Navigating Federal Spending Data with the USAspending API

Eric deQuevedo - Jun 28 - - Dev Community

Navigating Federal Spending Data with the USAspending API

For organizations and individuals interested in tracking federal spending, the USAspending API offers a comprehensive and accessible way to retrieve detailed data. This guide will explore the key functionalities of the USAspending API, how to get started, and practical examples to help you leverage this powerful tool.

Overview of the USAspending API

The USAspending API provides programmatic access to federal spending data. It supports various endpoints, each designed to return specific types of information. Key features of this API include:

  • GET and POST Requests: Supports both GET requests for specific records and POST requests for advanced filtering.
  • Detailed Spending Data: Access to detailed financial information, including obligations, awards, and budgetary resources.
  • No Authorization Required: The API does not currently require any authorization for access.

Getting Started with the USAspending API

Understanding Endpoints

Endpoints are the specific paths used to request data from the API. Each endpoint corresponds to a particular type of data, such as agency details, award information, or spending summaries.

Common Request Methods

  • GET Requests: Used to retrieve specific records with known identifiers.
  • POST Requests: Used for more advanced filtering and retrieving data based on complex queries.

Example Endpoints

Here are some commonly used endpoints and their descriptions:

Endpoint Methods Description
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/ GET Returns agency overview information for's Agency Details page for agencies that have ever awarded
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/awards/ GET Returns agency summary information, specifically the number of transactions and award obligations for the sub-agency section of's Agency Details page
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/awards/new/count/ GET Returns a count of New Awards for the agency in a single fiscal year
/api/v2/agency/awards/count/ GET Returns a count of Awards types for agencies in a single fiscal year
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/budget_function/ GET Returns a list of Budget Functions and Budget Subfunctions for the agency in a single fiscal year
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/budget_function/count/ GET Returns the count of Budget Functions for the agency in a single fiscal year
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/budgetary_resources/ GET Returns budgetary resources and obligations for the agency and fiscal year requested
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/federal_account/ GET Returns a list of Federal Accounts and Treasury Accounts for the agency in a single fiscal year
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/federal_account/count/ GET Returns the count of Federal Accounts and Treasury Accounts for the agency in a single fiscal year
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/object_class/ GET Returns a list of Object Classes for the agency in a single fiscal year
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/object_class/count/ GET Returns the count of Object Classes for the agency in a single fiscal year
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/obligations_by_award_category/ GET Returns a breakdown of obligations by award category within a single fiscal year
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/program_activity/ GET Returns a list of Program Activity categories for the agency in a single fiscal year
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/program_activity/count/ GET Returns the count of Program Activity categories for the agency in a single fiscal year
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/sub_agency/ GET Returns a list of sub-agencies and offices with obligated amounts, transaction counts, and new award counts for the agency in a single fiscal year
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/sub_agency/count/ GET Returns the number of sub-agencies and offices for the agency in a single fiscal year
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/sub_components/<BUREAU_SLUG>/ GET Returns a list of federal accounts by bureau for the agency in a single fiscal year
/api/v2/agency/<TOPTIER_AGENCY_CODE>/sub_components/ GET Returns a list of bureaus for the agency in a single fiscal year
/api/v2/agency/treasury_account/<TREASURY_ACCOUNT_SYMBOL>/object_class/ GET Returns a list of Object Classes for the specified Treasury Account Symbol (tas)
/api/v2/agency/treasury_account/<TREASURY_ACCOUNT_SYMBOL>/program_activity/ GET Returns a list of Program Activities for the specified Treasury Account Symbol (tas)
/api/v2/autocomplete/accounts/a/ POST Returns Treasury Account Symbol Availability Type Code (A) filtered by other components provided in the request filter
/api/v2/autocomplete/accounts/aid/ POST Returns Treasury Account Symbol/Federal Account Agency Identifier (AID) filtered by other components provided in the request filter
/api/v2/autocomplete/accounts/ata/ POST Returns Treasury Account Symbol Allocation Transfer Agency Identifier (ATA) filtered by other components provided in the request filter
/api/v2/autocomplete/accounts/bpoa/ POST Returns Treasury Account Symbol Beginning Period of Availability (BPOA) filtered by other components provided in the request filter
/api/v2/autocomplete/accounts/epoa/ POST Returns Treasury Account Symbol Ending Period of Availability (EPOA) filtered by other components provided in the request filter
/api/v2/autocomplete/accounts/main/ POST Returns Treasury Account Symbol/Federal Account Main Account Code (MAIN) filtered by other components provided in the request filter
/api/v2/autocomplete/accounts/sub/ POST Returns Treasury Account Symbol Sub-Account Code (SUB) filtered by other components provided in the request filter
/api/v2/autocomplete/awarding_agency/ POST Returns awarding agencies matching the specified search text
/api/v2/autocomplete/awarding_agency_office/ POST Returns awarding agencies and offices matching the specified search text
/api/v2/autocomplete/funding_agency_office/ POST Returns funding agencies and offices matching the specified search text
/api/v2/autocomplete/cfda/ POST Returns CFDA programs matching the specified search text
/api/v2/autocomplete/city/ POST Returns city names matching the search text, sorted by relevance
/api/v2/autocomplete/recipient/ POST Returns recipient names and UEI based on search text
/api/v2/autocomplete/funding_agency/ POST Returns funding agencies matching the specified search text
/api/v2/autocomplete/glossary/ POST Returns glossary terms matching provided search text
/api/v2/autocomplete/naics/ POST Returns NAICS objects matching the specified search text
/api/v2/autocomplete/psc/ POST Returns product or service (PSC) codes and their descriptions based on a search string. This may be the 4-character PSC code or a description string.
/api/v2/autocomplete/location/ POST Returns locations based on search text
/api/v2/award_spending/recipient/ GET Returns all award spending by recipient for a given fiscal year and agency id
/api/v2/awards/<AWARD_ID>/ GET Returns details about specific award
/api/v2/awards/accounts/ POST Returns a list of federal accounts for the indicated award
/api/v2/awards/count/federal_account/<AWARD_ID>/ GET Returns the number of federal accounts associated with the award
/api/v2/awards/count/subaward/<AWARD_ID>/ GET Returns the number of subawards associated with the award
/api/v2/awards/count/subaward/<AWARD_ID>/ GET Returns the number of subawards associated with the award
/api/v2/awards/count/transaction/<AWARD_ID>/ GET Returns the number of transactions associated with the award
/api/v2/awards/funding/ POST Returns federal account, awarding agencies, funding agencies, and transaction obligated amount information for a requested award
/api/v2/awards/funding_rollup/ POST Returns aggregated count of awarding agencies, federal accounts, and total transaction obligated amount for an award
/api/v2/awards/last_updated/ GET Returns date of last update
/api/v2/budget_functions/list_budget_functions/ GET Returns all Budget Functions associated with a TAS, ordered by Budget Function code
/api/v2/budget_functions/list_budget_subfunctions/ POST Returns all Budget Functions associated with a TAS, ordered by Budget Function code
/api/v2/bulk_download/awards/ POST Generates zip file for download of award data in CSV format
/api/v2/bulk_download/list_agencies/ POST Lists all the agencies and the subagencies or federal accounts associated under specific agencies
/api/v2/bulk_download/list_monthly_files/ POST Lists the monthly files associated with the requested params
/api/v2/bulk_download/status/ GET Returns the current status of a download job that that has been requested with the v2/bulk_download/awards/ or v2/bulk_download/transaction/ endpoint that same day.
/api/v2/disaster/agency/count/ POST Returns the count of Agencies which received disaster/emergency funding
/api/v2/disaster/agency/loans/ POST Returns insights on the Agencies awarding loans from disaster/emergency funding
/api/v2/disaster/agency/spending/ POST Returns insights on the Agencies which received disaster/emergency funding
/api/v2/disaster/award/amount/ POST Returns account data obligation and outlay spending aggregations of all (File D) Awards which received disaster/emergency funding
/api/v2/disaster/award/count/ POST Returns the count of account data obligation and outlay spending aggregations of all (File D) Awards which received disaster/emergency funding
/api/v2/disaster/cfda/count/ POST Dimension Count of Disaster/Emergency funding data
/api/v2/disaster/cfda/loans/ POST Records of loan Disaster/Emergency funding data by dimension
/api/v2/disaster/cfda/spending/ POST Records of spending Disaster/Emergency funding data by dimension
/api/v2/disaster/def_code/count/ POST Dimension Count of Disaster/Emergency funding data
/api/v2/disaster/federal_account/count/ POST Dimension Count of Disaster/Emergency funding data
/api/v2/disaster/federal_account/loans/ POST Records of loan Disaster/Emergency funding data by dimension
/api/v2/disaster/federal_account/spending/ POST Records of spending Disaster/Emergency funding data by dimension
/api/v2/disaster/object_class/count/ POST Dimension Count of Disaster/Emergency funding data
/api/v2/disaster/object_class/loans/ POST Records of loan Disaster/Emergency funding data by dimension
/api/v2/disaster/object_class/spending/ POST Records of spending Disaster/Emergency funding data by dimension
/api/v2/disaster/overview/ GET Overview of Disaster/Emergency funding and spending
/api/v2/disaster/recipient/count/ POST Dimension Count of Disaster/Emergency funding data
/api/v2/disaster/recipient/loans/ POST Records of loan Disaster/Emergency funding data by dimension
/api/v2/disaster/recipient/spending/ POST Records of spending Disaster/Emergency funding data by dimension
/api/v2/disaster/spending_by_geography/ POST Geographic award spending of Disaster/Emergency funding
/api/v2/download/accounts/ POST Generates zip file for download of account data in CSV format
/api/v2/download/assistance/ POST Returns a zipped file containing Assistance data
/api/v2/download/awards/ POST Generates zip file for download of award data in CSV format
/api/v2/download/contract/ POST Returns a zipped file containing Contract data
/api/v2/download/count/ POST Returns the number of transactions that would be included in a download request for the given filter set
/api/v2/download/disaster/ POST Returns a zipped file containing Account and Award data for the Disaster Funding
/api/v2/download/disaster/recipients/ POST Returns a zipped file containing Disaster Recipient Funding data
/api/v2/download/idv/ POST Returns a zipped file containing IDV data
/api/v2/download/status/ GET gets the current status of a download job that that has been requested with the v2/download/awards/ or v2/download/transaction/ endpoint that same day
/api/v2/download/transactions/ POST Generates zip file for download of award data in CSV format
/api/v2/federal_accounts/<ACCOUNT_CODE>/ GET Returns a federal account based on its federal account code
/api/v2/federal_accounts/<ACCOUNT_CODE>/available_object_classes/ GET Returns financial spending data by object class based on account's internal ID
/api/v2/federal_accounts/<ACCOUNT_CODE>/fiscal_year_snapshot/<YEAR>/ GET Returns budget information for a federal account for the year provided based on account's internal ID
/api/v2/federal_accounts/<ACCOUNT_CODE>/fiscal_year_snapshot/ GET Returns budget information for a federal account for the most recent year based on account's internal ID
/api/v2/federal_accounts/ POST Returns financial spending data by object class
/api/v2/federal_obligations/ GET Returns a paginated list of obligations for the provided agency for the provided year
/api/v2/financial_balances/agencies/ GET Returns financial balances by agency and the latest quarter for the given fiscal year
/api/v2/financial_spending/major_object_class/ GET Returns financial spending data by object class for the latest quarter based on the given fiscal year
/api/v2/financial_spending/object_class/ GET Returns financial spending data by object class for the latest quarter based on the given fiscal year
/api/v2/idvs/accounts/ POST Returns a list of federal accounts for the indicated IDV
/api/v2/idvs/activity/ POST Returns information about child awards and grandchild awards for a given IDV (Indefinite Delivery Vehicle)
/api/v2/idvs/amounts/<AWARD_ID>/ GET Returns the direct children of an IDV
/api/v2/idvs/awards/ POST Returns IDVs or contracts related to the requested Indefinite Delivery Vehicle award (IDV)
/api/v2/idvs/count/federal_account/<AWARD_ID>/ GET Returns the number of federal accounts associated with children and grandchild awards of an IDV
/api/v2/idvs/funding/ POST Returns File C funding records associated with an IDV
/api/v2/idvs/funding_rollup/ POST Returns aggregated count of awarding agencies, federal accounts, and total transaction obligated amount for all contracts under an IDV
/api/v2/recipient/ POST Returns a list of recipients in USAspending DB
/api/v2/recipient/children/<DUNS_OR_UEI>/ GET Returns recipient details based on DUNS or UEI number
/api/v2/recipient/count/ POST Returns the count of recipients for the given filters
/api/v2/recipient/duns/<HASH_VALUE>/ GET Returns a high-level overview of a specific recipient, given its id
/api/v2/recipient/duns/ POST Returns a list of recipients in USAspending DB
/api/v2/recipient/<HASH_VALUE>/ GET Returns an individual recipient in USAspending DB
/api/v2/recipient/state/<FIPS>/ GET Returns basic information about the specified state
/api/v2/recipient/state/ GET Returns basic information about the specified state
/api/v2/recipient/state/awards/<FIPS>/ GET Returns award breakdown based on FIPS
/api/v2/reporting/agencies/<TOPTIER_CODE>/differences/ GET Returns About the Data information about differences in account balance and spending obligations for a specific agency/year/period
/api/v2/reporting/agencies/<TOPTIER_CODE>/discrepancies/ GET Returns TAS discrepancies of the specified agency's submission data for a specific FY/FP
/api/v2/references/agency/<AGENCY_ID>/ GET Returns basic information about a federal agency
/api/v2/references/award_types/ GET Returns a map of award types by award grouping.
/api/v2/references/cfda/totals// GET Provides total values for provided CFDA
/api/v2/references/cfda/totals/ GET Provides total values for all CFDAs
/api/v2/references/data_dictionary/ GET Returns a JSON structure of the Schema Teams Rosetta Crosswalk Data Dictionary
/api/v2/references/def_codes/ GET Returns an object of Disaster Emergency Fund (DEF) Codes
(DEFC) and titles
/api/v2/references/filter/ POST Accepts an Advanced Search filter object and returns a hash which can be used as a lookup key by /api/v2/references/hash/
/api/v2/references/filter_tree/psc/<GROUP>/<PSC>/<PSC>/ GET Returns a list of PSC under the provided path
/api/v2/references/filter_tree/psc/<GROUP>/<PSC>/ GET Returns a list of PSC under the provided path
/api/v2/references/filter_tree/psc/<GROUP>/ GET Returns a list of PSC under the provided path
/api/v2/references/filter_tree/psc/ GET Returns a list of PSC groupings
/api/v2/references/filter_tree/tas/<AGENCY>/<FEDERAL_ACCOUNT>/ GET Returns a list of Treasury Account Symbols associated with the specified federal account
/api/v2/references/filter_tree/tas/<AGENCY>/ GET Returns a list of federal accounts associated with the specified agency
/api/v2/references/filter_tree/tas/ GET Returns a list of toptier agencies that have at least one TAS affiliated with them
/api/v2/references/glossary/ GET Returns a list of glossary terms and definitions
/api/v2/references/hash/ POST Accepts a hash generated by /api/v2/references/filter/ and returns an Advanced Search filter object
/api/v2/references/naics/<NAICS_CODE>/ GET Returns the requested NAICS and immediate children, as well as related, relevant data.
/api/v2/references/naics/ GET Returns all Tier 1 (2-digit) NAICS and related, relevant data.
/api/v2/references/submission_periods/ GET Returns a list of all available submission periods with essential information about start and end dates.
/api/v2/references/toptier_agencies/ GET Returns all toptier agencies and related, relevant data.
/api/v2/references/total_budgetary_resources/ GET Returns a list of total budgetary resources totalled by fiscal year and period.
/api/v2/reporting/agencies/<TOPTIER_CODE>/overview/ GET Returns a list of submission data for the provided agency.
/api/v2/reporting/agencies/overview/ GET Returns About the Data information about all agencies with submissions in a provided fiscal year and period
/api/v2/reporting/agencies/publish_dates/ GET Returns submission publication and certification information about all agencies with submissions in a provided fiscal year and period
/api/v2/reporting/agencies/<TOPTIER_CODE>/<FISCAL_YEAR>/<FISCAL_PERIOD>/submission_history/ GET Returns a list of submission publication dates and certified dates for the provided agency for the provided fiscal year and period.
/api/v2/reporting/agencies/<TOPTIER_CODE>/<FISCAL_YEAR>/<FISCAL_PERIOD>/unlinked_awards/<TYPE>/ GET Returns counts of an agency's linked and unlinked awards for a given period.
/api/v2/search/new_awards_over_time/ POST Returns a list of time periods with the new awards in the appropriate period within the provided time range
/api/v2/search/spending_by_award/ POST Returns the fields of the filtered awards
/api/v2/search/spending_by_award_count/ POST Returns the number of awards in each award type (Contracts, IDV, Loans, Direct Payments, Grants, and Other)
/api/v2/search/spending_by_category/ POST Returns data that is grouped in preset units to support the various data visualizations on's Advanced Search page
/api/v2/search/spending_by_category/awarding_agency/ POST Returns data that is grouped in preset units to support the Spending by Awarding Agency data visualizations on's Advanced Search page
/api/v2/search/spending_by_category/awarding_subagency/ POST Returns data that is grouped in preset units to support the Spending by Awarding Subagency data visualizations on's Advanced Search page
/api/v2/search/spending_by_category/cfda/ POST Returns data that is grouped in preset units to support the Spending by CFDA data visualizations on's Advanced Search page
/api/v2/search/spending_by_category/country/ POST Returns data that is grouped in preset units to support the Spending by Country data visualizations on's Recipient Profile page
/api/v2/search/spending_by_category/county/ POST Returns data that is grouped in preset units to support the Spending by County data visualizations on's State Profile page
/api/v2/search/spending_by_category/district/ POST Returns data that is grouped in preset units to support the Spending by Congressional District data visualizations on's State Profile page
/api/v2/search/spending_by_category/federal_account/ POST Returns data that is grouped in preset units to support the Spending by Federal Account data visualizations on's Recipient Profile page
/api/v2/search/spending_by_category/funding_agency/ POST Returns data that is grouped in preset units to support the Spending by Funding Agency data visualizations on's Advanced Search page
/api/v2/search/spending_by_category/funding_subagency/ POST Returns data that is grouped in preset units to support the Spending by Funding Subagency data visualizations on's Advanced Search page
/api/v2/search/spending_by_category/naics/ POST Returns data that is grouped in preset units to support the Spending by NAICS data visualizations on's Advanced Search page
/api/v2/search/spending_by_category/psc/ POST Returns data that is grouped in preset units to support the Spending by PSC data visualizations on's Advanced Search page
/api/v2/search/spending_by_category/recipient/ POST Returns data that is grouped in preset units to support the Spending by Recipient data visualizations on's Advanced Search page
/api/v2/search/spending_by_category/recipient_duns/ POST Returns data that is grouped in preset units to support the Spending by Recipient DUNS data visualizations on's Advanced Search page
/api/v2/search/spending_by_category/state_territory/ POST Returns data that is grouped in preset units to support the Spending by State Territory data visualizations on's Recipient Profile page
/api/v2/search/spending_by_geography/ POST Returns Spending by state code, county code, or congressional district code
/api/v2/search/spending_by_transaction/ POST Returns awards where a certain subset of fields match against search term
/api/v2/search/spending_by_transaction_count/ POST Returns counts of awards where a certain subset of fields match against search term
/api/v2/search/spending_by_transaction_grouped/ POST Returns transactions where a certain subset of fields match against search terms and results are grouped by their prime award.
/api/v2/search/spending_over_time/ POST Returns transaction aggregated amounts for Spending Over Time data visualizations on
/api/v2/search/transaction_spending_summary/ POST Returns the number of transactions and the sum of federal action obligations for prime awards given a set of award of filters
/api/v2/spending/ POST Returns spending data information through various types and filters
/api/v2/subawards/ POST Returns subawards either related, optionally, to a specific parent award, or for all parent awards if desired
/api/v2/transactions/ POST Returns transactions related to a specific parent award

Example Requests

Example 1: Basic GET Request

To retrieve information about a specific agency using its top-tier agency code, use the following GET request:

Request URL:
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Response (JSON Output):

  "agency_code": 123,
  "agency_name": "Department of Example",
  "agency_overview": "Overview information about the agency.",
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Example 2: Advanced POST Request

To perform a more complex search for spending by award using various filters, use the following POST request:

Request URL:
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Request Body:

  "filters": {
       "award_type_codes": ["A", "B"],
       "agencies": [
                 "type": "awarding",
                 "tier": "toptier",
                 "name": "Example Agency"
       "recipient_locations": [650597],
       "place_of_performance_scope": "domestic",
       "award_amounts": [
                  "lower_bound": 1000000.00,
                  "upper_bound": 5000000.00

  "fields": ["Award ID", "Recipient Name", "Award Amount"],
  "sort": "Award Amount",
  "order": "desc"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Response (JSON Output):

  "results": [
      "Award ID": "12345",
      "Recipient Name": "Example Recipient",
      "Award Amount": 3000000.00
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


The USAspending API is a valuable resource for accessing detailed federal spending data. By understanding the various endpoints and how to structure your requests, you can efficiently retrieve the information you need. Whether you are conducting research, analyzing government spending, or preparing for a procurement opportunity, the USAspending API provides the tools to support your efforts.

Stay tuned to our blog for more insights and guides on leveraging technology to streamline your business processes!

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