Search & Replace Texts in DOCX

satyajit nayak - Jun 9 - - Dev Community

Search & Replace Texts in DOCX

Hey guys, I have created a package name edit-office-file which can search & replace multiple text strings inside a DOCX file as well other office files.

  1. First install the pkg: npm i edit-office-files.

  2. Usage style:

import {SearchAndReplace} from 'edit-office-files';

async function main() {
  const searchTexts = ['Hello World', 'are You', 'coloured'];
  const replacementTexts = ['REPLACEMENT1', 'REPLACEMENT2', 'REPLACEMENT3'];
  const reader = new SearchAndReplace('assets/document.docx', searchTexts, replacementTexts, 'updated.docx');
  await reader.process();


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Here is the github link for the project.

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