Samuel Adedigba - Jun 30 - - Dev Community

Comparing Tailwind CSS and Traditional CSS

When it comes to styling web pages, developers have several options. Traditional CSS has been the go-to method for years, but modern tools like Tailwind CSS offer a different approach. In this article, we’ll compare Tailwind CSS and Traditional CSS, exploring their features, strengths, and ideal use cases. As a participant in the HNG Internship, where React.js is extensively used, I’ll also share my thoughts on integrating these styling methods with React and my excitement about mastering them.

Traditional CSS: The Classic Styling Language

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the traditional way of styling web pages. It’s a style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in HTML.

Key Features

  1. Selectors and Properties: CSS uses selectors to target HTML elements and apply styles using various properties.
  2. Cascading and Specificity: The “cascading” part of CSS allows styles to cascade down from parent elements to children, with specificity rules determining which styles are applied.
  3. Flexibility: CSS provides a high degree of flexibility, allowing for detailed control over the appearance of elements.
  4. Media Queries: CSS supports responsive design through media queries, allowing styles to change based on screen size or other characteristics.


  • Detailed Control: CSS gives developers precise control over the styling of each element.
  • Widely Supported: As a core web technology, CSS is universally supported by all browsers.
  • Mature Ecosystem: There’s a wealth of resources, frameworks, and tools available to help with CSS development.

Use Cases

  • Comprehensive Styling: Suitable for projects that require detailed and specific styling.
  • Legacy Projects: Essential for maintaining and updating older websites.

Tailwind CSS: The Utility-First Framework

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides low-level utility classes to build custom designs without writing traditional CSS.

Key Features

  1. Utility Classes: Tailwind provides a vast array of utility classes for common styling needs, such as padding, margin, colors, and typography.
  2. Responsive Design: Tailwind’s responsive utilities allow for easy development of responsive designs without writing media queries.
  3. Customization: Tailwind is highly customizable, allowing developers to configure and extend the framework to meet their needs.
  4. Component-Based: Tailwind encourages a component-based approach, making it a natural fit for modern frontend frameworks like React.


  • Rapid Development: Tailwind’s utility classes enable rapid prototyping and development.
  • Consistent Styling: Ensures consistent styling across a project without the need for writing extensive custom CSS.
  • Ease of Maintenance: Utility classes reduce the need for complex CSS, making styles easier to maintain.

Use Cases

  • Prototyping: Ideal for quickly creating prototypes and iterating on designs.
  • Modern Web Apps: Well-suited for use with component-based frameworks like React.

React at HNG Internship

At the HNG Internship, React.js is extensively used for building modern web applications. React’s component-based architecture pairs well with both Tailwind CSS and traditional CSS, depending on the project’s needs.

Integrating Tailwind CSS with React

  • Component Styling: Tailwind’s utility classes can be directly applied to React components, making it easy to style components consistently.
  • Custom Components: Tailwind’s customization options allow for creating reusable, styled components in React.

Integrating Traditional CSS with React

  • CSS Modules: Traditional CSS can be scoped to individual components using CSS modules, preventing style conflicts.
  • Styled Components: Libraries like styled-components enable writing traditional CSS in JavaScript, providing the benefits of both approaches.

Why I’m Excited About React and Styling

As I delve deeper into React.js during the HNG Internship, I am excited about the flexibility and power that both Tailwind CSS and traditional CSS offer. Tailwind’s utility-first approach speeds up development, while traditional CSS provides the control needed for complex designs.


Both Tailwind CSS and traditional CSS have their unique strengths and use cases. Tailwind’s utility-first approach accelerates development and ensures consistent styling, while traditional CSS offers detailed control and is essential for legacy projects.

As I continue my journey with the HNG Internship, I look forward to mastering these styling techniques and integrating them into my React projects. If you’re interested in learning more about the HNG Internship and how it can accelerate your development career, check out HNG Internship and HNG Premium.
