Flutter vs React Native vs Native development (Kotlin/Swift)

Saina - Dec 3 '23 - - Dev Community

Flutter: Google's creation, known for its unified codebase for iOS and Android. It boasts hot reload for real-time changes and offers a wide range of widgets, top performance, and visually appealing UIs.

React Native: From Facebook, uses JavaScript and React for cross-platform mobile app development. It offers a single codebase, native-like performance, a strong community, and rapid development potential.

Native Development (Kotlin/Swift): Building separate apps for Android (Kotlin) and iOS (Swift) allows for native performance, full access to platform-specific features, and the best user experience. Ideal for high-performance apps and leveraging specific platform capabilities.

Factors Flutter React Native Kotlin/Swift
Performance Good; efficient rendering with a dedicated graphic engine called Skia Good; might have slight overhead Excellent due to direct device feature access
Development Time Reduced due to code reuse Reduced due to code sharing Longer due to separate codebases
UI/UX Focuses on consistent UI/UX Aims for native look and feel Complete control over platform-specific designs
Community and Ecosystem Growing community and ecosystem Larger community; established ecosystem Well-established, platform-specific ecosystems
Platform-Specific Features Relies on plugins for some functionalities Integrates platform-specific features Direct access to platform-specific functionalities
Learning Curve Uses Dart, accessible to web developers Uses JavaScript and React, familiar to web developers Requires learning platform-specific languages
Development Cost Potentially lower due to code reuse Lower due to code sharing May be costlier due to separate codebases
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