Building a Goal Tracking System for a Productivity App
In this article, we'll build an exciting feature for a productivity app: a system for setting and tracking goals to help users get closer to their dream life. We'll work within a TypeScript monorepo and use React for the frontend. Although the source code for Increaser is in a private repository, you can find all the reusable components and utilities in the RadzionKit repository.
Creating a User-Friendly Goals Page
Our plan is to create a beautiful and user-friendly page for managing goals. Users should be able to set a goal deadline either to a specific date or link it to their age. Additionally, they should see their age and goals on a timeline to instill a sense of urgency and track progress. Each goal will have a status: "to do," "in progress," or "done." Completed goals will be moved to a separate section to keep the main view uncluttered. Users can assign an emoji to each goal for easy identification on the timeline. For measurable goals, users can set a numeric target and track the current value. They should also write a high-level plan for achieving the goal and, most importantly, set recurring tasks to be completed daily, weekly, or monthly to reach the goal.
The Goal Entity
First, let's examine the Goal
entity. It has the following properties:
- A unique identifier. -
- A string representing an emoji. -
- A string containing the goal name. -
- Which could be "done," "inProgress," or "toDo." -
- A string or number representing the deadline. If it's a number, it represents the timestamp; if it's a string, it represents the age. -
- A string with a high-level plan for achieving the goal. -
- An object for measurable goals with two properties:current
, both of which are numbers. -
- An array of task factory IDs responsible for creating recurring tasks.
export const goalStatuses = ["done", "inProgress", "toDo"] as const
export type GoalStatus = (typeof goalStatuses)[number]
export const goalStatusNameRecord: Record<GoalStatus, string> = {
done: "Done",
inProgress: "In progress",
toDo: "To do",
export type GoalTarget = {
current: number
value: number
export type Goal = {
id: string
emoji: string
name: string
status: GoalStatus
deadlineAt: string | number
plan?: string | null
target?: GoalTarget | null
taskFactories?: string[]
export type Goals = Record<string, Goal>
export const goalDeadlineTypes = ["age", "date"] as const
export type GoalDeadlineType = (typeof goalDeadlineTypes)[number]
Storing Goals in DynamoDB
We use DynamoDB as our database, and goals are stored in the user item as records, with the goal ID serving as the key. This setup allows for more efficient updates on specific goals. We won't delve into the backend implementation details, as it's quite straightforward. If you're curious about how to seamlessly implement backends within a TypeScript monorepo, check out this post.
Front-End Implementation
On the front-end, we have two subpages: one for active goals and another for completed goals. Both subpages share the same layout. We place a view selector for switching between pages in the page title and wrap the content in a UserStateOnly
component to ensure that the goals component is rendered only when user data is present.
import { ComponentWithChildrenProps } from "@lib/ui/props"
import { AppPageLayout } from "../focus/components/AppPageLayout"
import { FixedWidthContent } from "../components/reusable/fixed-width-content"
import { PageTitle } from "../ui/PageTitle"
import { UserStateOnly } from "../user/state/UserStateOnly"
import { HStack, VStack } from "@lib/ui/layout/Stack"
import { Text } from "@lib/ui/text"
import styled from "styled-components"
import { GoalsViewSelector } from "./GoalsViewSelector"
const title = "Your goals"
const Container = styled(VStack)`
max-width: 560px;
const Content = styled(VStack)`
gap: 40px;
export const GoalsLayout = ({ children }: ComponentWithChildrenProps) => {
return (
documentTitle={`⏳ ${title}`}
<GoalsViewSelector />
Goals View Selector
The GoalsViewSelector
renders the RadioInput
component from RadzionKit. When an option is selected, we call push
from useRouter
to navigate to the selected subpage.
import { RadioInput } from "@lib/ui/inputs/RadioInput"
import { capitalizeFirstLetter } from "@lib/utils/capitalizeFirstLetter"
import { useRouter } from "next/router"
import { useCurrentPageView } from "../navigation/hooks/useCurrentPageView"
import { appPageViews, getAppPath } from "@increaser/ui/navigation/app"
export const GoalsViewSelector = () => {
const view = useCurrentPageView("goals")
const { push } = useRouter()
return (
onChange={(view) => push(getAppPath("goals", view))}
Current Page View Hook
The useCurrentPageView
hook examines the current path and returns the last path segment. If the view is invalid, it throws an error.
import { useRouter } from "next/router"
import { useMemo } from "react"
import {
} from "@increaser/ui/navigation/app"
export const useCurrentPageView = <P extends AppPageWithView>(
page: P
): AppPathViewOf<P> => {
const router = useRouter()
const { asPath } = router
return useMemo(() => {
const [, view] = asPath.split("/").slice(1)
if (appPageViews[page].includes(view as never)) {
return view as AppPathViewOf<P>
throw new Error(`Invalid view=${view} for page=${page}`)
}, [asPath, page])
Navigation System
Increaser has a specific navigation system that allows only one level of nesting. The getAppPath
function receives the "route" path, and if that path has a view, it expects a second argument for the view. The function returns the path to the page with the view, if provided.
export const primaryAppNavigationPages = [
] as const
export const secondaryAppNavigationPages = [
] as const
const appNavigationPages = [
] as const
export type AppNavigationPage = (typeof appNavigationPages)[number]
export const appPages = [
] as const
export type AppPage = (typeof appPages)[number]
export const appPagePath: Record<AppPage, string> = {
focus: "",
timeTracking: "time-tracking",
workBudget: "work-budget",
timePlanning: "time-planning",
habits: "habits",
tasks: "tasks",
schedule: "schedule",
vision: "vision",
goals: "goals",
projects: "projects",
community: "community",
membership: "membership",
account: "account",
plan: "plan",
oauth: "oauth",
signIn: "sign-in",
signUp: "sign-up",
emailConfirm: "email-confirm",
onboarding: "onboarding",
export const appPageViews = {
timeTracking: ["report", "track"],
vision: ["my", "ideas"],
goals: ["active", "done"],
habits: ["my", "ideas"],
} as const
export type AppPageVisionView = (typeof appPageViews)["vision"][number]
export type AppPageHabitsView = (typeof appPageViews)["habits"][number]
type AppPageViews = typeof appPageViews
export type AppPageWithView = keyof AppPageViews
export function getAppPath<P extends AppPageWithView>(
page: P,
subpage: AppPageViews[P][number]
): string
export function getAppPath(page: Exclude<AppPage, AppPageWithView>): string
export function getAppPath(page: AppPage, view?: string): string {
const path = appPagePath[page]
if (view) {
return `/${path}/${view}`
return `/${path}`
export type AppPathViewOf<P extends AppPageWithView> = AppPageViews[P][number]
export const getPageDefaultPath = (page: AppPage): string =>
page in appPageViews
? getAppPath(
page as AppPageWithView,
appPageViews[page as AppPageWithView][0]
: getAppPath(page as Exclude<AppPage, AppPageWithView>)
Active View Sections
The active view consists of three sections: a timeline, an educational block that the user can dismiss, and a list of goals with an "Add goal" button.
import { VStack } from "@lib/ui/layout/Stack"
import { ProductEducationBlock } from "@increaser/ui/education/ProductEducationBlock"
import { ActiveItemIdProvider } from "@lib/ui/list/ActiveItemIdProvider"
import { Goals } from "@increaser/ui/goals/Goals"
import { AddGoal } from "@increaser/ui/goals/AddGoal"
import { GoalsTimeline } from "@increaser/ui/goals/timeline/GoalsTimeline"
export const ActiveGoals = () => {
return (
<GoalsTimeline />
<ProductEducationBlock value="goals" />
<ActiveItemIdProvider initialValue={null}>
<Goals />
<AddGoal />
Goals Timeline
Let's start with the goals timeline. Since it makes the most sense to display the timeline in relation to the user's age, we prompt the user to set their date of birth if it hasn't been set yet, instead of displaying the timeline.
import { useAssertUserState } from "../../user/UserStateContext"
import { GoalsTimelineProvider } from "./GoalsTimelineProvider"
import { VStack } from "@lib/ui/layout/Stack"
import { TimeLabels } from "./TimeLabels"
import styled from "styled-components"
import { getColor } from "@lib/ui/theme/getters"
import { SetDobPrompt } from "../dob/SetDobPrompt"
import { goalsTimelineConfig } from "./config"
import { toSizeUnit } from "@lib/ui/css/toSizeUnit"
import { CurrentAge } from "./CurrentAge"
import { GroupedGoals } from "./GroupedGoals"
import { Spacer } from "@lib/ui/layout/Spacer"
const Line = styled.div`
height: 1px;
width: 100%;
background: ${getColor("mistExtra")};
const LabelsContainer = styled.div`
width: 100%;
position: relative;
height: ${toSizeUnit(goalsTimelineConfig.labelsHeight)};
export const GoalsTimeline = () => {
const { dob } = useAssertUserState()
if (dob) {
return (
<GroupedGoals />
<Spacer height={8} />
<Line />
<TimeLabels />
<CurrentAge />
return <SetDobPrompt />
Date of Birth Prompt
The SetDobPrompt
component uses the Opener
and PanelPrompt
components from RadzionKit to display a prompt that opens a modal with a form for setting the date of birth. Opener
is a simple wrapper around the useState
hook, providing more declarative control over opener components. PanelPrompt
is a component that resembles a panel but has an interactive UI with bold text at the center.
import { PanelPrompt } from "@lib/ui/panel/PanelPrompt"
import { Opener } from "@lib/ui/base/Opener"
import { SetDobForm } from "./SetDobForm"
export const SetDobPrompt = () => {
return (
renderOpener={({ onOpen, isOpen }) =>
isOpen ? null : (
title="Set your birthdate for age-based goals"
Customize goals by setting milestones based on your age.
renderContent={({ onClose }) => <SetDobForm onFinish={onClose} />}
Managing User's Date of Birth
At Increaser, we represent the user's date of birth as a string created by calling dayToString
with the Day
entity. The Day
entity is an object that includes a year and a day index of that year. While we could have used a regular date format, I prefer having a specific entity for a day that describes that particular point in time, as we don't need other aspects of the "Date" concept.
import { haveEqualFields } from "../record/haveEqualFields"
import { convertDuration } from "./convertDuration"
import { format, startOfYear } from "date-fns"
import { inTimeZone } from "./inTimeZone"
export type Day = {
year: number
dayIndex: number
export const toDay = (timestamp: number): Day => {
const date = new Date(timestamp)
const dateOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset()
const yearStartedAt = inTimeZone(startOfYear(timestamp).getTime(), dateOffset)
const diff = timestamp - yearStartedAt
const day = {
year: new Date(timestamp).getFullYear(),
dayIndex: Math.floor(diff / convertDuration(1, "d", "ms")),
return day
export const dayToString = ({ year, dayIndex }: Day): string =>
[dayIndex, year].join("-")
export const stringToDay = (str: string): Day => {
const [dayIndex, year] = str.split("-").map(Number)
return { dayIndex, year }
export const fromDay = ({ year, dayIndex }: Day): number => {
const yearStartedAt = startOfYear(new Date(year, 0, 1)).getTime()
return yearStartedAt + dayIndex * convertDuration(1, "d", "ms")
export const areSameDay = <T extends Day>(a: T, b: T): boolean =>
haveEqualFields(["year", "dayIndex"], a, b)
export const formatDay = (timestamp: number) => format(timestamp, "EEEE, d MMM")
Setting Date of Birth
The SetDobForm
is a straightforward form with a single value managed by useState
. On submit, we call the updateUser
mutation and close the form.
import { HStack } from "@lib/ui/layout/Stack"
import { Button } from "@lib/ui/buttons/Button"
import styled from "styled-components"
import { InputContainer } from "@lib/ui/inputs/InputContainer"
import { DayInput } from "@lib/ui/time/DayInput"
import { stringToDay, dayToString, Day } from "@lib/utils/time/Day"
import { FinishableComponentProps } from "@lib/ui/props"
import { useState } from "react"
import { LabelText } from "@lib/ui/inputs/LabelText"
import { useUpdateUserMutation } from "../../user/mutations/useUpdateUserMutation"
import { getFormProps } from "@lib/ui/form/utils/getFormProps"
import { useAssertUserState } from "../../user/UserStateContext"
import { Panel } from "@lib/ui/panel/Panel"
import { useDobBoundaries } from "./useDobBoundaries"
import { getDefaultDob } from "./getDefaultDob"
const Container = styled(HStack)`
width: 100%;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: end;
gap: 20px;
export const SetDobForm = ({ onFinish }: FinishableComponentProps) => {
const { dob } = useAssertUserState()
const { mutate: updateUser } = useUpdateUserMutation()
const [value, setValue] = useState<Day>(() => {
if (dob) {
return stringToDay(dob)
return getDefaultDob()
const [min, max] = useDobBoundaries()
return (
<InputContainer as="div" style={{ gap: 8 }}>
<LabelText>Your date of birth</LabelText>
<Panel kind="secondary">
onClose: onFinish,
onSubmit: () => {
updateUser({ dob: dayToString(value) })
<DayInput min={min} max={max} value={value} onChange={setValue} />
Form Submission
To support Escape
and Enter
key presses we use the getFormProps
function. This function returns the onKeyDown
and onSubmit
properties for the form element.
import { preventDefault } from "../../utils/preventDefault"
import { FormEvent, KeyboardEvent } from "react"
import { stopPropagation } from "../../utils/stopPropagation"
type GetFormPropsInput = {
onClose?: () => void
onSubmit: () => void
isDisabled?: boolean | string
export const getFormProps = ({
isDisabled = false,
}: GetFormPropsInput) => {
return {
onKeyDown: onClose
? (event: KeyboardEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => {
if (event.key === "Escape") {
: undefined,
onSubmit: stopPropagation<FormEvent>(
preventDefault(() => {
if (isDisabled) return
Date of Birth Boundaries
The useDobBoundaries
hook returns the minimum and maximum date of birth values, which are 6 and 100 years ago, respectively. We use the toDay
function to convert a timestamp to a Day
entity and subYears
from date-fns
to subtract years from the current date.
import { toDay } from "@lib/utils/time/Day"
import { useMemo } from "react"
import { subYears } from "date-fns"
export const useDobBoundaries = () => {
const maxDob = useMemo(() => toDay(subYears(, 6).getTime()), [])
const minDob = useMemo(() => toDay(subYears(, 100).getTime()), [])
return [minDob, maxDob]
Submitting User Date of Birth
On submit we call the updateUser
mutation, which will do an optimistic update of the user state and call the appropriate API endpoint to update the user's date of birth. If you are curious about learning how the DayInput
works, check out this post.
import { User } from "@increaser/entities/User"
import { useApi } from "@increaser/api-ui/state/ApiContext"
import { useMutation } from "@tanstack/react-query"
import { useUserState } from "@increaser/ui/user/UserStateContext"
export const useUpdateUserMutation = () => {
const api = useApi()
const { updateState } = useUserState()
return useMutation({
mutationFn: async (input: Partial<User>) => {
return"updateUser", input)
Goals Timeline Context
Let's move on to the timeline and define the necessary React context for this component. We need to have an interval for the timeline to know where it starts and ends, the date of birth, and an array of time labels.
import { createContextHook } from "@lib/ui/state/createContextHook"
import { Interval } from "@lib/utils/interval/Interval"
import { createContext } from "react"
type GoalsTimelineState = {
interval: Interval
dob: string
timeLabels: number[]
export const GoalsTimelinContext = createContext<
GoalsTimelineState | undefined
export const useGoalsTimeline = createContextHook(
Calculating Timeline Interval
The GoalsTimelineProvider
component calculates the timeline interval based on the user's date of birth and active goals. The start of the timeline is either the user's last birthday or the first goal deadline, and the end is either the user's birthday three years from now or the last goal deadline plus one year.
import { ComponentWithChildrenProps } from "@lib/ui/props"
import { GoalsTimelinContext } from "./state/GoalsTimelineContext"
import { useMemo } from "react"
import { useAssertUserState } from "../../user/UserStateContext"
import { fromDay, stringToDay } from "@lib/utils/time/Day"
import { getGoalDeadlineTimestamp } from "@increaser/entities-utils/goal/getGoalDeadlineTimestamp"
import { shouldBePresent } from "@lib/utils/assert/shouldBePresent"
import { getUserAgeAt } from "@increaser/entities-utils/user/getUserAgeAt"
import { addYears } from "date-fns"
import { range } from "@lib/utils/array/range"
import { order } from "@lib/utils/array/order"
import { getLastItem } from "@lib/utils/array/getLastItem"
import { useActiveGoals } from "../hooks/useActiveGoals"
import { isEmpty } from "@lib/utils/array/isEmpty"
const maxLabelsCount = 10
export const GoalsTimelineProvider = ({
}: ComponentWithChildrenProps) => {
const goals = useActiveGoals()
const { dob: potentialDob } = useAssertUserState()
const dob = shouldBePresent(potentialDob)
const [start, minEnd] = useMemo(() => {
const dobDate = fromDay(stringToDay(dob))
const userAge = getUserAgeAt({
let start = addYears(dobDate, userAge).getTime()
let end = addYears(dobDate, userAge + 3).getTime()
if (!isEmpty(goals)) {
const orderedDeadlines = order({ deadlineAt }) =>
(v) => v,
start = Math.min(
at: orderedDeadlines[0],
}) - 1
end = Math.max(
at: getLastItem(orderedDeadlines),
}) + 1
return [start, end]
}, [dob, goals])
const [step, count] = useMemo(() => {
const startAge = getUserAgeAt({ dob, at: start })
const endAge = getUserAgeAt({ dob, at: minEnd })
const initialStepCount = endAge - startAge + 1
const step = Math.ceil(initialStepCount / maxLabelsCount)
return [step, Math.ceil(initialStepCount / step)]
}, [dob, minEnd, start])
const interval = useMemo(
() => ({
end: addYears(start, step * count).getTime(),
[count, start, step]
const timeLabels = useMemo(() => {
return range(count).map((i) => addYears(start, i * step).getTime())
}, [count, start, step])
return (
Asserting Date of Birth
We also assert the date of birth and calculate time labels to ensure that the maximum number of labels is 10, even if the user's goals span more than 10 years. We use the range
function to generate an array of numbers from 0 to count
and then map over it to calculate the timestamp for each label.
export const range = (length: number) => Array.from({ length }, (_, i) => i)
Grouping Goals by Deadline
Since some goals might have the same deadline and we don't want them to overlap on the timeline, we group goals by their deadline and render them within a vertical stack.
import { useMemo } from "react"
import { groupItems } from "@lib/utils/array/groupItems"
import { getGoalDeadlineTimestamp } from "@increaser/entities-utils/goal/getGoalDeadlineTimestamp"
import { useGoalsTimeline } from "./state/GoalsTimelineContext"
import styled from "styled-components"
import { goalsTimelineConfig } from "./config"
import { PositionAbsolutelyCenterVertically } from "@lib/ui/layout/PositionAbsolutelyCenterVertically"
import { getIntervalDuration } from "@lib/utils/interval/getIntervalDuration"
import { toPercents } from "@lib/utils/toPercents"
import { getRecordKeys } from "@lib/utils/record/getRecordKeys"
import { VStack } from "@lib/ui/layout/Stack"
import { useActiveGoals } from "../hooks/useActiveGoals"
import { CurrentGoalProvider } from "../CurrentGoalProvider"
import { TimelineGoalItem } from "./TimelineGoalItem"
const Container = styled(VStack)`
position: relative;
width: 100%;
export const GroupedGoals = () => {
const items = useActiveGoals()
const { dob, interval } = useGoalsTimeline()
const intervalDuration = getIntervalDuration(interval)
const groupedGoals = useMemo(() => {
return groupItems(items, ({ deadlineAt }) =>
}, [dob, items])
const maxGroupSize = Math.max(
...Object.values(groupedGoals).map((group) => group.length)
return (
maxGroupSize * goalsTimelineConfig.goalHeight +
goalsTimelineConfig.goalsGap * (maxGroupSize - 1),
{getRecordKeys(groupedGoals).map((timestamp) => {
const goals = groupedGoals[timestamp]
return (
((timestamp as number) - interval.start) / intervalDuration
{, index) => (
<CurrentGoalProvider value={goal} key={index}>
<TimelineGoalItem />
Group Items Function
We use the groupItems
function to group items into a record, where the key is the deadline timestamp and the value is an array of goals.
export const groupItems = <T, K extends string | number>(
items: T[],
getKey: (item: T) => K
): Record<K, T[]> => {
const result = {} as Record<K, T[]>
items.forEach((item) => {
const key = getKey(item)
if (!result[key]) {
result[key] = []
return result
Calculating Container Height
Since the size of the goal item is fixed and defined in the goalsTimelineConfig
, we calculate the height of the container based on the maximum group size. We then iterate over the grouped goals, calculate the left position based on the timestamp, and render the TimelineGoalItem
export const goalsTimelineConfig = {
timeLabelHeight: 20,
labelsHeight: 52,
goalHeight: 40,
goalsGap: 4,
Positioning Goals
To avoid prop-drilling, we leverage the CurrentGoalProvider
component, which receives the goal as a value and makes it available to all child components. To easily create such providers, we use the getValueProviderSetup
function from RadzionKit.
import { Goal } from "@increaser/entities/Goal"
import { getValueProviderSetup } from "@lib/ui/state/getValueProviderSetup"
export const { useValue: useCurrentGoal, provider: CurrentGoalProvider } =
Rendering Goal Items
The TimelineGoalItem
component renders the goal emoji and an indicator that represents the goal status. We use the useTheme
hook from styled-components
to access the theme and apply the appropriate color to the indicator.
import styled, { useTheme } from "styled-components"
import { goalsTimelineConfig } from "./config"
import { round } from "@lib/ui/css/round"
import { getColor } from "@lib/ui/theme/getters"
import { centerContent } from "@lib/ui/css/centerContent"
import { sameDimensions } from "@lib/ui/css/sameDimensions"
import { getGoalStatusColor } from "../getGoalStatusColor"
import { useCurrentGoal } from "../CurrentGoalProvider"
const Container = styled.div`
border: 2px solid ${getColor("mistExtra")};
color: ${getColor("contrast")};
background: ${getColor("background")};
position: relative;
font-size: 20px;
const Indicator = styled.div`
position: absolute;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
export const TimelineGoalItem = () => {
const { emoji, status } = useCurrentGoal()
const theme = useTheme()
return (
background: getGoalStatusColor(status, theme).toCssValue(),
Centering Goals Vertically
To make it easier to position the goals on the timeline by their center coordinate, we use the PositionAbsolutelyCenterVertically
component from RadzionKit. This component uses a combination of absolute and relative positioning to vertically center the content.
import styled from "styled-components"
import { ComponentWithChildrenProps, UIComponentProps } from "../props"
type PositionAbsolutelyCenterVerticallyProps = ComponentWithChildrenProps &
UIComponentProps & {
left: React.CSSProperties["left"]
fullHeight?: boolean
const Wrapper = styled.div`
position: absolute;
top: 0;
const Container = styled.div`
position: relative;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
const Content = styled.div`
position: absolute;
top: 0;
export const PositionAbsolutelyCenterVertically = ({
style = {},
}: PositionAbsolutelyCenterVerticallyProps) => {
return (
style={{, left, height: fullHeight ? "100%" : undefined }}
<Container style={{ height: fullHeight ? "100%" : undefined }}>
<Content style={{ height: fullHeight ? "100%" : undefined }}>
Displaying Time Labels
To display labels on the timeline, we use the TimeLabels
component. We calculate the left position of each label based on the timestamp and the interval duration. Additionally, we use the getUserAgeAt
function to calculate the user's age at a specific timestamp.
import styled from "styled-components"
import { useGoalsTimeline } from "./state/GoalsTimelineContext"
import { toSizeUnit } from "@lib/ui/css/toSizeUnit"
import { goalsTimelineConfig } from "./config"
import { useMemo } from "react"
import { getUserAgeAt } from "@increaser/entities-utils/user/getUserAgeAt"
import { getIntervalDuration } from "@lib/utils/interval/getIntervalDuration"
import { toPercents } from "@lib/utils/toPercents"
import { Text } from "@lib/ui/text"
import { VStack } from "@lib/ui/layout/Stack"
import { getColor } from "@lib/ui/theme/getters"
const Label = styled(VStack)`
font-size: 12px;
height: ${toSizeUnit(goalsTimelineConfig.timeLabelHeight)};
justify-content: end;
padding-left: 4px;
color: ${getColor("textSupporting")};
border-left: 1px solid ${getColor("mistExtra")};
position: absolute;
top: 0;
export const TimeLabels = () => {
const { interval, dob, timeLabels } = useGoalsTimeline()
const intervalDuration = useMemo(
() => getIntervalDuration(interval),
return (
{ => {
return (
left: toPercents((timestamp - interval.start) / intervalDuration),
<Text size={12} nowrap>
{getUserAgeAt({ dob, at: timestamp })}
Showing User's Current Age
Since it's important to see goals in relation to the user's current age, we display the user's current age on the timeline as well. If the user made a mistake in setting their date of birth, they can easily correct it by clicking on the age.
import { getIntervalDuration } from "@lib/utils/interval/getIntervalDuration"
import { useGoalsTimeline } from "./state/GoalsTimelineContext"
import { toSizeUnit } from "@lib/ui/css/toSizeUnit"
import { VStack } from "@lib/ui/layout/Stack"
import { getColor } from "@lib/ui/theme/getters"
import styled from "styled-components"
import { goalsTimelineConfig } from "./config"
import { toPercents } from "@lib/utils/toPercents"
import { shouldBePresent } from "@lib/utils/assert/shouldBePresent"
import { fromDay, stringToDay } from "@lib/utils/time/Day"
import { formatDuration, intervalToDuration } from "date-fns"
import { interactive } from "@lib/ui/css/interactive"
import { transition } from "@lib/ui/css/transition"
import { Opener } from "@lib/ui/base/Opener"
import { SetDobOverlay } from "../dob/SetDobOverlay"
const Container = styled(VStack)`
height: ${toSizeUnit(goalsTimelineConfig.labelsHeight)};
justify-content: end;
color: ${getColor("primary")};
border-left: 1px solid;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
const Content = styled.div`
border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;
padding: 4px 8px;
font-weight: 500;
font-size: 12px;
border: 1px solid ${getColor("primary")};
border-left: 0;
color: ${({ theme }) =>
.getHighestContrast(theme.colors.background, theme.colors.contrast)
&:hover {
background: ${getColor("foreground")};
export const CurrentAge = () => {
const { interval, dob } = useGoalsTimeline()
const now =
const intervalDuration = getIntervalDuration(interval)
const dobTimestamp = fromDay(stringToDay(shouldBePresent(dob)))
const duration = intervalToDuration({
start: dobTimestamp,
return (
renderOpener={({ onOpen }) => (
left: toPercents((now - interval.start) / intervalDuration),
{formatDuration(duration, {
format: ["years", "months", "days"],
renderContent={({ onClose }) => <SetDobOverlay onFinish={onClose} />}
Goals List
With the timeline and grouped goals in place, we can now move on to the goals list. We wrap it with the ActiveItemIdProvider
component to make the active goal ID available to all child components. This can be useful in situations where other items need to adjust their appearance if one item is active. For example, in a drag-and-drop list, we might want to disable dragging of items when one item is active. In our case, the active item is the one being edited.
import { getStateProviderSetup } from "../state/getStateProviderSetup"
export const { useState: useActiveItemId, provider: ActiveItemIdProvider } =
getStateProviderSetup<string | null>("ActiveItemId")
Displaying Goals
To display the goals, we retrieve the active items from the state using the useActiveGoals
hook and render the GoalItem
component for each item. We wrap each GoalItem
with the CurrentGoalProvider
component to make the goal available to all child components.
import { VStack } from "@lib/ui/layout/Stack"
import { GoalItem } from "./GoalItem"
import { CurrentGoalProvider } from "./CurrentGoalProvider"
import { useActiveGoals } from "./hooks/useActiveGoals"
export const Goals = () => {
const items = useActiveGoals()
return (
{ => (
<CurrentGoalProvider key={} value={item}>
<GoalItem />
Goal Item Content
If the current goal is active, the GoalItem
component will render the EditGoalForm
component. Otherwise, it will render the GoalItemContent
component wrapped with a Hoverable
component from RadzionKit. You can learn more about Hoverable
import styled from "styled-components"
import { Hoverable } from "@lib/ui/base/Hoverable"
import { verticalPadding } from "@lib/ui/css/verticalPadding"
import { goalVerticalPadding } from "./config"
import { useActiveItemId } from "@lib/ui/list/ActiveItemIdProvider"
import { useCurrentGoal } from "./CurrentGoalProvider"
import { EditGoalForm } from "./form/EditGoalForm"
import { GoalItemContent } from "./GoalItemContent"
const Container = styled(Hoverable)`
text-align: start;
width: 100%;
export const GoalItem = () => {
const { id } = useCurrentGoal()
const [activeItemId, setActiveItemId] = useActiveItemId()
if (activeItemId === id) {
return <EditGoalForm />
return (
onClick={() => {
<GoalItemContent />
In the GoalItemContent
, we display the goal name prefixed with an emoji and the goal status tag on the right. We then show how much time is left before the deadline. If the goal has a plan, we render the GoalPlan
component. If the goal has task factories, we render the GoalTaskFactories
import { HStack, VStack } from "@lib/ui/layout/Stack"
import { Text } from "@lib/ui/text"
import styled from "styled-components"
import { toSizeUnit } from "@lib/ui/css/toSizeUnit"
import { useCurrentGoal } from "./CurrentGoalProvider"
import { GoalStatusTag } from "./GoalStatusTag"
import { getColor } from "@lib/ui/theme/getters"
import { GoalDeadline } from "./GoalDeadline"
import { EmojiTextPrefix } from "@lib/ui/text/EmojiTextPrefix"
import { GoalPlan } from "./GoalPlan"
import { GoalTaskFactories } from "./GoalTaskFactories"
import { tightListItemConfig } from "@lib/ui/list/tightListItemConfig"
const Name = styled(Text)`
text-align: start;
font-weight: 500;
color: ${getColor("contrast")};
font-size: 16px;
line-height: ${toSizeUnit(tightListItemConfig.lineHeight)};
export const GoalItemContent = () => {
const { name, emoji, plan, taskFactories } = useCurrentGoal()
const hasTaskFactories = taskFactories && taskFactories.length > 0
return (
<VStack gap={8}>
<HStack alignItems="start" justifyContent="space-between" gap={8}>
<EmojiTextPrefix emoji={emoji} />
<GoalStatusTag />
<GoalDeadline />
{plan && <GoalPlan />}
{hasTaskFactories && <GoalTaskFactories />}
Goal Status Tag
In the GoalStatusTag
, we display the goal status as text with a corresponding color. For measurable goals, we also display the current value, the target value, and the percentage of completion.
import { toSizeUnit } from "@lib/ui/css/toSizeUnit"
import styled, { useTheme } from "styled-components"
import { borderRadius } from "@lib/ui/css/borderRadius"
import { coloredTag } from "@lib/ui/css/coloredTag"
import { getGoalStatusColor } from "./getGoalStatusColor"
import { HSLA } from "@lib/ui/colors/HSLA"
import { centerContent } from "@lib/ui/css/centerContent"
import { horizontalPadding } from "@lib/ui/css/horizontalPadding"
import { goalStatusNameRecord } from "@increaser/entities/Goal"
import { useCurrentGoal } from "./CurrentGoalProvider"
import { useMemo } from "react"
import { toPercents } from "@lib/utils/toPercents"
import { tightListItemConfig } from "@lib/ui/list/tightListItemConfig"
const Container = styled.div<{ $color: HSLA }>`
height: ${toSizeUnit(tightListItemConfig.lineHeight)};
font-size: 14px;
flex-shrink: 0;
font-weight: 500;
${({ $color }) => coloredTag($color)}
export const GoalStatusTag = () => {
const theme = useTheme()
const { status, target } = useCurrentGoal()
const text = useMemo(() => {
if (!target || !target.value || !target.current) {
return goalStatusNameRecord[status]
return `${target.current} / ${target.value} (${toPercents(
target.current / target.value,
}, [status, target])
return (
style={{ flexShrink: 0 }}
$color={getGoalStatusColor(status, theme)}
Goal Deadline
In the GoalDeadline
component, we first display either the user's age or a date using the formatGoalDeadline
function. If the goal is not overdue, we also display the time left until the deadline using the formatGoalTimeLeft
import { useCurrentGoal } from "./CurrentGoalProvider"
import { ClockIcon } from "@lib/ui/icons/ClockIcon"
import { convertDuration } from "@lib/utils/time/convertDuration"
import { Text } from "@lib/ui/text"
import { useAssertUserState } from "../user/UserStateContext"
import { getGoalDeadlineTimestamp } from "@increaser/entities-utils/goal/getGoalDeadlineTimestamp"
import { formatGoalDeadline } from "@increaser/entities-utils/goal/formatGoalDeadline"
import { HStackSeparatedBy } from "@lib/ui/layout/StackSeparatedBy"
import { formatGoalTimeLeft } from "@increaser/entities-utils/goal/formatGoalTimeLeft"
import { useRhythmicRerender } from "@lib/ui/hooks/useRhythmicRerender"
import { GoalSection } from "./GoalSection"
export const GoalDeadline = () => {
const { dob } = useAssertUserState()
const { deadlineAt } = useCurrentGoal()
const now = useRhythmicRerender(convertDuration(1, "min", "ms"))
const deadlineTimestamp = getGoalDeadlineTimestamp({
return (
<GoalSection icon={<ClockIcon />}>
<HStackSeparatedBy gap={8} separator={"~"}>
{deadlineTimestamp > now && (
Both the GoalPlan
and GoalTaskFactories
components use the GoalSection
component to display the corresponding icon on the left and have a text content on the right.
import { HStack } from "@lib/ui/layout/Stack"
import styled from "styled-components"
import { getColor } from "@lib/ui/theme/getters"
import { ComponentWithChildrenProps } from "@lib/ui/props"
import { ReactNode } from "react"
import { toSizeUnit } from "@lib/ui/css/toSizeUnit"
import { IconWrapper } from "@lib/ui/icons/IconWrapper"
const lineHeight = 22
const Container = styled(HStack)`
font-size: 14px;
align-items: start;
gap: 8px;
color: ${getColor("textSupporting")};
white-space: pre-line;
line-height: ${toSizeUnit(lineHeight)};
const IconContainer = styled(IconWrapper)`
height: ${toSizeUnit(lineHeight)};
type GoalSectionProps = ComponentWithChildrenProps & {
icon: ReactNode
export const GoalSection = ({ children, icon }: GoalSectionProps) => {
return (
Goal Plan and Task Factories
The GoalPlan
is simply plain text, while the GoalTaskFactories
component iterates over the taskFactories
array, displaying the task name and cadence within a GoalSection
prefixed with a checkmark icon.
import { useCurrentGoal } from "./CurrentGoalProvider"
import { useAssertUserState } from "../user/UserStateContext"
import { taskCadenceName } from "@increaser/entities/TaskFactory"
import { shouldBePresent } from "@lib/utils/assert/shouldBePresent"
import { Text } from "@lib/ui/text"
import { GoalSection } from "./GoalSection"
import { CheckSquareIcon } from "@lib/ui/icons/CheckSquareIcon"
import { VStack } from "@lib/ui/layout/Stack"
export const GoalTaskFactories = () => {
const { taskFactories } = useCurrentGoal()
const { taskFactories: taskFactoriesRecord } = useAssertUserState()
return (
{shouldBePresent(taskFactories).map((id) => {
if (!taskFactoriesRecord[id]) {
return null
const { task, cadence } = taskFactoriesRecord[id]
const text = `${}, ${taskCadenceName[cadence].toLowerCase()}.`
return (
<GoalSection icon={<CheckSquareIcon />}>
Editing and Creating Goals
When the user clicks on the goal item, we show the EditGoalForm
component, which allows the user to edit or delete the goal. We display the form within a Panel
component from RadzionKit.
import { useCallback, useState } from "react"
import { Panel } from "@lib/ui/panel/Panel"
import { VStack } from "@lib/ui/layout/Stack"
import { useCurrentGoal } from "../CurrentGoalProvider"
import { Goal } from "@increaser/entities/Goal"
import { useUpdateGoalMutation } from "../api/useUpdateGoalMutation"
import { useDeleteGoalMutation } from "../api/useDeleteGoalMutation"
import { GoalNameInput } from "./GoalNameInput"
import { GoalStatusSelector } from "./GoalStatusSelector"
import { useActiveItemId } from "@lib/ui/list/ActiveItemIdProvider"
import { GoalDeadlineInput } from "./GoalDeadlineInput"
import { shouldBePresent } from "@lib/utils/assert/shouldBePresent"
import { GoalFormShape } from "./GoalFormShape"
import { useIsGoalFormDisabled } from "./useIsGoalFormDisabled"
import { getFormProps } from "@lib/ui/form/utils/getFormProps"
import { EmojiInput } from "@increaser/app/ui/EmojiInput"
import { GoalFormHeader } from "./GoalFormHeader"
import { GoalPlanInput } from "./GoalPlanInput"
import { GoalTargetInput } from "./GoalTargetInput"
import { GoalTaskFactoriesInput } from "./GoalTaskFactoriesInput"
import { pick } from "@lib/utils/record/pick"
import { EditDeleteFormFooter } from "@lib/ui/form/components/EditDeleteFormFooter"
import { getUpdatedValues } from "@lib/utils/record/recordDiff"
import { omit } from "@lib/utils/record/omit"
export const EditGoalForm = () => {
const goalAttribute = useCurrentGoal()
const [value, setValue] = useState<GoalFormShape>({
...pick(goalAttribute, ["name", "status", "emoji", "deadlineAt"]),
plan: goalAttribute.plan ?? "",
target: ?? null,
taskFactories: goalAttribute.taskFactories ?? [],
const { mutate: updateGoal } = useUpdateGoalMutation()
const { mutate: deleteGoal } = useDeleteGoalMutation()
const [, setActiveItemId] = useActiveItemId()
const onFinish = useCallback(() => {
}, [setActiveItemId])
const isDisabled = useIsGoalFormDisabled(value)
const onSubmit = useCallback(() => {
if (isDisabled) {
const fields: Partial<Omit<Goal, "id">> = getUpdatedValues(
omit(goalAttribute, "id"),
deadlineAt: shouldBePresent(value.deadlineAt),
}, [goalAttribute, isDisabled, onFinish, updateGoal, value])
return (
onClose: onFinish,
style={{ width: "100%" }}
onChange={(emoji) => setValue((prev) => ({ ...prev, emoji }))}
onChange={(name) => setValue((prev) => ({ ...prev, name }))}
<VStack alignItems="start">
onChange={(status) => setValue((prev) => ({ ...prev, status }))}
onChange={(deadlineAt) => setValue((prev) => ({ ...prev, deadlineAt }))}
onChange={(target) => setValue((prev) => ({ ...prev, target }))}
onChange={(plan) => setValue((prev) => ({ ...prev, plan }))}
onChange={(taskFactories) =>
setValue((prev) => ({ ...prev, taskFactories }))
onDelete={() => {
deleteGoal({ id: })
Editing Goals
On finish or cancel, we call the setActiveItemId
with null
to close the form. When submitting the form, we call the updateGoal
mutation with the updated goal fields which are being diffed using the getUpdatedValues
export const getUpdatedValues = <T extends Record<string, any>>(
original: T,
updated: T
): Partial<T> => {
const result: Partial<T> = {}
for (const key in original) {
if (original[key] !== updated[key]) {
result[key] = updated[key]
return result
Form Footer
There are quite a few inputs that go into the EditGoalForm
component, and we won't go into detail about each one. Since these types of forms are quite common in Increaser, we use the EditDeleteFormFooter
component to hold the Delete
, Cancel
, and Save
import { Button } from "../../buttons/Button"
import { HStack } from "../../layout/Stack"
type EditDeleteFormFooterProps = {
onDelete: () => void
onCancel: () => void
isDisabled?: string | boolean
export const EditDeleteFormFooter = ({
}: EditDeleteFormFooterProps) => {
return (
<Button kind="alert" type="button" onClick={onDelete}>
<HStack alignItems="center" gap={8}>
Adding a New Goal
To prompt the user to add a new goal, we use a combination of the Opener
and ListAddButton
components from RadzionKit.
import { Opener } from "@lib/ui/base/Opener"
import { CreateGoalForm } from "./form/CreateGoalForm"
import { ListAddButton } from "@lib/ui/list/ListAddButton"
export const AddGoal = () => {
return (
renderOpener={({ onOpen, isOpen }) =>
isOpen ? null : <ListAddButton onClick={onOpen} text="Add a goal" />
renderContent={({ onClose }) => <CreateGoalForm onFinish={onClose} />}
Creating a Goal
To create a new goal, we use the CreateGoalForm
component, which is very similar to the EditGoalForm
import { useCallback, useState } from "react"
import { FinishableComponentProps } from "@lib/ui/props"
import { getId } from "@increaser/entities-utils/shared/getId"
import { Panel } from "@lib/ui/panel/Panel"
import { HStack } from "@lib/ui/layout/Stack"
import { Button } from "@lib/ui/buttons/Button"
import { useCreateGoalMutation } from "../api/useCreateGoalMutation"
import { getFormProps } from "@lib/ui/form/utils/getFormProps"
import { GoalNameInput } from "./GoalNameInput"
import { GoalStatusSelector } from "./GoalStatusSelector"
import { GoalDeadlineInput } from "./GoalDeadlineInput"
import { shouldBePresent } from "@lib/utils/assert/shouldBePresent"
import { GoalFormShape } from "./GoalFormShape"
import { randomlyPick } from "@lib/utils/array/randomlyPick"
import { useIsGoalFormDisabled } from "./useIsGoalFormDisabled"
import { EmojiInput } from "@increaser/app/ui/EmojiInput"
import { GoalFormHeader } from "./GoalFormHeader"
import { GoalPlanInput } from "./GoalPlanInput"
import { GoalTargetInput } from "./GoalTargetInput"
import { defaultEmojis } from "@lib/utils/entities/EntityWithEmoji"
import { GoalTaskFactoriesInput } from "./GoalTaskFactoriesInput"
export const CreateGoalForm = ({ onFinish }: FinishableComponentProps) => {
const [value, setValue] = useState<GoalFormShape>({
name: "",
status: "inProgress",
deadlineAt: null,
emoji: randomlyPick(defaultEmojis),
target: null,
plan: "",
taskFactories: [],
const { mutate } = useCreateGoalMutation()
const isDisabled = useIsGoalFormDisabled(value)
const onSubmit = useCallback(() => {
if (isDisabled) return
id: getId(),
deadlineAt: shouldBePresent(value.deadlineAt),
}, [isDisabled, mutate, onFinish, value])
return (
onClose: onFinish,
onChange={(emoji) => setValue((prev) => ({ ...prev, emoji }))}
onChange={(name) => setValue((prev) => ({ ...prev, name }))}
onChange={(deadlineAt) => setValue((prev) => ({ ...prev, deadlineAt }))}
onChange={(target) => setValue((prev) => ({ ...prev, target }))}
onChange={(plan) => setValue((prev) => ({ ...prev, plan }))}
onChange={(taskFactories) =>
setValue((prev) => ({ ...prev, taskFactories }))
<HStack justifyContent="space-between" fullWidth alignItems="center">
onChange={(status) => setValue((prev) => ({ ...prev, status }))}
<HStack alignItems="center" gap={8}>
<Button onClick={onFinish} kind="secondary">
<Button isDisabled={isDisabled}>Submit</Button>
Reusing Inputs
We reuse the same inputs and leverage the same useIsGoalFormDisabled
hook to ensure that both the name and deadline are present.
import { useMemo } from "react"
import { GoalFormShape } from "./GoalFormShape"
export const useIsGoalFormDisabled = ({ name, deadlineAt }: GoalFormShape) => {
return useMemo(() => {
if (!name.trim()) {
return "Name is required"
if (!deadlineAt) {
return "Deadline is required"
}, [deadlineAt, name])