Rails Designer v1.2: Preview Images before Upload

Rails Designer - Aug 2 '24 - - Dev Community

Besides some of the new additions to Rails Designer and the blog that you can read below, I am currently working with two teams to create a tailor-made UI for them (with Rails Designer as the basis of course).

Does your team (or know one that) need to level up their UI or get new product features done properly (including Hotwire), do reach out. ✌️

Limited time, so don't wait too long! ⌛ 😅

Also from the “HQ”: Rails Designer is chugging along really nice! I still (manually! 😬) invite about ~3 new people/teams (skewed more towards teams) every day! 💞🚀

With that all out of the way: tell me, what do you have to share this time?! 👇

📦 New

Image description

💅 Additions

Image description

🧙‍♂️🎩🐇 Improvements

  • Refactor component helper to match standardrb (Ruby 3.0+)
  • Tweak to make MediaList variant items not full links (only title)

🎷🐛 Bugfix

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