3 weeks Journey with AWS DevOps Engineer Certification: My Experience and Tips

Rohit - May 11 - - Dev Community

Greetings, my fellow tech enthusiasts! I am thrilled to share with you my journey towards achieving the AWS DevOps Engineer certification. With a passion for technology and a drive to continuously enhance my skills, pursuing this certification was a natural progression in my career journey. Today in this article, I’ll take you through the steps I took to prepare for and pass the AWS DevOps Engineer exam, offering insights, tips, and strategies that I hope will inspire and assist you on your own certification path. So, grab your coffee, buckle up, and let’s dive into the world of AWS DevOps certification together

Study Strategies:

Preparing for the AWS DevOps Engineer certification exam requires a well-structured approach to learning. Here are some key study strategies that proved instrumental in my preparation:

1) Domains — AWS DevOps Engineer professional exam has been divided into various domains and each domain is really important which required detailed knowledge.
Domain 1: SDLC Automation (22% of scored content)
Domain 2: Configuration Management and IaC (17% of scored content)
Domain 3: Resilient Cloud Solutions (15% of scored content)
Domain 4: Monitoring and Logging (15% of scored content)
Domain 5: Incident and Event Response (14% of scored content)
Domain 6: Security and Compliance (17% of scored content)

2) Online Study — Go through the online course from Stephane Maarek on Udemy, which helped me to revise my knowledge about DevOps concept. I took 2 weeks for this. Here is the link for the course.


3) Mock Exam— Taking practice exams played a pivotal role in my exam preparation. These mock exams not only familiarized me with the exam format and question types but also helped me identify areas where I needed to focus additional study efforts. Go through the online practice test from TutorialDojo as follow:


4) Time Management — This is a tough one and questions were very lengthy. To simulate real exam conditions, I practiced time-bound mock exams to improve my time management skills. This ensured that I could effectively allocate time to each question during the actual exam and complete it within the allotted timeframe.

5) *Recommendation *— There are many key topics which needs to master for AWS DevOps engineer professional exams and based on my experience, some of them are:-

  • CI/CD Pipelines (CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodeArtifact)
  • Elastic Beanstalk
  • AWS CloudFormation
  • AWS Config
  • Cloudwatch Event Rules, CloudWatch Logs, CloudTrails
  • SSM, Lambda, API Gateway
  • SDLC, Disaster Recovery, High Availability, Deployment Strategy etc.

6) Stay consistent and Hands-on Practice — Encourage readers to start their preparation early and establish a study routine. Focus on hand-on practice with AWS services and mock exams.

In conclusion, my journey to achieving the AWS DevOps Engineer certification has been both challenging and rewarding. With diligent study, practice, and perseverance, I was able to overcome obstacles and emerge victorious on exam day. As I reflect on this experience, I’m reminded of the importance of setting clear goals, staying disciplined in my study routine, and believing in my abilities.

Best of luck on your certification journey, and may your future endeavors be filled with success and fulfillment.

Happy Learning!!

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