In the previous article in this series, we saw how to implement an example Typescript script in Deno 2.0 and run it from the command line. In this article, for the sake of comparison, we will see how to achieve the same using Node.JS
Node.JS and Typescript support
Before starting, let's demystify one thing. Node.JS, at the time of writing, DOES NOT support Typescript. You may have seen some headlines recently stating that, but actually, what Node has is something called Typescript type stripping, which, as the name implies, just strips the Typescript portion of the code and interprets the remaining as regular Javascript code, ignoring any TS feature on it.
Type stripping was implemented first as an experimental flag on Node 22 and will be enabled by default on Node 23. It is also currently not complete and lacks support for some Typescript features, like ENUMS
and Namespaces
For these reasons, I like to think that Node.JS, in its current state, more likely tolerates (and ignores) Typescript than actually supports it.
Implementing the Script Using Node.JS
Initializing the project
First of all, we need to create a new folder and then initialize a Node.JS project there. For this, type in a Terminal window
mkdir sayHello
cd sayHello
npm init -y
Installing the external dependencies
To use external dependencies (NPM modules) in Node.JS, we must first install them and then add them to our script.
Install chalk, yosay and inquirer and its types from NPM by typing in the Terminal window
npm install chalk yosay inquirer
npm install --save-dev @types/yosay
Creating the script
Inside the sayHello
folder, create a new folder called src
, and inside it, a file called sayHello.ts
mkdir src
touch src/sayHello.ts
Importing the external dependencies
Import the dependencies to the script by opening src/sayHello.ts
in your editor and add the following lines
// src/sayHello.ts
import chalk from 'chalk';
import yosay from 'yosay';
import inquirer, { Answers } from 'inquirer';
Implementing the script body
With the dependencies added, it's time to implement the script body. For this, add the following lines to src/sayHello.ts
after the import block
// src/sayHello.ts
// import ...
console.log('\nHello visitor, please enter you details:\n'));
const questions: Answers = [
type: 'input',
name: 'name',
message: "What's your name?",
required: true,
type: 'list',
name: 'salutation',
message: 'How should I refer to you?',
choices: ['Mr.', 'Mrs.', 'none'],
inquirer.prompt(questions).then((answers) => {
const { salutation, name } = answers ;
console.log(`\n${'[SUCCESS]:')} information entered was correct`);
const person: string[] = [ name ];
if(salutation !== 'none') person.unshift(salutation);
console.log(yosay(`Hallo ${person.join(' ')}!`));
Save the changes, and next, we will run the script.
Running the script from source
OK, now we have the script ready, but how do we run it? That's where things get a bit more complicated. In Node.JS, the short answer is that we cannot run it directly. You need to transpile it before running or use a dedicated tool to do it transparently for us. (again, ignore Node's type stripping feature)
So how do we run it then?
First of all, install the TSX dependency. In the terminal window, do
npm install --save-dev tsx
Then, we have three ways of running the script from source.
Method 1: Using NPX
On the sayHello
folder, do
npx tsx src/sayHello.ts
It will use a tool called TSX to transpile and run the TS code transparently
Method 2: Adding an alias to package.json
Open the package.json
file in your editor and add this line into the scripts section.
"scripts": {
"test": "...", // existing script
"start": "tsx src/sayHello.ts"
then, on sayHello
folder, just do
npm start
Method 3: Making the script executable (Linux/MacOS)
Add this line at the top of src/sayHello.ts
#!/usr/bin/env -S npx tsx
// src/sayHello.ts
// ...
open a Terminal window and run
chmod +x src/sayHello.ts
and then, every time you need to run the script, in the sayHello
folder, do
Run the script using the desired method, answer the questions, and check the output.
Going Further
Following the above steps, we were able to implement and run the same script we had in Deno 2.0. But there is one major difference. While Deno is truly running the script as-is, Node.JS, runs a transformed version of it that TSX generates. Let's say we have two versions of the script, the one we developed (in TS) and the other that Node runs natively (converted from TS to JS by TSX).
What are the implications? For big and complex projects, it could make things slower and require more resources, but for a small command line script, I would say none, if any at all.
What if I want to run the "translated" version of the script in Node and run it natively? Is it possible? Yes, it is, and this process we call transpilation, it's a bit complex topic and out of the scope of this article, so we are not covering it now. We may have it covered in an appendix after finishing this series. Stay tuned for more information.
Wrapping up
That's it. That's all we need to know to run a Typescript script with external dependencies, on the command line, using Node.JS
You can check the complete source code of the Node.JS version of the script here as well the source code of the Deno 2.0 version.
In the next article in this series, we will summarize both implementations and wrap up our findings with thoughtful conclusions.