Front End Technologies

Raphael - Jun 27 - - Dev Community

I'm a front end developer on an internship at

I wish to improve my skills at react due to the fact that vanilla JavaScript can't be used to build scalable apps unlike react, to then advance to learning nextjs because the both have different features which you can find below 👇

ReactJS and NextJS are two distinct JavaScript tools used for crafting user interfaces, each with unique strengths and purposes.

ReactJS is a library that:

  • Enables building reusable UI components
  • Concentrates on the visual aspect (View) of the MVC model
  • Excels at creating intricate, interactive UI elements
  • Requires manual setup of routing and state management
  • Offers high customizability and flexibility

NextJS, built upon ReactJS, is a framework that:

  • Facilitates building high-performance, server rendered and statically generated React applications
  • Encompasses the entire MVC architecture
  • Optimizes building swift, scalable, and search engine-friendly web applications
  • Includes integrated routing, state management, and server-side rendering capabilities

In essence:

  • ReactJS suits complex UI component development with manual configuration
  • NextJS excels at building fast, scalable, and SEO-optimized web applications with streamlined configuration. You can join me at to improve your skills and connect with a lot of developers like you.