Hi, my name is Saifullah Usmani. I am a freelance Programmer. I have been programming for almost 5 years now. And I make websites (SaaS commonly) for my clients.
I have made several posts related to freelancing and you guys have seemed to love it. So I decided to write an E-Book explaining the mindset needed for freelancing in much more detail. I am merging all of my experience into that e-book and I have covered topics such as communication skill, networking etc.
I want you guys to participate and help me understand what kind of things I should be covering in that e-book. Any question you ask matters. Because I will use that data to create the chapters and stuff you want to/have to learn in order to become a freelancer and keep growing as one.
I would love to hear your thoughts.
Follow me:
Hire me: https://www.fiverr.com/saifullah02 (For web development Purposes)
My New Blog: saifullahusmani.com
Follow me here: https://dev.to/saifullahusmani
YouTube: http://bit.ly/saifullahusmani (Programming Tutorials Coming Soon).
Discord: https://discord.gg/AKyvy8Y
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SaifullahUsmani693