Learning AWS Day by Day - Day 2 - Cloud Computing

Saloni Singh - Mar 11 - - Dev Community

Exploring AWS !!

Day 2:

Cloud Computing (continued)

What is Amazon Web Services (AWS)?

On-demand Cloud Computing services
Specialization at providing IaaS
Provides various cloud services like compute, power, content delivery, storage
Competitors - Azure & GCP

#AWS Service Domains:

Compute - EC2, Elastic Beanstalk
Networking - VPC, CloudFront, Route53
Storage - S3, EFS
Database - RDS, Dynamodb

Starting off with AWS:

Create an Account - https://aws.amazon.com/resources/create-account/

Types of Hypervisor:

Type -1 (Native/Bare Metal)

Hardware --> Hypervisor --> RedHat Linux, MS Windows

Type -2 (Hosted)

Hardware --> OS --> Hypervisor --> RedHat Linux, MS Windows

Therefore, Type-1 is used by AWS.

Xen Hypervisor:

Xen project is a hypervisor using microkernel design.
Open source virtualization platform, which is powering biggest players in cloud.
AWS, RackSpace, OpenStack use Xen.
KVM also used in some places.

Summary (Day 1 & Day 2)

Cloud Computing is storing & accessing data & programs over internet.
Benefits are scalability & improved security.
Deployment & Service models.
AWS Services - Compute, Networking, Security, Databases.
Major Cloud Providers - Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud.

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