets you create rich applications without relying on Javascript, HTML or CSS. Check out the documentation and tutorials to learn more.

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