π Introduction
Welcome to the Ultimate CLI Cheat Sheetβyour one-stop reference for 1000+ essential command-line interface (CLI) commands across various platforms! Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, this guide will help you find and execute commands quickly.
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Category | CLI Commands |
π Version Control |
Git π οΈ |
π³ Containerization and Orchestration |
Docker π , Kubernetes (kubectl) βΈοΈ , Helm β |
βοΈ Scripting and Automation |
Bash π₯οΈ , Jenkins π , Terraform π , Ansible π€ |
βοΈ Cloud Services and CLI Tools |
AWS CLI ποΈ , Azure CLI π· , AWS SageMaker π |
π Workflow and Data Pipelines |
Apache Airflow π¬οΈ , MLflow π¬ |
π Web Servers and Networking |
Nginx π , TCP/IP π‘ , DNS π |
ποΈ Databases |
MySQL π¦ , PostgreSQL π |
π Monitoring and Logging |
Prometheus π |
π οΈ Development Tools |
Expo π± , NPM π¦ , YARN π§Ά , PIP π |
π¦ Package Managers |
APT π , YUM π½οΈ |
π§ Utilities |
CURL π |
π© Messaging and Queuing |
MQTT π‘ , RabbitMQ π° , Kafka π₯ |
π Code Quality and Security |
SonarQube π‘οΈ |
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Version Control
GIT CLI commands
Basic Commands
git init # Initialize a new Git repository.
git clone [url] # Clone an existing repository.
git status # Show the working directory status.
git add [file] # Add a file to the staging area.
git commit -m "[message]" # Commit changes with a message.
git push # Push changes to a remote repository.
git pull # Fetch and merge changes from a remote repository.
Branching and Merging
git branch # List branches.
git branch [branch-name] # Create a new branch.
git checkout [branch-name] # Switch to a branch.
git merge [branch-name] # Merge a branch into the current branch.
Viewing History
git log # View commit history.
git diff # Show changes between commits, branches, etc.
git show [commit] # Show details of a specific commit.
Undoing Changes
git reset [commit] # Reset to a specific commit.
git revert [commit] # Create a new commit that undoes changes from a previous commit.
git stash # Stash changes in a dirty working directory.
Remote Repositories
git remote # Manage set of tracked repositories.
git remote add [name] [url] # Add a new remote repository.
git fetch [remote] # Fetch changes from a remote repository.
Advanced Commands
git rebase [branch] # Reapply commits on top of another base tip.
git cherry-pick [commit] # Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits.
git bisect # Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug.
git tag [tag-name] # Create a tag for marking a specific point in history.
git archive # Create an archive of files from a named tree.
git config --global user.name "[name]" # Set the name for all repositories on your system.
git config --global user.email "[email]" # Set the email for all repositories on your system.
git config --list # List all configuration settings.
git fetch --all # Fetch all branches from all remotes.
git pull --rebase # Fetch and rebase the current branch.
git push --tags # Push all tags to the remote repository.
git clean -f # Remove untracked files from the working directory.
git gc # Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository.
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Containerization and Orchestration
DOCKER CLI commands
Basic Commands
docker --version # Show the Docker version information.
docker info # Display system-wide information.
docker help # Get help on Docker commands.
Container Management
docker run [options] IMAGE [command] [args] # Run a command in a new container.
docker start [container] # Start one or more stopped containers.
docker stop [container] # Stop one or more running containers.
docker restart [container] # Restart one or more containers.
docker rm [container] # Remove one or more containers.
docker ps # List running containers.
docker ps -a # List all containers.
Image Management
docker pull [image] # Pull an image from a registry.
docker push [image] # Push an image to a registry.
docker build [options] PATH | URL | - # Build an image from a Dockerfile.
docker images # List images.
docker rmi [image] # Remove one or more images.
Network Management
docker network ls # List networks.
docker network create [network] # Create a new network.
docker network rm [network] # Remove one or more networks.
docker network inspect [network] # Display detailed information on one or more networks.
Volume Management
docker volume ls # List volumes.
docker volume create [volume] # Create a new volume.
docker volume rm [volume] # Remove one or more volumes.
docker volume inspect [volume] # Display detailed information on one or more volumes.
Docker Compose
docker-compose up # Create and start containers.
docker-compose down # Stop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumes.
docker-compose build # Build or rebuild services.
docker-compose logs # View output from containers.
Advanced Container Management
docker exec [options] CONTAINER COMMAND [args] # Run a command in a running container.
docker attach [container] # Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container.
docker logs [container] # Fetch the logs of a container.
docker inspect [container|image] # Return low-level information on Docker objects.
docker scan [image] # Scan an image for vulnerabilities.
docker secret create [secret_name] [file] # Create a secret from a file or STDIN as content.
docker secret ls # List secrets.
docker secret rm [secret_name] # Remove one or more secrets.
Swarm Management
docker swarm init # Initialize a swarm.
docker swarm join [options] # Join a swarm as a node.
docker node ls # List nodes in the swarm.
docker service create [options] IMAGE [command] [args] # Create a new service.
docker service ls # List services.
docker service rm [service] # Remove one or more services.
System Commands
docker system df # Show Docker disk usage.
docker system prune # Remove unused data.
docker system events # Get real-time events from the server.
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Basic Commands
kubectl version # Show the Kubernetes version information.
kubectl cluster-info # Display cluster information.
kubectl get [resource] # List resources (e.g., pods, services).
kubectl describe [resource] [name] # Show detailed information about a resource.
kubectl create -f [filename] # Create resources from a file.
kubectl apply -f [filename] # Apply a configuration to a resource by file name or stdin.
kubectl delete [resource] [name] # Delete resources by file name, stdin, resource, and names.
Pod Management
kubectl get pods # List all pods.
kubectl describe pod [pod-name] # Show detailed information about a pod.
kubectl logs [pod-name] # Print the logs for a container in a pod.
kubectl exec [pod-name] -- [command] # Execute a command in a container in a pod.
Deployment Management
kubectl get deployments # List all deployments.
kubectl describe deployment [deployment-name] # Show detailed information about a deployment.
kubectl scale --replicas=[count] deployment/[deployment-name] # Scale a deployment.
kubectl rollout status deployment/[deployment-name] # Show the status of the rollout.
Service Management
kubectl get services # List all services.
kubectl describe service [service-name] # Show detailed information about a service.
kubectl expose deployment [deployment-name] --type=[type] --port=[port] # Expose a deployment as a service.
Namespace Management
kubectl get namespaces # List all namespaces.
kubectl create namespace [namespace-name] # Create a new namespace.
kubectl delete namespace [namespace-name] # Delete a namespace.
Configuration Management
kubectl config view # Show merged kubeconfig settings.
kubectl config use-context [context-name] # Set the current context.
kubectl config set-context [context-name] --namespace=[namespace] # Set a context's namespace.
Advanced Commands
kubectl rollout undo deployment/[deployment-name] # Undo a deployment.
kubectl top nodes # Display resource (CPU/memory) usage of nodes.
kubectl top pods # Display resource (CPU/memory) usage of pods.
kubectl port-forward [pod-name] [local-port]:[remote-port] # Forward one or more local ports to a pod.
kubectl completion bash # Set up autocompletion in bash.
kubectl completion zsh # Set up autocompletion in zsh.
kubectl completion fish # Set up autocompletion in fish.
Resource Management
kubectl get all # List all resources in the namespace.
kubectl get events # List all events.
kubectl get nodes # List all nodes.
kubectl get configmaps # List all config maps.
kubectl get secrets # List all secrets.
Editing Resources
kubectl edit [resource] [name] # Edit a resource on the server.
kubectl patch [resource] [name] --patch [patch] # Update a resource with a patch.
kubectl port-forward [pod-name] [local-port]:[remote-port] # Forward one or more local ports to a pod.
kubectl cp [pod-name]:[path] [local-path] # Copy files and directories to and from containers.
kubectl exec -it [pod-name] -- [command] # Execute a command in a container.
Scaling and Rolling Updates
kubectl scale deployment [deployment-name] --replicas=[count] # Scale a deployment.
kubectl rollout restart deployment [deployment-name] # Restart a deployment.
kubectl rollout history deployment [deployment-name] # View rollout history of a deployment.
Resource Quotas and Limits
kubectl get resourcequotas # List resource quotas.
kubectl describe resourcequotas [quota-name] # Show detailed information about a resource quota.
kubectl get limitranges # List limit ranges.
kubectl describe limitranges [limit-range-name] # Show detailed information about a limit range.
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HELM CLI commands
General Commands
helm version # Show the Helm version.
helm help # Get help on Helm commands.
Chart Management
helm create [name] # Create a new chart with the given name.
helm lint [chart] # Run tests to examine a chart for possible issues.
helm package [chart] # Package a chart directory into a chart archive.
helm show all [chart] # Show all information about a chart.
helm show values [chart] # Show the values file for a chart.
helm show chart [chart] # Show the chart.yaml file.
helm show readme [chart] # Show the README file.
helm show crds [chart] # Show the Custom Resource Definitions.
helm dependency list [chart] # List the dependencies for a chart.
helm dependency update [chart] # Update the dependencies for a chart.
Repository Management
helm repo add [name] [url] # Add a chart repository.
helm repo list # List chart repositories.
helm repo update # Update information on available charts.
helm repo remove [name] # Remove a chart repository.
Release Management
helm install [name] [chart] # Install a chart.
helm upgrade [release] [chart] # Upgrade a release to a new version of a chart.
helm rollback [release] [revision] # Roll back a release to a previous revision.
helm list # List releases.
helm status [release] # Show the status of a release.
helm uninstall [release] # Uninstall a release.
helm history [release] # Show the history of a release.
Template and Testing
helm template [chart] # Render chart templates locally.
helm test [release] # Test a release.
Plugin Management
helm plugin list # List installed Helm plugins.
helm plugin install [url] # Install a Helm plugin.
helm plugin update [plugin] # Update a Helm plugin.
helm plugin remove [plugin] # Remove a Helm plugin.
Registry Management
helm registry login [url] # Log in to a Helm registry.
helm registry logout [url] # Log out from a Helm registry.
helm push [chart] [registry] # Push a chart to a registry.
helm pull [chart] # Pull a chart from a registry.
Chart Management
helm dependency build [chart] # Rebuild the dependencies for a chart.
helm dependency update [chart] # Update the dependencies for a chart.
helm dependency list [chart] # List the dependencies for a chart.
Release Management
helm get all [release] # Get all information about a release.
helm get hooks [release] # Get hooks for a release.
helm get manifest [release] # Get the manifest for a release.
helm get values [release] # Get the values for a release.
helm get notes [release] # Get the notes for a release.
Template and Testing
helm template [chart] --output-dir [directory] # Render chart templates locally and output to a directory.
helm test [release] --logs # Test a release and display logs.
Registry Management
helm registry login [url] --username [username] --password [password] # Log in to a Helm registry with credentials.
helm registry logout [url] # Log out from a Helm registry.
helm registry list # List all Helm registries.
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Scripting and Automation
BASH CLI commands
File and Directory Management
ls # List directory contents.
cd [directory] # Change the current directory.
pwd # Print the current working directory.
mkdir [directory] # Create a new directory.
rmdir [directory] # Remove an empty directory.
rm [file] # Remove a file.
cp [source] [destination] # Copy files or directories.
mv [source] [destination] # Move or rename files or directories.
touch [file] # Create an empty file or update the timestamp of an existing file.
File Viewing and Editing
cat [file] # Concatenate and display file content.
less [file] # View file content one screen at a time.
head [file] # Display the first few lines of a file.
tail [file] # Display the last few lines of a file.
nano [file] # Edit a file using the nano text editor.
vim [file] # Edit a file using the vim text editor.
File Permissions
chmod [permissions] [file] # Change file permissions.
chown [owner]:[group] [file] # Change file owner and group.
Process Management
ps # Display information about running processes.
top # Display real-time system information and process details.
kill [pid] # Terminate a process by its process ID.
killall [process-name] # Terminate all processes with the specified name.
ping [host] # Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts.
ifconfig # Configure network interfaces.
wget [url] # Download files from the web.
curl [url] # Transfer data from or to a server.
System Information
uname -a # Display system information.
df -h # Display disk space usage.
du -sh [directory] # Display the size of a directory.
free -h # Display memory usage.
Scripting and Automation
echo [text] # Display a line of text.
read [variable] # Read a line of input into a variable.
for [variable] in [list]; do [commands]; done # Loop through a list of items.
while [condition]; do [commands]; done # Loop while a condition is true.
if [condition]; then [commands]; fi # Execute commands based on a condition.
File and Directory Management
find [path] -name [pattern] # Search for files and directories.
ln -s [target] [link] # Create a symbolic link to a file or directory.
du -sh [directory] # Display the size of a directory and its contents.
File Viewing and Editing
grep [pattern] [file] # Search for a pattern in a file.
awk '{print $1}' [file] # Process and analyze text files.
sed 's/[pattern]/[replacement]/g' [file] # Stream editor for filtering and transforming text.
Process Management
bg # Resume a job in the background.
fg # Bring a job to the foreground.
jobs # List active jobs.
netstat -tuln # Display network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics.
ssh [user]@[host] # Connect to a remote host via SSH.
scp [source] [destination] # Securely copy files between hosts.
System Information
uptime # Show how long the system has been running.
who # Show who is logged on.
dmesg # Print or control the kernel ring buffer.
Scripting and Automation
crontab -e # Edit the crontab file to schedule jobs.
alias [name]='[command]' # Create an alias for a command.
source [file] # Execute commands from a file in the current shell.
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JENKINS CLI commands
Basic Jenkins Commands
sudo service jenkins start # Start the Jenkins service.
sudo service jenkins stop # Stop the Jenkins service.
sudo service jenkins restart # Restart the Jenkins service.
sudo service jenkins status # Check the status of the Jenkins service.
Jenkins CLI Commands
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> help # Get help with the Jenkins CLI.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> list-jobs # List all jobs.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> build <JOB_NAME> # Trigger a job build.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> create-job <JOB_NAME> <config.xml> # Create a new job.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> delete-job <JOB_NAME> # Delete a job.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> get-job <JOB_NAME> # Retrieve job configuration.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> update-job <JOB_NAME> <config.xml> # Update job configuration.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> disable-job <JOB_NAME> # Disable a job.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> enable-job <JOB_NAME> # Enable a job.
Jenkins Job Management
Create a New Job # Use the Jenkins UI to create a new job by selecting βNew Itemβ.
Delete a Job # Remove a job through the Jenkins interface by selecting βDelete Projectβ.
Configure a Job # Edit job settings via the Jenkins dashboard under βConfigureβ.
Build a Job Now # Trigger a build by clicking βBuild Nowβ on the job page.
Schedule a Job # Set up build schedules in the job configuration using cron syntax.
Trigger Build Remotely # Use a URL with a token to trigger builds remotely: `http://<JENKINS_URL>/job/<JOB_NAME>/build?token=<TOKEN>`.
View Build History # Access the build history from the jobβs page to review past builds.
Check Console Output # View detailed logs from a build under βConsole Outputβ.
Archive Build Artifacts # Configure post-build actions to save build artifacts.
Jenkins Pipeline Management
Create a Pipeline Job # Set up a new pipeline job from the Jenkins dashboard.
Configure Pipeline Script # Use the pipeline editor to write and configure pipeline scripts.
Run Pipeline Script # Execute the pipeline script by triggering a build.
View Pipeline Stages # Check the stages and steps of a running or completed pipeline build.
Pause and Resume Pipeline # Pause or resume a pipeline job from the Jenkins UI.
Jenkins Plugin Management
Install a Plugin # Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Available, search for a plugin, and install it.
Update Plugins # Check for updates under Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Updates.
Uninstall a Plugin # Remove a plugin through Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Installed.
User and Security Management
Add a New User # Create users through Manage Jenkins > Manage Users > Create User.
Assign User Roles # Manage user roles and permissions using Role-Based Authorization plugins.
Jenkins CLI Commands
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> safe-restart # Restart Jenkins safely after all builds are complete.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> cancel-quiet-down # Cancel the quiet down mode.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> reload-configuration # Reload the configuration from disk.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> groovy [script] # Execute a Groovy script on the server.
Jenkins Job Management
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> copy-job <source-job> <destination-job> # Copy a job.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> disable-job <job-name> # Disable a job.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> enable-job <job-name> # Enable a job.
Jenkins Node Management
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> list-nodes # List all nodes.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> create-node <node-name> # Create a new node.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> delete-node <node-name> # Delete a node.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> offline-node <node-name> # Take a node offline.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> online-node <node-name> # Bring a node online.
Jenkins System Management
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> safe-shutdown # Safely shut down Jenkins after all builds are complete.
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://<JENKINS_URL> quiet-down # Put Jenkins into quiet down mode, which allows existing builds to complete but prevents new builds from starting.
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Basic Commands
terraform version # Show the current Terraform version.
terraform init # Initialize a new or existing Terraform configuration.
terraform validate # Validate the configuration files.
terraform plan # Create an execution plan.
terraform apply # Apply the changes required to reach the desired state.
terraform destroy # Destroy the Terraform-managed infrastructure.
Formatting and Validation
terraform fmt # Reformat configuration files to a canonical format.
terraform validate # Validate the configuration files.
State Management
terraform state list # List resources in the state.
terraform state show [resource] # Show detailed information about a resource in the state.
terraform state rm [resource] # Remove a resource from the state.
terraform state mv [source] [destination] # Move a resource in the state.
Resource Management
terraform import [address] [id] # Import existing infrastructure into Terraform.
terraform taint [resource] # Mark a resource for recreation.
terraform untaint [resource] # Remove the 'tainted' state from a resource.
Output and Variables
terraform output # Show output values from the Terraform state.
terraform output -json # Show output values in JSON format.
terraform variables # List all variables in the configuration.
terraform workspace list # List all workspaces.
terraform workspace new [name] # Create a new workspace.
terraform workspace select [name] # Select a workspace.
terraform workspace delete [name] # Delete a workspace.
Advanced Commands
terraform graph # Generate a visual representation of the configuration.
terraform console # Open a console for evaluating expressions.
terraform force-unlock [lock-id] # Manually unlock the state.
Advanced Commands
terraform get # Download and update modules mentioned in the configuration.
terraform login # Obtain and save credentials for a remote host.
terraform logout # Remove locally-stored credentials for a remote host.
terraform metadata # Metadata related commands.
terraform providers # Show the providers required for this configuration.
terraform refresh # Update the state to match remote systems.
terraform show # Show the current state or a saved plan.
terraform state # Advanced state management.
terraform taint # Mark a resource instance as not fully functional.
terraform untaint # Remove the 'tainted' state from a resource instance.
Formatting and Validation
terraform fmt --recursive # Format files in subdirectories.
terraform fmt --diff # Display differences between original configuration files and formatting changes.
terraform fmt --check # Ensure the configuration files are formatted correctly.
Workspace Management
terraform workspace new [name] # Create a new workspace.
terraform workspace select [name] # Select a workspace.
terraform workspace delete [name] # Delete a workspace.
Graph and Console
terraform graph # Generate a visual representation of the configuration.
terraform console # Open a console for evaluating expressions.
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ANSIBLE CLI commands
Ad-Hoc Commands
ansible all -m setup # Gather facts about remote hosts.
ansible all -m command -a "[command]" # Run a command on all hosts.
ansible all -m copy -a "src=[source] dest=[destination]" # Copy files to remote hosts.
Playbook Management
ansible-playbook [playbook.yml] --diff # Show differences when running the playbook.
ansible-playbook [playbook.yml] --start-at-task "[task-name]" # Start the playbook at a specific task.
Inventory Management
ansible-inventory --yaml # Display the inventory in YAML format.
ansible-inventory --graph --vars # Display the inventory graphically with variables.
Role and Collection Management
ansible-galaxy role init [role-name] # Initialize a new role skeleton.
ansible-galaxy collection init [namespace].[collection-name] # Initialize a new collection skeleton.
Vault Management
ansible-vault view [file] # View the contents of an encrypted file.
ansible-vault rekey --new-vault-password-file [file] [file] # Change the password of an encrypted file using a password file.
Ad-Hoc Commands
ansible all -m yum -a "name=httpd state=present" -b # Install a package on all hosts using the `yum` module.
ansible all -m service -a "name=httpd state=started" -b # Start a service on all hosts using the `service` module.
Playbook Management
ansible-playbook [playbook.yml] --step # Prompt before executing each task.
ansible-playbook [playbook.yml] --force-handlers # Run handlers even if a task fails.
Inventory Management
ansible-inventory --export # Export the inventory in JSON format.
ansible-inventory --list-hosts # List all hosts in the inventory.
Role and Collection Management
ansible-galaxy role search [keyword] # Search for roles on Ansible Galaxy.
ansible-galaxy collection search [keyword] # Search for collections on Ansible Galaxy.
Vault Management
ansible-vault encrypt_string '[string]' --name '[variable_name]' # Encrypt a string for use in a playbook or role.
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Cloud Services and CLI Tools
AWS CLI commands
General Commands
aws --version # Display the AWS CLI version.
aws configure # Configure the AWS CLI with your credentials and settings.
aws help # Get help on AWS CLI commands.
EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
aws ec2 describe-instances # List all EC2 instances.
aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids [instance-id] # Start an EC2 instance.
aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids [instance-id] # Stop an EC2 instance.
aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids [instance-id] # Terminate an EC2 instance.
S3 (Simple Storage Service)
aws s3 ls # List all S3 buckets.
aws s3 mb s3://[bucket-name] # Create a new S3 bucket.
aws s3 cp [file] s3://[bucket-name]/[key] # Copy a file to an S3 bucket.
aws s3 rm s3://[bucket-name]/[key] # Remove a file from an S3 bucket.
IAM (Identity and Access Management)
aws iam list-users # List all IAM users.
aws iam create-user --user-name [username] # Create a new IAM user.
aws iam delete-user --user-name [username] # Delete an IAM user.
aws iam attach-user-policy --user-name [username] --policy-arn [policy-arn] # Attach a policy to an IAM user.
aws lambda list-functions # List all Lambda functions.
aws lambda create-function --function-name [name] --runtime [runtime] --role [role-arn] --handler [handler] --zip-file fileb://[file-path] # Create a new Lambda function.
aws lambda invoke --function-name [name] [output-file] # Invoke a Lambda function.
aws lambda delete-function --function-name [name] # Delete a Lambda function.
aws cloudformation list-stacks # List all CloudFormation stacks.
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name [name] --template-body file://[template-file] # Create a new CloudFormation stack.
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name [name] # Delete a CloudFormation stack.
RDS (Relational Database Service)
aws rds describe-db-instances # List all RDS instances.
aws rds start-db-instance --db-instance-identifier [identifier] # Start an RDS instance.
aws rds stop-db-instance --db-instance-identifier [identifier] # Stop an RDS instance.
aws rds delete-db-instance --db-instance-identifier [identifier] --skip-final-snapshot # Delete an RDS instance.
ECS (Elastic Container Service)
aws ecs list-clusters # List all ECS clusters.
aws ecs create-cluster --cluster-name [name] # Create a new ECS cluster.
aws ecs delete-cluster --cluster [name] # Delete an ECS cluster.
aws cloudwatch list-metrics # List all CloudWatch metrics.
aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name [name] --metric-name [metric] --namespace [namespace] --statistic [statistic] --period [period] --threshold [threshold] --comparison-operator [operator] --evaluation-periods [periods] --alarm-actions [actions] # Create a CloudWatch alarm.
aws cloudwatch delete-alarms --alarm-names [name] # Delete a CloudWatch alarm.
ECR (Elastic Container Registry)
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name [name] # Create a new ECR repository.
aws ecr delete-repository --repository-name [name] # Delete an ECR repository.
aws ecr list-images --repository-name [name] # List images in an ECR repository.
General Commands
aws configure list # Display the current configuration settings.
aws configure get [setting] # Get a specific configuration setting.
aws configure set [setting] [value] # Set a specific configuration setting.
EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
aws ec2 describe-volumes # List all EBS volumes.
aws ec2 create-snapshot --volume-id [volume-id] # Create a snapshot of an EBS volume.
aws ec2 describe-snapshots # List all EBS snapshots.
S3 (Simple Storage Service)
aws s3 sync [source] s3://[bucket-name]/[destination] # Sync files between a local directory and an S3 bucket.
aws s3 ls s3://[bucket-name] # List objects in an S3 bucket.
IAM (Identity and Access Management)
aws iam list-roles # List all IAM roles.
aws iam create-role --role-name [role-name] --assume-role-policy-document file://[policy-file] # Create a new IAM role.
aws iam delete-role --role-name [role-name] # Delete an IAM role.
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name [name] --zip-file fileb://[file-path] # Update the code of a Lambda function.
aws lambda list-aliases --function-name [name] # List aliases for a Lambda function.
aws cloudformation update-stack --stack-name [name] --template-body file://[template-file] # Update a CloudFormation stack.
aws cloudformation describe-stack-events --stack-name [name] # List events for a CloudFormation stack.
RDS (Relational Database Service)
aws rds create-db-snapshot --db-instance-identifier [identifier] --db-snapshot-identifier [snapshot-id] # Create a snapshot of an RDS instance.
aws rds describe-db-snapshots # List all RDS snapshots.
ECS (Elastic Container Service)
aws ecs list-tasks --cluster [cluster-name] # List tasks in an ECS cluster.
aws ecs describe-tasks --cluster [cluster-name] --tasks [task-id] # Describe tasks in an ECS cluster.
aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --namespace [namespace] --metric-name [metric] --start-time [start-time] --end-time [end-time] --period [period] --statistics [statistics] # Retrieve statistics for a specific metric.
ECR (Elastic Container Registry)
aws ecr batch-delete-image --repository-name [name] --image-ids imageTag=[tag] # Delete images from an ECR repository.
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AZURE CLI commands
General Commands
az login # Log in to Azure.
az logout # Log out of Azure.
az account show # Show the details of the current subscription.
az account list # List all subscriptions.
Resource Group Management
az group create --name [group-name] --location [location] # Create a new resource group.
az group delete --name [group-name] # Delete a resource group.
az group list # List all resource groups.
Virtual Machines (VMs)
az vm create --resource-group [group-name] --name [vm-name] --image [image] # Create a new virtual machine.
az vm start --resource-group [group-name] --name [vm-name] # Start a virtual machine.
az vm stop --resource-group [group-name] --name [vm-name] # Stop a virtual machine.
az vm delete --resource-group [group-name] --name [vm-name] # Delete a virtual machine.
az vm list # List all virtual machines.
Storage Accounts
az storage account create --name [account-name] --resource-group [group-name] --location [location] --sku [sku] # Create a new storage account.
az storage account delete --name [account-name] --resource-group [group-name] # Delete a storage account.
az storage account list # List all storage accounts.
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
az aks create --resource-group [group-name] --name [cluster-name] --node-count [count] --enable-addons monitoring --generate-ssh-keys # Create a new AKS cluster.
az aks delete --resource-group [group-name] --name [cluster-name] # Delete an AKS cluster.
az aks list # List all AKS clusters.
Azure Functions
az functionapp create --resource-group [group-name] --consumption-plan-location [location] --runtime [runtime] --name [app-name] --storage-account [account-name] # Create a new function app.
az functionapp delete --resource-group [group-name] --name [app-name] # Delete a function app.
az functionapp list # List all function apps.
Azure SQL Database
az sql server create --name [server-name] --resource-group [group-name] --location [location] --admin-user [username] --admin-password [password] # Create a new SQL server.
az sql db create --resource-group [group-name] --server [server-name] --name [db-name] --service-objective S0 # Create a new SQL database.
az sql server delete --name [server-name] --resource-group [group-name] # Delete a SQL server.
az sql db delete --resource-group [group-name] --server [server-name] --name [db-name] # Delete a SQL database.
az network vnet create --name [vnet-name] --resource-group [group-name] --address-prefix [prefix] # Create a new virtual network.
az network vnet delete --name [vnet-name] --resource-group [group-name] # Delete a virtual network.
az network vnet list # List all virtual networks.
Additional Commands
az monitor metrics list --resource [resource-id] # List metrics for a resource.
az policy assignment create --name [assignment-name] --scope [scope] --policy [policy-id] # Create a policy assignment.
az role assignment create --assignee [user] --role [role] --scope [scope] # Create a role assignment.
General Commands
az configure # Configure the Azure CLI settings.
az feedback # Provide feedback to the Azure CLI team.
Resource Management
az resource list # List all resources in a subscription.
az resource show --id [resource-id] # Show details of a specific resource.
az resource delete --id [resource-id] # Delete a specific resource.
Virtual Machines (VMs)
az vm list-sizes --location [location] # List available VM sizes in a region.
az vm show --resource-group [group-name] --name [vm-name] # Show details of a specific VM.
az vm deallocate --resource-group [group-name] --name [vm-name] # Deallocate a VM.
Storage Accounts
az storage account show-usage --location [location] # Show the current usage of the storage account.
az storage blob list --account-name [account-name] --container-name [container-name] # List blobs in a container.
az network nsg create --resource-group [group-name] --name [nsg-name] # Create a new network security group.
az network nsg rule create --resource-group [group-name] --nsg-name [nsg-name] --name [rule-name] --priority [priority] --direction [direction] --access [access] --protocol [protocol] --source-address-prefixes [source] --source-port-ranges [source-port] --destination-address-prefixes [destination] --destination-port-ranges [destination-port] # Create a new security rule in a network security group.
Azure Active Directory (AAD)
az ad user create --display-name [name] --user-principal-name [email] --password [password] # Create a new Azure AD user.
az ad group create --display-name [name] --mail-nickname [nickname] # Create a new Azure AD group.
az ad group member add --group [group-name] --member-id [user-id] # Add a member to an Azure AD group.
Azure DevOps
az devops configure --defaults organization=https://dev.azure.com/[organization] # Configure the default Azure DevOps organization.
az devops project create --name [project-name] # Create a new Azure DevOps project.
az pipelines create --name [pipeline-name] --project [project-name] --repository [repository] --branch [branch] --yaml-path [path] # Create a new pipeline in Azure DevOps.
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General Commands
aws sagemaker list-notebook-instances # List all SageMaker notebook instances.
aws sagemaker list-endpoints # List all SageMaker endpoints.
aws sagemaker list-training-jobs # List all SageMaker training jobs.
aws sagemaker list-models # List all SageMaker models.
Notebook Instances
aws sagemaker create-notebook-instance --notebook-instance-name [name] --instance-type [type] --role-arn [role-arn] # Create a new notebook instance.
aws sagemaker delete-notebook-instance --notebook-instance-name [name] # Delete a notebook instance.
aws sagemaker start-notebook-instance --notebook-instance-name [name] # Start a notebook instance.
aws sagemaker stop-notebook-instance --notebook-instance-name [name] # Stop a notebook instance.
Training Jobs
aws sagemaker create-training-job --training-job-name [name] --algorithm-specification [spec] --role-arn [role-arn] --input-data-config [config] --output-data-config [config] # Create a new training job.
aws sagemaker describe-training-job --training-job-name [name] # Describe a training job.
aws sagemaker stop-training-job --training-job-name [name] # Stop a training job.
aws sagemaker create-model --model-name [name] --primary-container [container] --execution-role-arn [role-arn] # Create a new model.
aws sagemaker delete-model --model-name [name] # Delete a model.
aws sagemaker describe-model --model-name [name] # Describe a model.
aws sagemaker create-endpoint --endpoint-name [name] --endpoint-config-name [config-name] # Create a new endpoint.
aws sagemaker delete-endpoint --endpoint-name [name] # Delete an endpoint.
aws sagemaker describe-endpoint --endpoint-name [name] # Describe an endpoint.
Hyperparameter Tuning Jobs
aws sagemaker create-hyper-parameter-tuning-job --hyper-parameter-tuning-job-name [name] --hyper-parameter-tuning-job-config [config] --training-job-definition [definition] # Create a new hyperparameter tuning job.
aws sagemaker describe-hyper-parameter-tuning-job --hyper-parameter-tuning-job-name [name] # Describe a hyperparameter tuning job.
aws sagemaker stop-hyper-parameter-tuning-job --hyper-parameter-tuning-job-name [name] # Stop a hyperparameter tuning job.
Processing Jobs
aws sagemaker create-processing-job --processing-job-name [name] --processing-resources [resources] --app-specification [spec] --role-arn [role-arn] # Create a new processing job.
aws sagemaker describe-processing-job --processing-job-name [name] # Describe a processing job.
aws sagemaker stop-processing-job --processing-job-name [name] # Stop a processing job.
Additional Commands
aws sagemaker list-apps # List all SageMaker apps.
aws sagemaker list-model-packages # List all model packages.
aws sagemaker list-endpoint-configs # List all endpoint configurations.
aws sagemaker list-transform-jobs # List all transform jobs.
General Commands
aws sagemaker list-tags --resource-arn [resource-arn] # List tags for a SageMaker resource.
aws sagemaker add-tags --resource-arn [resource-arn] --tags [key=value] # Add tags to a SageMaker resource.
aws sagemaker delete-tags --resource-arn [resource-arn] --tag-keys [key] # Delete tags from a SageMaker resource.
AutoML Jobs
aws sagemaker create-auto-ml-job --auto-ml-job-name [name] --input-data-config [config] --output-data-config [config] --role-arn [role-arn] # Create an AutoML job.
aws sagemaker describe-auto-ml-job --auto-ml-job-name [name] # Describe an AutoML job.
aws sagemaker list-auto-ml-jobs # List all AutoML jobs.
Model Package Management
aws sagemaker create-model-package --model-package-name [name] --model-package-group-name [group-name] --model-metrics [metrics] --inference-specification [spec] # Create a model package.
aws sagemaker describe-model-package --model-package-name [name] # Describe a model package.
aws sagemaker list-model-packages # List all model packages.
aws sagemaker create-pipeline --pipeline-name [name] --pipeline-definition [definition] --role-arn [role-arn] # Create a new pipeline.
aws sagemaker describe-pipeline --pipeline-name [name] # Describe a pipeline.
aws sagemaker list-pipelines # List all pipelines.
aws sagemaker start-pipeline-execution --pipeline-name [name] # Start a pipeline execution.
Data Wrangler
aws sagemaker create-flow-definition --flow-definition-name [name] --role-arn [role-arn] --human-loop-config [config] # Create a Data Wrangler flow definition.
aws sagemaker describe-flow-definition --flow-definition-name [name] # Describe a Data Wrangler flow definition.
aws sagemaker list-flow-definitions # List all Data Wrangler flow definitions.
Feature Store
aws sagemaker create-feature-group --feature-group-name [name] --record-identifier-feature-name [feature-name] --event-time-feature-name [feature-name] --role-arn [role-arn] # Create a feature group.
aws sagemaker describe-feature-group --feature-group-name [name] # Describe a feature group.
aws sagemaker list-feature-groups # List all feature groups.
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Workflow and Data Pipelines
DAG Management
airflow dags backfill [dag-id] # Run tasks in a DAG for a specified date range.
airflow dags reserialize # Reserialize all DAGs to the database.
Task Management
airflow tasks render [dag-id] [task-id] [execution-date] # Render a task instance's template(s).
airflow tasks state [dag-id] [task-id] [execution-date] # Get the status of a task instance.
airflow tasks states-for-dag-run [dag-id] [execution-date] # Get the status of all task instances in a DAG run.
Database Management
airflow db check # Check the status of the metadata database.
airflow db shell # Run a shell to access the metadata database.
Pools Management
airflow pools list # List all pools.
airflow pools set [name] [slots] [description] # Create or update a pool.
airflow pools delete [name] # Delete a pool.
Providers Management
airflow providers list # List all providers.
airflow providers get [provider-name] # Get information about a specific provider.
Roles Management
airflow roles list # List all roles.
airflow roles create [role-name] # Create a new role.
airflow roles delete [role-name] # Delete a role.
Plugins Management
airflow plugins list # List all plugins.
airflow kerberos # Start a Kerberos ticket renewer.
airflow rotate-fernet-key # Rotate the Fernet key used for encrypting data.
DAG Management
airflow dags backfill [dag-id] # Run tasks in a DAG for a specified date range.
airflow dags reserialize # Reserialize all DAGs to the database.
Task Management
airflow tasks render [dag-id] [task-id] [execution-date] # Render a task instance's template(s).
airflow tasks state [dag-id] [task-id] [execution-date] # Get the status of a task instance.
airflow tasks states-for-dag-run [dag-id] [execution-date] # Get the status of all task instances in a DAG run.
Database Management
airflow db check # Check the status of the metadata database.
airflow db shell # Run a shell to access the metadata database.
Pools Management
airflow pools list # List all pools.
airflow pools set [name] [slots] [description] # Create or update a pool.
airflow pools delete [name] # Delete a pool.
Providers Management
airflow providers list # List all providers.
airflow providers get [provider-name] # Get information about a specific provider.
Roles Management
airflow roles list # List all roles.
airflow roles create [role-name] # Create a new role.
airflow roles delete [role-name] # Delete a role.
Plugins Management
airflow plugins list # List all plugins.
airflow kerberos # Start a Kerberos ticket renewer.
airflow rotate-fernet-key # Rotate the Fernet key used for encrypting data.
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MLFLOW CLI commands
General Commands
mlflow --version # Show the MLflow version.
mlflow --help # Get help on MLflow commands.
Experiment Management
mlflow experiments create --experiment-name [name] # Create a new experiment.
mlflow experiments delete --experiment-id [id] # Delete an experiment.
mlflow experiments list # List all experiments.
mlflow experiments restore --experiment-id [id] # Restore a deleted experiment.
Run Management
mlflow run [uri] # Run an MLflow project from a given URI.
mlflow runs list # List all runs.
mlflow runs delete --run-id [id] # Delete a run.
mlflow runs restore --run-id [id] # Restore a deleted run.
Artifact Management
mlflow artifacts log-artifact --local-file [file] # Log a local file as an artifact.
mlflow artifacts list --run-id [id] # List all artifacts for a run.
mlflow artifacts download --run-id [id] --artifact-path [path] # Download an artifact.
Model Management
mlflow models serve --model-uri [uri] # Serve a model locally.
mlflow models predict --model-uri [uri] --input-path [input] --output-path [output] # Generate predictions using a model.
mlflow models build-docker --model-uri [uri] --name [name] # Build a Docker image for a model.
mlflow deployments create --name [name] --model-uri [uri] --flavor [flavor] # Deploy a model.
mlflow deployments delete --name [name] # Delete a deployment.
mlflow deployments list # List all deployments.
Tracking Server
mlflow server --host [host] --port [port] # Start the MLflow tracking server.
mlflow db upgrade # Upgrade the database schema.
mlflow gc # Perform garbage collection on the tracking server.
Experiment Management
mlflow experiments update --experiment-id [id] --new-name [name] # Update the name of an experiment.
Run Management
mlflow runs search --experiment-ids [id] --filter [filter] # Search for runs that match a filter expression.
mlflow runs describe --run-id [id] # Describe a run.
Artifact Management
mlflow artifacts download --artifact-uri [uri] --dst-path [path] # Download an artifact from a specified URI.
Model Management
mlflow models list # List all registered models.
mlflow models delete --name [name] # Delete a registered model.
mlflow models transition-stage --model-name [name] --version [version] --stage [stage] # Transition a model version to a different stage.
mlflow deployments update --name [name] --model-uri [uri] # Update an existing deployment with a new model.
mlflow deployments get --name [name] # Get details of a deployment.
mlflow doctor # Check for common issues in the MLflow installation.
mlflow gateway # Manage MLflow gateway configurations.
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Web Servers and Networking
NGINX CLI commands
General Commands
nginx -v # Show the Nginx version.
nginx -V # Show the Nginx version, compiler version, and configure parameters.
nginx -t # Test the configuration file for syntax errors.
nginx -T # Test the configuration file and dump it to standard output.
nginx -s [signal] # Send a signal to the master process. Signals can be:
stop # Shut down quickly.
quit # Shut down gracefully.
reload # Reload the configuration.
reopen # Reopen log files.
Configuration Management
nginx -c [file] # Use an alternative configuration file.
nginx -g [directives] # Set global configuration directives.
nginx -p [prefix] # Set the Nginx path prefix.
Service Management (Systemd)
sudo systemctl start nginx # Start the Nginx service.
sudo systemctl stop nginx # Stop the Nginx service.
sudo systemctl restart nginx # Restart the Nginx service.
sudo systemctl reload nginx # Reload the Nginx configuration.
sudo systemctl status nginx # Check the status of the Nginx service.
Service Management (SysVinit)
sudo service nginx start # Start the Nginx service.
sudo service nginx stop # Stop the Nginx service.
sudo service nginx restart # Restart the Nginx service.
sudo service nginx reload # Reload the Nginx configuration.
sudo service nginx status # Check the status of the Nginx service.
Log Management
nginx -e [file] # Use an alternative error log file.
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TCP IP Commands
Basic Commands
ipconfig # Display IP configuration (Windows).
ifconfig # Display IP configuration (Linux/Unix).
ping # Test connectivity to a host.
tracert # Trace the route to a host (Windows).
traceroute # Trace the route to a host (Linux/Unix).
netstat # Display network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics.
route # Display or modify the routing table.
arp # Display or modify the ARP table.
ip # Advanced IP configuration (Linux/Unix, replaces `ifconfig`).
hostname # Display or set the hostname of the system.
Advanced Commands
nslookup # Query DNS servers for domain name or IP address information.
dig # Query DNS servers (Linux/Unix).
tcpdump # Capture and analyze network packets (Linux/Unix).
wireshark # Graphical network protocol analyzer.
nmap # Network exploration and security auditing tool.
telnet # Connect to remote hosts using the Telnet protocol.
ssh # Securely connect to remote hosts using SSH.
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DNS Commands
Basic Commands
nslookup # Query DNS servers for domain name or IP address information.
dig # Query DNS servers (Linux/Unix).
host # DNS lookup utility (Linux/Unix).
ipconfig /displaydns # Display the DNS resolver cache (Windows).
ipconfig /flushdns # Flush the DNS resolver cache (Windows).
Advanced Commands
dnscmd # Manage DNS servers (Windows Server).
rndc # Remote name daemon control for BIND DNS servers (Linux/Unix).
named-checkconf # Check the syntax of BIND DNS configuration files (Linux/Unix).
named-checkzone # Check the syntax and consistency of BIND DNS zone files (Linux/Unix).
systemd-resolve --status # Show the current DNS settings (Linux with systemd).
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MySQL CLI commands
Basic Commands
mysql -u username -p # Connect to MySQL.
SHOW DATABASES; # Show all databases.
USE database_name; # Select a specific database.
SHOW TABLES; # Show all tables in the selected database.
DESCRIBE table_name; # Show the structure of a table.
CREATE DATABASE database_name; # Create a new database.
DROP DATABASE database_name; # Delete a database.
CREATE TABLE table_name (column1 datatype, column2 datatype, ...); # Create a new table.
DROP TABLE table_name; # Delete a table.
Data Manipulation
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...); # Insert data into a table.
SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name; # Retrieve data from a table.
UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ... WHERE condition; # Update data in a table.
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition; # Delete data from a table.
User Management
CREATE USER 'username'@'host' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; # Create a new user.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database*name.* TO 'username'@'host'; # Grant privileges to a user.
REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON database*name.* FROM 'username'@'host'; # Revoke privileges from a user.
SHOW GRANTS FOR 'username'@'host'; # Show the privileges granted to a user.
DROP USER 'username'@'host'; # Delete a user.
Database Maintenance
mysqldump -u username -p database_name > backup_file.sql # Backup a database.
mysql -u username -p database_name < backup_file.sql # Restore a database from a backup.
CHECK TABLE table_name; # Check a table for errors.
REPAIR TABLE table_name; # Repair a table.
OPTIMIZE TABLE table_name; # Optimize a table.
Advanced Commands
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype; # Add a new column to a table.
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name; # Remove a column from a table.
ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY column_name datatype; # Change the data type of a column.
CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name); # Create an index on a column.
DROP INDEX index_name ON table_name; # Remove an index from a column.
SHOW INDEX FROM table_name; # Show all indexes on a table.
Transaction Management
START TRANSACTION; # Begin a new transaction.
COMMIT; # Commit the current transaction.
ROLLBACK; # Roll back the current transaction.
Information and Status
SHOW STATUS; # Display server status information.
SHOW VARIABLES; # Display system variables.
SHOW PROCESSLIST; # Show active threads.
SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS; # Display InnoDB status information.
FLUSH PRIVILEGES; # Reload the privileges from the grant tables in the `mysql` database.
SET PASSWORD FOR 'username'@'host' = PASSWORD('new_password'); # Change a user's password.
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Basic Commands
psql -U username -d database_name # Connect to a PostgreSQL database.
\l # List all databases.
\c database_name # Connect to a specific database.
\dt # List all tables in the current database.
\d table_name # Describe the structure of a table.
CREATE DATABASE database_name; # Create a new database.
DROP DATABASE database_name; # Delete a database.
CREATE TABLE table_name (column1 datatype, column2 datatype, ...); # Create a new table.
DROP TABLE table_name; # Delete a table.
Data Manipulation
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...); # Insert data into a table.
SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name; # Retrieve data from a table.
UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ... WHERE condition; # Update data in a table.
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition; # Delete data from a table.
User Management
CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD 'password'; # Create a new user.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE database_name TO username; # Grant privileges to a user.
REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE database_name FROM username; # Revoke privileges from a user.
\du # List all users and their roles.
DROP USER username; # Delete a user.
Database Maintenance
pg_dump -U username -d database_name -f backup_file.sql # Backup a database.
psql -U username -d database_name -f backup_file.sql # Restore a database from a backup.
VACUUM table_name; # Clean up and optimize a table.
ANALYZE table_name; # Collect statistics about a table for the query planner.
Advanced Commands
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN column_name datatype; # Add a new column to a table.
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name; # Remove a column from a table.
ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name TYPE datatype; # Change the data type of a column.
CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name); # Create an index on a column.
DROP INDEX index_name; # Remove an index.
Transaction Management
BEGIN; # Begin a new transaction.
COMMIT; # Commit the current transaction.
ROLLBACK; # Roll back the current transaction.
Information and Status
\conninfo # Display information about the current database connection.
\dt+ # List all tables with additional information.
\di # List all indexes.
\df # List all functions.
\dv # List all views.
ALTER USER username WITH PASSWORD 'new_password'; # Change a user's password.
REVOKE CONNECT ON DATABASE database_name FROM PUBLIC; # Restrict access to a database.
Advanced Commands
ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name; # Rename a table.
ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME COLUMN old_column_name TO new_column_name; # Rename a column.
COPY table_name TO 'file_path' WITH (FORMAT csv); # Export table data to a CSV file.
COPY table_name FROM 'file_path' WITH (FORMAT csv); # Import data from a CSV file into a table.
Information and Status
\l+ # List all databases with additional information.
\d+ table_name # Describe the structure of a table with additional information.
\x # Toggle expanded display mode for query results.
REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; # Restrict access to the public schema.
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA schema_name TO username; # Grant usage on a schema to a user.
GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA schema_name TO username; # Grant select privileges on all tables in a schema to a user.
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Monitoring and Logging
Basic Commands
prometheus --config.file=path/to/config.yml # Start Prometheus with a specific configuration file.
prometheus --version # Show the Prometheus version.
prometheus --help # Show help for Prometheus CLI.
Configuration and Management
prometheus --storage.tsdb.path=data/ # Set the storage path for metrics.
prometheus --web.listen-address=:9090 # Set the address to listen on for the web interface and API.
prometheus --web.enable-lifecycle # Enable HTTP endpoints for lifecycle management (e.g., reload configuration).
prometheus --web.enable-admin-api # Enable API endpoints for administrative actions.
Storage and Retention
prometheus --storage.tsdb.retention.time=15d # Set the retention time for metrics data.
prometheus --storage.tsdb.retention.size=512MB # Set the retention size for metrics data.
Remote Write and Read
prometheus --web.enable-remote-write-receiver # Enable the remote write receiver endpoint.
prometheus --web.enable-remote-read-receiver # Enable the remote read receiver endpoint.
Promtool Commands
promtool check config path/to/config.yml # Validate the Prometheus configuration file.
promtool check rules path/to/rules.yml # Validate the Prometheus rules file.
promtool query instant --query='up' --time='2025-03-04T12:00:00Z' # Execute an instant query against a Prometheus server.
promtool query range --query='up' --start='2025-03-04T00:00:00Z' --end='2025-03-04T12:00:00Z' --step=60s # Execute a range query against a Prometheus server.
Configuration and Management
prometheus --config.auto-reload-interval=30s # Automatically reload the configuration file at specified intervals.
prometheus --web.config.file=path/to/web_config.yml # Path to a configuration file that can enable TLS or authentication.
prometheus --web.read-timeout=5m # Set the maximum duration before timing out read requests.
prometheus --web.max-connections=512 # Set the maximum number of simultaneous connections.
prometheus --web.external-url=http://example.com # Set the external URL for Prometheus.
prometheus --web.route-prefix=/prometheus # Set the route prefix for web endpoints.
prometheus --web.user-assets=path/to/assets # Path to static asset directory.
Promtool Commands
promtool check metrics path/to/metrics # Validate metrics.
promtool tsdb analyze path/to/tsdb # Analyze a TSDB (Time Series Database) for issues.
promtool tsdb create-blocks-from openmetrics path/to/openmetrics # Create TSDB blocks from OpenMetrics data.
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Development Tools
EXPO CLI commands
Basic Commands
npx expo start # Start the development server.
npx expo prebuild # Generate native Android and iOS directories.
npx expo run:android # Compile and run the native Android app locally.
npx expo run:ios # Compile and run the native iOS app locally.
npx expo install package-name # Install a new library or validate and update specific libraries.
npx expo login # Log in to your Expo account.
npx expo logout # Log out of your Expo account.
npx expo whoami # Display the currently logged-in user.
npx expo register # Create a new Expo account.
Project Management
npx expo export # Export the static files of your project.
npx expo customize # Customize the native project configuration.
npx expo config # Read and write the app configuration.
Development Tools
npx expo lint # Set up and configure ESLint, or lint your project files if ESLint is already configured.
npx expo-doctor # Diagnose issues in your Expo project.
EAS CLI (Expo Application Services)
eas build # Build your app using EAS services.
eas update # Create over-the-air (OTA) updates.
eas submit # Submit your app to the app stores.
eas login # Log in to your Expo account using EAS CLI.
eas logout # Log out of your Expo account using EAS CLI.
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NPM CLI commands
Basic Commands
npm init # Create a `package.json` file.
npm install # Install all dependencies listed in `package.json`.
npm install <package> # Install a specific package.
npm uninstall <package> # Remove a specific package.
npm update # Update all packages to the latest version.
npm outdated # Check for outdated packages.
npm list # List installed packages.
npm run <script> # Run a script defined in `package.json`.
Package Management
npm publish # Publish a package to the npm registry.
npm unpublish # Remove a package from the npm registry.
npm version <newversion> # Bump a package version.
npm view <package> # View registry information about a package.
npm link # Symlink a package folder.
npm pack # Create a tarball from a package.
Configuration and Cache
npm config set <key> <value> # Set a configuration value.
npm config get <key> # Get a configuration value.
npm cache clean --force # Clean the npm cache.
Security and Auditing
npm audit # Run a security audit.
npm audit fix # Automatically fix vulnerabilities.
User Management
npm login # Log in to the npm registry.
npm logout # Log out of the npm registry.
npm whoami # Display the logged-in user.
npm help # Get help on npm commands.
npm doctor # Check your environment for potential problems.
npm fund # Display funding information for dependencies.
npm dedupe # Reduce duplication in the `node_modules` folder.
Advanced Commands
npx expo upgrade # Upgrade your project and its dependencies to the latest versions.
npx expo eject # Create native iOS and Android projects for your app.
npx expo publish # Publish your project to Expo's hosting service.
npx expo build:android # Build a standalone APK or App Bundle for Android.
npx expo build:ios # Build a standalone IPA for iOS.
npx expo diagnostics # Print environment info to debug and report issues.
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YARN CLI commands
Basic Commands
yarn init # Initialize a new project.
yarn install # Install all dependencies defined in `package.json`.
yarn add <package> # Add a package to the project.
yarn remove <package> # Remove a package from the project.
yarn upgrade # Upgrade all dependencies to their latest version.
yarn run <script> # Run a script defined in `package.json`.
Package Management
yarn publish # Publish a package to the npm registry.
yarn pack # Create a tarball from the project.
yarn link # Symlink a package folder.
yarn unlink # Remove a symlinked package.
Configuration and Cache
yarn config set <key> <value> # Set a configuration value.
yarn config get <key> # Get a configuration value.
yarn config delete <key> # Delete a configuration value.
yarn cache clean # Clean the Yarn cache.
Security and Auditing
yarn audit # Run a security audit.
yarn audit fix # Automatically fix vulnerabilities.
User Management
yarn login # Log in to the npm registry.
yarn logout # Log out of the npm registry.
yarn whoami # Display the logged-in user.
yarn help # Get help on Yarn commands.
yarn info <package> # Show information about a package.
yarn list # List installed packages.
yarn why <package> # Explain why a package is installed.
yarn version # Bump the version of your project.
yarn workspace <workspace_name> <command> # Run a command within a specific workspace.
yarn workspaces list # List all available workspaces.
Advanced Commands
yarn dedupe # Deduplicate dependencies with overlapping ranges.
yarn exec <command> # Execute a shell command.
yarn explain <error_code> # Explain an error code.
yarn stage # Add all Yarn files to your version control system.
yarn unplug <package> # Force the unpacking of a list of packages.
Advanced Commands
npm ci # Install dependencies from `package-lock.json` without modifying it.
npm exec <command> # Execute a command from a local package.
npm explain <dependency> # Explain why a dependency is installed.
npm dedupe # Reduce duplication in the `node_modules` folder.
npm prune # Remove extraneous packages.
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PIP Commands
Basic Commands
pip install package_name # Install a package.
pip install --upgrade package_name # Upgrade a package.
pip uninstall package_name # Uninstall a package.
pip list # List installed packages.
pip show package_name # Show information about a package.
pip search query # Search for packages.
pip freeze # Output installed packages and their versions.
pip install -r requirements.txt # Install packages from a requirements file.
pip freeze > requirements.txt # Generate a requirements file.
pip list --outdated # Check for outdated packages.
Advanced Commands
pip check # Verify installed packages have compatible dependencies.
pip cache list # List the contents of the pip cache.
pip cache purge # Remove all items from the pip cache.
pip install --user package_name # Install a package for the current user.
pip install --no-deps package_name # Install a package without dependencies.
pip install --force-reinstall package_name # Reinstall a package, even if it is already installed.
pip install --pre package_name # Install pre-release versions of a package.
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Package Managers
APT Commands
Basic Commands
sudo apt update # Update the package list.
sudo apt upgrade # Upgrade all installed packages to their latest versions.
sudo apt install package_name # Install a new package.
sudo apt remove package_name # Remove a package.
sudo apt autoremove # Remove unnecessary packages.
sudo apt clean # Clean up the local repository of retrieved package files.
sudo apt show package_name # Show detailed information about a package.
sudo apt list # List packages based on criteria (e.g., `--installed`, `--upgradable`).
Advanced Commands
sudo apt full-upgrade # Perform an upgrade, potentially removing some packages if necessary.
sudo apt search keyword # Search for a package by keyword.
sudo apt policy package_name # Show the installed and available versions of a package.
sudo apt edit-sources # Edit the sources list.
sudo apt depends package_name # Show the dependencies of a package.
sudo apt rdepends package_name # Show reverse dependencies of a package.
sudo apt purge package_name # Remove a package and its configuration files.
sudo apt download package_name # Download a package file without installing it.
sudo apt list --upgradable # List all packages that can be upgraded.
sudo apt list --installed # List all installed packages.
sudo apt list --all-versions # List all available versions of a package.
sudo apt-mark hold package_name # Prevent a package from being automatically upgraded.
sudo apt-mark unhold package_name # Allow a package to be automatically upgraded again.
sudo apt-get build-dep package_name # Install dependencies required to build a package from source.
sudo apt-get source package_name # Download the source code of a package.
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YUM Commands
Basic Commands
sudo yum update # Update all packages to the latest version.
sudo yum install package_name # Install a new package.
sudo yum remove package_name # Remove a package.
sudo yum list # List all available and installed packages.
sudo yum search keyword # Search for a package by keyword.
sudo yum info package_name # Display detailed information about a package.
sudo yum clean all # Clean up the local repository of retrieved package files.
Advanced Commands
sudo yum check-update # Check for available package updates.
sudo yum deplist package_name # Display dependencies for a package.
sudo yum groupinstall "Group Name" # Install a group of packages.
sudo yum groupremove "Group Name" # Remove a group of packages.
sudo yum groupinfo "Group Name" # Display detailed information about a package group.
sudo yum history # Display the transaction history of `yum` commands.
sudo yum history undo transaction_id # Undo a specific transaction.
sudo yum history redo transaction_id # Redo a specific transaction.
sudo yum repolist # List all enabled repositories.
sudo yum repoinfo # Display detailed information about repositories.
sudo yum provides file_name # Find which package provides a specific file.
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CURL Commands
Basic Commands
curl http://example.com # Fetch a URL.
curl -O http://example.com/file.txt # Download a file.
curl -o output.txt http://example.com/file.txt # Download a file and save it with a specific name.
curl -I http://example.com # Fetch the headers of a URL.
curl -L http://example.com # Follow redirects.
curl -u username:password http://example.com # Access a URL with basic authentication.
curl -d "param1=value1¶m2=value2" http://example.com # Send POST data.
curl -X POST http://example.com # Send a POST request.
curl -X DELETE http://example.com # Send a DELETE request.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"key":"value"}' http://example.com # Send JSON data.
Advanced Commands
curl -F "name=@file.txt" http://example.com/upload # Upload a file.
curl -b cookies.txt http://example.com # Send cookies from a file.
curl -c cookies.txt http://example.com # Save cookies to a file.
curl -k https://example.com # Ignore SSL certificate warnings.
curl --limit-rate 100K http://example.com # Limit the download rate.
curl --proxy http://proxy.example.com:8080 http://example.com # Use a proxy.
curl --compressed http://example.com # Request a compressed response.
curl --interface eth0 http://example.com # Use a specific network interface.
curl --retry 5 http://example.com # Retry a failed request up to 5 times.
curl --data-urlencode "param=value" http://example.com # URL encode POST data.
curl -X PUT http://example.com # Send a PUT request.
curl -X PATCH http://example.com # Send a PATCH request.
curl -T file.txt http://example.com # Upload a file using PUT.
curl -u username:password -T file.txt ftp://example.com # Upload a file to an FTP server with authentication.
curl -C - -O http://example.com/file.txt # Resume a previous file transfer.
curl --head http://example.com # Fetch only the headers of a URL.
curl --data-binary @file.bin http://example.com # Send binary data.
curl --cert cert.pem --key key.pem https://example.com # Use a client certificate for HTTPS requests.
curl --max-time 10 http://example.com # Set a maximum time for the request.
curl --connect-timeout 5 http://example.com # Set a maximum time for the connection phase.
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Messaging and Queuing
MQTT CLI Commands
Basic Commands
mqtt pub -t [topic] -m "[message]" -h [broker] # Publish a message to a topic.
mqtt sub -t [topic] -h [broker] # Subscribe to a topic.
mqtt sh # Enter shell mode.
mqtt test -h [broker] # Run tests against a broker.
mqtt --help # Get an overview of supported commands.
Advanced Commands
mqtt pub -t [topic] -m "[message]" -h [broker] -q [QoS] # Publish a message with a specific Quality of Service (QoS) level.
mqtt sub -t [topic] -h [broker] -q [QoS] # Subscribe to a topic with a specific QoS level.
mqtt pub -t [topic] -m "[message]" -h [broker] -r # Publish a retained message.
mqtt sub -t [topic] -h [broker] -v # Subscribe to a topic with verbose output.
Connection Management
mqtt conn -h [broker] -p [port] # Connect to a broker on a specific port.
mqtt disconn # Disconnect from the broker.
mqtt reconnect # Reconnect to the broker.
mqtt pub -t [topic] -m "[message]" -h [broker] --cafile [file] # Publish a message using a CA certificate file.
mqtt sub -t [topic] -h [broker] --cafile [file] # Subscribe to a topic using a CA certificate file.
Shell Mode Commands
mqtt con -i [client-id] # Connect an MQTT client with a specific client ID.
mqtt dis # Disconnect an MQTT client.
mqtt switch # Switch the current client context.
mqtt ls # List all connected clients in the current session.
mqtt cls # Clear the screen.
mqtt exit # Exit the shell mode.
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RabbitMQ CLI Commands
General Management
rabbitmqctl status # Display the status of the RabbitMQ node.
rabbitmqctl stop # Stop the RabbitMQ node.
rabbitmqctl start_app # Start the RabbitMQ application.
rabbitmqctl stop_app # Stop the RabbitMQ application.
rabbitmqctl reset # Reset the RabbitMQ node to its initial state.
rabbitmqctl rotate_logs # Rotate the RabbitMQ logs.
User Management
rabbitmqctl add_user [username] [password] # Add a new user.
rabbitmqctl delete_user [username] # Delete a user.
rabbitmqctl list_users # List all users.
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags [username] [tag] # Set tags for a user.
Virtual Host Management
rabbitmqctl add_vhost [vhost] # Add a new virtual host.
rabbitmqctl delete_vhost [vhost] # Delete a virtual host.
rabbitmqctl list_vhosts # List all virtual hosts.
Permission Management
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p [vhost] [user] "[conf]" "[write]" "[read]" # Set permissions for a user on a virtual host.
rabbitmqctl clear_permissions -p [vhost] [user] # Clear permissions for a user on a virtual host.
rabbitmqctl list_permissions -p [vhost] # List all permissions for a virtual host.
Queue Management
rabbitmqctl list_queues # List all queues.
rabbitmqctl purge_queue [queue] # Purge all messages from a queue.
rabbitmqctl delete_queue [queue] # Delete a queue.
### Exchange Management
{% endraw %}
rabbitmqctl list_exchanges # List all exchanges.
rabbitmqctl delete_exchange [exchange] # Delete an exchange.
{% raw %}
Plugin Management
rabbitmq-plugins enable [plugin] # Enable a plugin.
rabbitmq-plugins disable [plugin] # Disable a plugin.
rabbitmq-plugins list # List all plugins.
rabbitmq-diagnostics check_port_connectivity # Check port connectivity.
rabbitmq-diagnostics memory_breakdown # Display memory usage breakdown.
rabbitmq-diagnostics server_version # Display the RabbitMQ server version.
HTTP API Management
rabbitmqadmin list [object] # List objects (e.g., queues, exchanges).
rabbitmqadmin declare [object] # Declare objects (e.g., queues, exchanges).
rabbitmqadmin delete [object] # Delete objects (e.g., queues, exchanges).
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Kafka CLI Commands
General Management
kafka-server-start.sh [config-file] # Start a Kafka server with the specified configuration file.
kafka-server-stop.sh # Stop the running Kafka server.
zookeeper-server-start.sh [config-file] # Start the ZooKeeper server with the specified configuration file.
zookeeper-server-stop.sh # Stop the running ZooKeeper server.
Topic Management
kafka-topics.sh --create --topic [topic-name] --bootstrap-server [server] --partitions [num] --replication-factor [num] # Create a new topic.
kafka-topics.sh --list --bootstrap-server [server] # List all topics.
kafka-topics.sh --describe --topic [topic-name] --bootstrap-server [server] # Describe a topic.
kafka-topics.sh --delete --topic [topic-name] --bootstrap-server [server] # Delete a topic.
Producer and Consumer
kafka-console-producer.sh --topic [topic-name] --bootstrap-server [server] # Start a console producer to send messages to a topic.
kafka-console-consumer.sh --topic [topic-name] --bootstrap-server [server] --from-beginning # Start a console consumer to read messages from a topic from the beginning.
Consumer Group Management
kafka-consumer-groups.sh --list --bootstrap-server [server] # List all consumer groups.
kafka-consumer-groups.sh --describe --group [group-name] --bootstrap-server [server] # Describe a consumer group.
kafka-consumer-groups.sh --delete --group [group-name] --bootstrap-server [server] # Delete a consumer group.
Offsets Management
kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offsets --group [group-name] --topic [topic-name] --to-earliest --bootstrap-server [server] # Reset offsets for a consumer group to the earliest.
kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offsets --group [group-name] --topic [topic-name] --to-latest --bootstrap-server [server] # Reset offsets for a consumer group to the latest.
Partition Management
kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --reassignment-json-file [file] --execute --bootstrap-server [server] # Reassign partitions as specified in the JSON file.
kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --reassignment-json-file [file] --verify --bootstrap-server [server] # Verify partition reassignment.
Log Management
kafka-log-dirs.sh --describe --bootstrap-server [server] # Describe log directories.
Configuration Management
kafka-configs.sh --alter --entity-type [type] --entity-name [name] --add-config [config] --bootstrap-server [server] # Alter configurations for a specified entity.
kafka-configs.sh --describe --entity-type [type] --entity-name [name] --bootstrap-server [server] # Describe configurations for a specified entity.
Code Quality and Security
SonarQube CLI Commands
Basic Commands
sonar-scanner # Run the SonarQube scanner to analyze your project.
sonar-scanner -h # Display help information.
sonar-scanner -v # Display version information.
sonar-scanner -X # Produce execution debug output.
-Dsonar.projectKey=[projectKey] # Set the unique project key.
-Dsonar.projectName=[projectName] # Set the project name.
-Dsonar.projectVersion=[version] # Set the project version.
-Dsonar.sources=[sourcePath] # Set the source code path.
-Dsonar.host.url=[URL] # Set the SonarQube server URL.
-Dsonar.login=[token] # Set the authentication token.
Advanced Configuration
-Dsonar.sourceEncoding=[encoding] # Set the source code encoding (default is system encoding).
-Dsonar.exclusions=[pattern] # Exclude files from analysis.
-Dsonar.inclusions=[pattern] # Include only specific files in the analysis.
-Dsonar.tests=[testPath] # Set the test code path.
-Dsonar.test.inclusions=[pattern] # Include only specific test files in the analysis.
-Dsonar.test.exclusions=[pattern] # Exclude test files from analysis.
Running Analysis
sonar-scanner -Dsonar.projectKey=my:project -Dsonar.sources=. -Dsonar.host.url=http://localhost:9000 -Dsonar.login=myAuthenticationToken # Example command to run analysis with specified parameters.
Docker Commands
docker run --rm -e SONAR_HOST_URL="http://your-sonarqube-server" -v "${YOUR_REPO}:/usr/src" sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli # Run SonarScanner CLI using Docker.
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π₯ Conclusion
Mastering the command line can significantly boost your productivity and efficiency. This cheat sheet is designed to be your go-to CLI reference, whether you're a beginner or an experienced user.
π‘ Stay Updated: I will continue to add new topics and update existing commands as technologies evolve. Make sure to bookmark this page and check back for the latest updates!
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